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weekly-93 #75

Closed gaocegege closed 5 years ago

gaocegege commented 5 years ago

DL: 9.24

dexhunter commented 5 years ago


賣瓜王婆:fabric的python sdk,支持fabric 1.0.x,年底前會支持最新的fabric和fabric-ca (也歡迎大家貢獻)

fabric: 一個聯盟鏈的解決方案

skyzh commented 5 years ago

https://www.coursera.org/learn/build-a-computer/ 最近突然想写个 Assembler,于是查到了这个课,从硬件开始,一步步教如何搭一台电脑(当然是模拟的)。

htfy96 commented 5 years ago

PostgreSQL 11: something for everyone (PAYWALL)


dexhunter commented 5 years ago

@SkyZH 那個原本是nand2tetris 然後有本書可以自行下載,然後網課對書上內容有補充。我也感覺是非常棒的一門課.


skyzh commented 5 years ago

@DexHunter 今天在图书馆借到了那本 The Elements of Computing Systems

htfy96 commented 5 years ago

Lifetime profile v1.0 posted 用CFG搞的lifetime checker,已经集成在msvc中,将要实现进clang。默认只针对pointers, iteartors等常见情况启用,用户自己类的所有权可以用[[gsl::owner]], [[gsl::pointer]]来标记。


Submitted via bookmarklet :sparkles:

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/openrepl/openrepl a online repl for multiple languages, run code using container on server side and stream output back to browser using websocket (the code is pretty clean), has in memory and local folder based k-v store and use etag for caching https://github.com/openrepl/openrepl/blob/master/server/store/main.go 😄

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/golang/perf Go performance measurement, storage, and analysis tools (though it seems it is not being used .... https://perf.golang.org/

at15 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/rogpeppe/gohack a cli to allow you hack dependency when using go mod (vgo)

gaocegege commented 5 years ago

是时候见证 bot 的能力了!

gaocegege commented 5 years ago

Fuck,等我回去再 debug 一下。。