dyweb / web-stuff

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Weekly for 2016/04/13 #59

Closed arrowrowe closed 8 years ago

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

2016/04/13, 第六循环第一次, 总第二十八期 -> @at15


swaylq commented 8 years ago

OS X/iOS 系统漏洞整理

GokawaHaruki commented 8 years ago

Node Hero Ch3: Understanding Async Programming in Node.js

at15 commented 8 years ago

Real-time performance monitoring, done right! http://netdata.firehol.org

at15 commented 8 years ago

Abot makes it easy and fun to build your own digital assistant, and we include everything you need to get started. https://www.itsabot.org

cc @arrowrowe @LukeXuan do you want make a 咩抖酱?

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

A detailed and friendly Promise guiding book: JavaScript Promiseの本 (Chinese: JavaScript Promise迷你书).

Note its recommendations (JavaScript: The Good Parts, JavaScript Patterns, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 6th Edition etc.) as well.

Other recommendations: Bluebird's API Reference and Why Promises.

ComMouse commented 8 years ago


其中有各种 RPC 序列化方式的介绍

ComMouse commented 8 years ago



at15 commented 8 years ago

@ComMouse 资深架构师小豆(芽)

at15 commented 8 years ago

另外他们的about页面做的还可以,我们可以参考下 http://estgroupe.com/ cc @arrowrowe

at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago

Opensource driver for kinect for windows v2

at15 commented 8 years ago

Wraith — A responsive screenshot comparison tool

at15 commented 8 years ago

看 ng2 才知道了 html 的 base tag https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/HTML/Element/base

sxjscience commented 8 years ago

Has MXNet (https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet) been included in the weekly before?

at15 commented 8 years ago

@sxjscience yep, https://github.com/dyweb/web-stuff/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=mxnet

Use the search(source), luke @LukeXuan /w\

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Minty.js. Run your code through Minty.js to see the state of your variables as each line executes.

at15 commented 8 years ago

Please.js is a polite companion that wants to help you make your projects beautiful. It uses HSV color space to create random pleasing colors as well as color schemes based on a given color. It has two core functions and a bunch of little helpers for you to use.

at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago

Promise based HTTP client for browser and node.js

GokawaHaruki commented 8 years ago

Emoji helpers as CLI with node: emoji-cli and emomi.

at15 commented 8 years ago
ComMouse commented 8 years ago

PSR-7 By Example

LukeXuan commented 8 years ago

Veertu OS X native virtualization box provider.

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Space Radar Electron, a space visualizer that allows interactive Sunburst and Treemap charting of your disk space and memory.

at15 commented 8 years ago

A meta-JavaScript adventure game by Alex Nisnevich and Greg Shuflin. http://alex.nisnevich.com/untrusted/

at15 commented 8 years ago
arrowrowe commented 8 years ago


arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

B站2000万用户分析 (GitHub: airingursb/bilibili-user)

B站用户报告 (GitHub: airingursb/bilibili-report)

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Mathics (GitHub: mathics/Mathics), A free, light-weight alternative to Mathematica.

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

WebTorrent Desktop (GitHub: feross/webtorrent-desktop), The streaming torrent client.

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

GitLab Pages

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Composing Programs, a free online introduction to programming and computer science.

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Analyzing the NPM dependency network


arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Why Everyone Hates Go

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

How we built a recommendation system that helps readers discover 38 million interesting articles per month

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Semantic Mining of Social Network

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Tern (GitHub: ternjs/tern), a stand-alone, editor-independent JavaScript analyzer that can be used to improve the JavaScript integration of existing editors.

at15 commented 8 years ago

@arrowrowe ....你怎么突然....

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

re @at15 几天没看新闻了, 怒清一波

GokawaHaruki commented 8 years ago

Webpack — The Confusing Parts

GokawaHaruki commented 8 years ago

What just happened to Greenkeeper: Your “just” considered harmful. Fake robot PRs? "Just" merge them totally trusting? See what's going on here.

at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago

代码(居然在gh上 \w/) https://github.com/Terry-Mao/bfs

at15 commented 8 years ago

从那篇文章里找到的作者 https://github.com/Terry-Mao 他的其他一些golang的项目 cc @gaocegege

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago


at15 commented 8 years ago

have elder in your console \w/

at15 commented 8 years ago