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weekly-88 #70

Closed gaocegege closed 5 years ago

gaocegege commented 5 years ago

DL: 8.13

我在 8.10- 8.17 有一段日本旅行,这次周报可能延后一段时间

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://robots.thoughtbot.com/writing-vim-syntax-plugins 想起来我以前还写过自动补全 github issue 的 plugin ..... https://github.com/at15/issue-complete (实际就是 vim script 直接掉 python .... 最后弃坑好像是因为 ubuntu 和 fedora 自带的 python 不同 .... 现在好像都是 3 了

gaocegege commented 5 years ago



gaocegege commented 5 years ago


Google Summer of Code 2018 Mentor 数据报告

at15 commented 5 years ago

@gaocegege 心疼策策 /w\

gaocegege commented 5 years ago


PlaidML is a framework for making deep learning work everywhere.

我喜欢他们的 logo

at15 commented 5 years ago

@gaocegege 第一眼看成了 paidml .... 付费炼丹 (一语道出炼丹费钱的真谛

at15 commented 5 years ago

From https://github.com/zenany/weekly/commit/856e609c695354c067fc1871ae72dbcb0e6559f2

https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules wiki on how to use go mod, NOTE: the go mod command has changed since 1.11beta3 ....

https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-we-scaled-nginx-and-saved-the-world-54-years-every-day/ 没看懂 好像是把文件操作放在了 thread pool 里来减少阻塞?

https://github.com/vialer/vialer-js webrtc based p2p call

https://blog.datawrapper.de/colorguide/ Your Friendly Guide to Colors in Data Visualisation @scottsun94

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/AliyunContainerService/arena @gaocegege 貌似没有发过 基于 kubeflow

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/mattn/qq using SQL on stdin, using go-sqlite3 ....

$ ps | qq -q "select command from stdin where pid = 9324"
at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/dyweb/gogoci 开坑开坑 .... 公司的 jenkins *****

gaocegege commented 5 years ago

@at15 Why not drone

gaocegege commented 5 years ago


《深入解析Go》 PingCAP 工程师 tiancaiamao 的 GitBook

at15 commented 5 years ago

@gaocegege 主要还想玩玩 go 的静态分析, 跳转, 自定义 lint 规则 etc. see https://github.com/at15/code-i-read/issues/7 另外基于 docker 跑的话 .... 其实 CI 也没有太大工作量 (虽然之前没写完的毕设就是个大型CI ....

skyzh commented 5 years ago

@at15 一个小问题,为啥 ML 叫炼丹……

gaocegege commented 5 years ago

@SkyZH 请看李沐老师的知乎文章 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/23781756





gaocegege commented 5 years ago



gaocegege commented 5 years ago


xLua is a lua programming solution for C# ( Unity, .Net, Mono) , it supports android, ios, windows, linux, osx, etc.

来自岛娘的 star

skyzh commented 5 years ago


"Pseudo" 大概就是把英文字母换成火星文的过程。在我用 moment.js 做程序的时候也很意外地发现了 https://momentjs.com/docs/#/i18n/pseudo-locale/

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/github/glb-director GitHub Load Balancer Director and supporting tooling. using DPDK

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/douban/gobeansdb distributed k-v, use cgo, successor of https://github.com/douban/beansdb (pure C)

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/baidu/BaikalDB distributed HTAP, support MySQL protocol using raft, build using bazel (看上去好像 tidb 啊 ... @codeworm96

btw: @htfy96 有用过 bazel 么, 比 cmake 方便很多么?

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/crawshaw/littleboss make your binary a supervisor

gaocegege commented 5 years ago


讲 Go 调度器的文章,非常经典,忘记有没有发过了

htfy96 commented 5 years ago

@at15 Bazel生态不行,CMake要不是有那么多写好的FindFoobar.cmake谁用(

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/tpn/pdfs Technically-oriented PDF Collection (Papers, Specs, Decks, Manuals, etc) clone 大小有 1.7G .....

