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Weekly for 2016/06/08 #76

Closed ComMouse closed 8 years ago

ComMouse commented 8 years ago

2016/06/08, 第八循环第一次, 总第三十六期 -> @at15


at15 commented 8 years ago

历史的大锅,又一次甩到了我的脸上.... 让我先玩把守望先锋压压惊

ComMouse commented 8 years ago

CRLF Injection漏洞的利用与实例分析

CRLF 也可以这么玩==

LukeXuan commented 8 years ago


On Thu, Jun 2, 2016, 1:34 PM Kevin Han notifications@github.com wrote:

CRLF Injection漏洞的利用与实例分析 http://drops.wooyun.org/papers/2466

CRLF 也可以这么玩==

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ComMouse commented 8 years ago

@LukeXuan #68 Proxy 过 @at15 了

ComMouse commented 8 years ago

PSR 中文翻译

目前 PSR-3, PSR-6, PSR-7 等较新规范的翻译都有了

补充:似乎 PSR-7 只翻译了一半。。

at15 commented 8 years ago

image image


at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago

搜 defend thesis 搜到的

at15 commented 8 years ago

原来还有个 http verb 是 300 .... http://www.cc.gatech.edu/student.services/phd/phd-advice/ 好像以前真没遇到过....

at15 commented 8 years ago

srclib is a polyglot code analysis library, built for hackability. It consists of language analysis toolchains (currently for Go and Java, with Python, JavaScript, and Ruby in beta) with a common output format, and a CLI tool for running the analysis

cc @gaocegege

at15 commented 8 years ago
arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Building Problem Solvers


at15 commented 8 years ago

@arrowrowe 好像可以写一个符号计算系统(代数)? cc @sxjscience

然而我坑太多了....... /w\

sxjscience commented 8 years ago

不如我们自己弄一个Probabilistic Programming的系统?(就跟我上次说的那样)。http://probabilistic-programming.org/wiki/Home

sxjscience commented 8 years ago

比如Stan http://mc-stan.org/interfaces/stan Anglican http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~fwood/anglican

gaocegege commented 8 years ago

https://github.com/Aploium/MagicWebsiteMirror 浙大大一的 @Aploium 实现的反向代理工具 只见新人笑,不见旧人哭啊=-=

at15 commented 8 years ago
gaocegege commented 8 years ago


at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago

from https://github.com/zenany/weekly/commit/4be73e2a1d4c88d7f6c9d38525abd4a365243e1b


What is difference between props and state in React?
http://appendto.com/2016/05/what-is-difference-between-props-and-state/ cc daniyuu

很多刚接触react的人都会对 props 和 state 只有概念上的区分,在什么场景下用哪一种把握的不是很好,可以通过本文来对其有一个更深的认识

React Tutorial: Cloning Yelp
https://www.fullstackreact.com/articles/react-tutorial-cloning-yelp/ cc daniyuu

一个很不错的用react做一个复杂应用的demo加tutorial, 想入手react的同学可以尝试

https://github.com/infinitered/ignite The ideal starting app for React Native

Design and Build Your Own JavaScript Library: Tips & Tricks
https://www.sitepoint.com/design-and-build-your-own-javascript-library/ cc @arrowrowe @gaocegege I will explain how libraries are built. Although most of the topics covered will apply to other languages, this article is mainly focused on building a JavaScript library.

QQ - 日请求过亿的Web系统PHP7升级实践
http://geek.csdn.net/news/detail/77849#0-tsina-1-21707-397232819ff9a47a7b7e80a40613cfe1 cc @ComMouse

其实我想说的是,有时候 Runtime 的优化带来的收益还是相当大的。在你的团队有足够的技术沉淀,对 runtime 足够了解时,是可以实践 Runtime 优化的。

http://www.infoq.com/cn/minibooks/chinatechday-jp cc @kdplus 组织上已经决定了,你relocate到霓虹国了

重拾 CSS 的乐趣
http://www.imooc.com/learn/588 感觉我已经彻底放弃CSS了.... /w\ from @at15

回顾一下这项总被人误以为简单的技术,其实 CSS 是相当有趣的,要做到精通还是挺有挑战的。

重构过程中的过度设计 cc @ComMouse design pattern深度患者 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5ODczNTkwMA==&mid=2650107080&idx=1&sn=527e1f3f9b048127d1114f9272ddd927


Feature Toggles Revisited
https://www.infoq.com/news/2016/02/featuretoggles cc @ComMouse

开关系统对于大型应用来说是非常重要的,Facebook 就非常依赖它

building 3D games on the Web
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Games cc @ComMouse

大量的 web 3D 游戏开发的教程和技术文档,VR技术库也在开发中。

Promises, Async and Await
https://zeit.co/blog/async-and-await cc @arrowrowe


Introducing HyperDev

Fog Creek 公司推出的新型 PAAS 平台,和其它不一样的地方是它追求最快上手,打开页面就能使用了,甚至不需要帐号登录就能直接在线编辑

JavaScript Puzzlers! cc @gaocegege (/w) @arrowrowe http://javascript-puzzlers.herokuapp.com/
JS 大牛们,来看看你们能做对几道题

at15 commented 8 years ago

from https://github.com/zenany/weekly/commit/4be73e2a1d4c88d7f6c9d38525abd4a365243e1b

Android开发书籍推荐 & 学习路线图 cc @kdplus @mingzz

很多时候我们都会不断收到新手的提问“Android开发的经典入门教材和学习路线?”、“Android 开发入门教程有哪些推荐?”等类似的问题,我们不断重复回答这些问题,这让我们萌生了做《 Android开发书籍推荐:从入门到精通系列学习路线书籍介绍》的想法,整理收集开发大牛的学习经验,以便让我们少走弯路,更快速成长。希望这个系列可以成为大家手头应对新手的好答案。

ElectroCRUD cc @ComMouse @Bluemit

No coding is required; Create basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for your MySQL Database in minutes. Automatically analyze your database tables.

frontend-hyperpolyglot cc @arrowrowe

A comparison of similar features in popular JavaScript frameworks. 作者借鉴的这个东东挺有意思的: http://hyperpolyglot.org/

如何激发团队中的每一个人 cc @arrowrowe @swaylq @ComMouse


ComMouse commented 8 years ago

electsys-- 某大神学弟 @yangfl 的作品,不多说了试了就知道 cc @laohyx

at15 commented 8 years ago

@ComMouse 这个提交风格有点猛..... 类似 @mingzz 和 @kdplus

at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago

Building blocks for the virtual reality web Use markup to create VR experiences that work across desktop, iOS, Android, and the Oculus Rift.

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Please go #78.

at15 commented 8 years ago

配图我要自己画本子! \w/

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Mails sent by @arrowrowe.