skyzh commented 5 years ago

@at15 Adobe 的 Source Han Sans 要 5G……

skyzh commented 5 years ago

周末跟着这本书用 Rust 写了个 Raytracer。大概写了一个下午一个晚上加一个早上就写好了。可以作为练手的小项目。


skyzh commented 5 years ago


用 Rust 写内核……

skyzh commented 5 years ago

然后我买了 Ray-Tracing in One Weekend 系列的第二本……上几张图 image image

codeworm96 commented 5 years ago


如何缓解Rust编译时间长的痛苦 本文作者介绍了一些小技巧:

  1. 使用cargo check。如果只是想验证语法、类型检查等,那么可以直接使用这个命令,它只会调用编译器前端。比cargo build快2倍,比cargo build —release快6倍。
  2. 使用sccache,该工具是Mozilla出品的Rust兼容的编译缓存服务,一般可以获得2倍速度提升。使用cargo install sccache安装sccache,并且在.bashrc中添加环境变量export RUSTC_WRAPPER=sccache
  3. 避免LTO。 LTO是链接时优化的缩写。LTO将付出更高的编译时间代价。
  4. 控制crate依赖。 From: https://rust.cc/article/4591c54e-394c-460b-adf2-af1348177b12
codeworm96 commented 5 years ago

https://wj.qq.com/s/2312110/5dff 2018年Rust语言社区调查(中文版问卷)

不论您现在是否使用Rust编程语言(https://rust-lang.org ),我们都想听听您的想法! 这份调查是为了帮助Rust社区团队评估Rust的现状,寻找可改进的地方以及与社区沟通的最佳方式。 我们的调查将进行至2018年9月8日。这是您参与确定Rust开发优先级的机会。 中文版问卷与英文版基本相同,因此为避免重复,请只填写其中一份。

at15 commented 5 years ago

http://julio.meroh.net/2018/07/rust-vs-go.html found from https://medium.com/@weihanglo/rust-%E5%B0%8D%E6%B1%BA-go-ee6d1e7095f2 found from https://rust.cc/article/bf155f62-a81d-4e74-8904-8acadb77cbef

htfy96 commented 5 years ago

EXAPUNKS:SHENZHEN I/O作者的新游戏(所以为什么白天搬砖写代码,晚上还要玩写代码的游戏(


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skyzh commented 5 years ago

我刚刚在 Steam 上看到了这个游戏。。。 On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 9:08 PM Zheng Luo notifications@github.com wrote:

EXAPUNKS:SHENZHEN I/O作者的新游戏(所以为什么白天搬砖写代码,晚上还要玩写代码的游戏(


Submitted via bookmarklet https://gist.github.com/htfy96/301ae2b1c477a4a644e943bbc27c9588

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arrowrowe commented 5 years ago


From @at15

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/05/bash-shell-special-parameters/ 我其实很长时间都不知道 $? 是前一条命令的 exit code ....

echo $?
htfy96 commented 5 years ago

Chromium里的一大堆Clang插件,用来在提交前做自动检查。(只有大到这种程度的工程才需要这些东西吧……不过里面有几个还是挺好用的:empty_string, value_cleanup, rewrite_to_chrome_style


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codeworm96 commented 5 years ago


竟然去年实习的 team 做的,看 manager 朋友圈才知道(

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/src-d/gitbase SQL interface to Git repositories, written in Go

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/bblfsh/bblfshd A self-hosted server for source code parsing . The have a universal abstract syntax tree.

at15 commented 5 years ago

convert shell color to html https://github.com/theZiz/aha https://github.com/drudru/ansi_up 不知道一般 CI 里用的是什么 .... travis 那样的效果我就足够了

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/jpillora/chisel A fast TCP tunnel over HTTP

at15 commented 5 years ago


a new concurrent key-value store designed for point lookups and heavy updates. cache-optimized index that achieves up to 160 million operations per second when data fits in memory. unique “hybrid record log” design that combines a traditional persistent log with in-place updates, to shape the memory working set and retain performance

cc @codeworm96

htfy96 commented 5 years ago

levels.fyi: 对比不同公司Level之间的转化情况。(但愿未来若干年会用到(


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skyzh commented 5 years ago



gaocegege commented 5 years ago


skyzh commented 5 years ago

@gaocegege 总算……发布了吗(

gaocegege commented 5 years ago
