dzfrias / projectable

:dizzy: A TUI file manager built for projects
MIT License
388 stars 13 forks source link

Delta Preview Git Preview doesn't work #20

Open nikbrunner opened 1 year ago

nikbrunner commented 1 year ago

Hi there, this is my second issue I noticed after upgrading to 1.3.0. (My first is this one: #19)

I want to use delta for the Diff Preview, but I can't get it to work. It works in lazygit though. 🤔 I hope you can help me. :)


This is the Diff Preview when I am in prj: Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 09 32 33

This is the Diff Preview when I use the preview_cmd setting from your config (preview_cmd = "bat --force-colorization {} --line-range 0:1000" + git_pager = "delta"): Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 09 51 25

This is the Diff Preview when I am in lazygit: Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 09 32 28


[I] ➜ brew info projectable
==> dzfrias/formulae/projectable: stable 1.3.0
Highly configurable TUI project manager
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/projectable/1.3.0 (7 files, 7.1MB) *
  Built from source on 2023-07-03 at 09:08:58
==> Dependencies
Build: rust ✔


# General settings
project_roots = [".git"]
esc_to_close = true

# Keys
up = ["k", "up"]
down = ["j", "down"]
quit = "q"
help = "?"
all_up = "g"
all_down = "G"
open = "enter"
# Kill processes started by projectable
kill_processes = "ctrl-c"
# Defaults to $EDITOR
editor_cmd = "nvim"

# General styles
selected = { color = "black", bg = "magenta" }
popup_border_style = { color = "white" }
help_key_style = { color = "lightcyan", mods = ["bold"] }

# "<GLOB>" = ["<COMMAND>"] format
"package.json" = ["npm run dev"]

ctrl-g = "!!lazygit"
ctrl-v = "tmux split-window -h nvim {}"
ctrl-x = "tmux split-window -v nvim {}"

preview_cmd = "cat {}"
git_pager = "delta"
down_key = "ctrl-d"
up_key = "ctrl-u"
scroll_amount = 10

border_color = { color = "cyan" }
scroll_bar_color = { color = "magenta" }
# Unreached part of the scroll bar
unreached_bar_color = { color = "blue" }

# Whether to show git diffs
use_git = true
# Ignore certain elobs
ignore = []
use_gitignore = true
refresh_time = 1000
dirs_first = true
show_hidden_by_default = true
# Whether to show special commands in fuzzy matching view. The alternative is
# a list-style view
special_commands_fuzzy = true

# Keys
special_command = "v"
down_three = "ctrl-n"
up_three = "ctrl-p"
exec_cmd = ":"
delete = "d"
search = "/"
clear = '\'
new_file = "n"
new_dir = "N"
rename = "r"
move_path = "R"
git_filter = "T"
diff_mode = "t"
open_all = "o"
close_all = "O"
mark_selected = "m"
open_under = "l"
close_under = "h"
show_dotfiles = "."
focus = "f"

# Colors
dir_style = { color = "blue", mods = ["italic"] }
filtered_out_message = { color = "yellow" }
border_color = { color = "magenta" }
# Color of git added files
git_added_style = { color = "green" }
git_new_style = { color = "red" }
git_modified_style = { color = "blue" }
# Color of marked files
marks_style = { color = "yellow" }

border_color = { color = "blue" }

info = { color = "white" }
error = { color = "red" }
debug = { color = "green" }

# Only shown when run with the --debug option
warn = { color = "red" }
trace = { color = "magenta" }

# Whether to show marks as relative paths or not
relative = true
open = "M"
delete = "d"

# Color of marks in marks window
mark_style = { color = "white" }
dzfrias commented 1 year ago

Hmmm... not sure what the issue could be here. I tried your config and it worked for me.

$SHELL "git diff {} | delta" is the command that's run when the preview mode is on. Can you try running that in your terminal and see if it works?

nikbrunner commented 1 year ago

Hmmm... not sure what the issue could be here. I tried your config and it worked for me.

$SHELL "git diff {} | delta" is the command that's run when the preview mode is on. Can you try running that in your terminal and see if it works?

Hey, thank you for your reply. :)

I get this:

terra-core.nvim on î‚  main [$!]
[I] ➜ $SHELL "git diff {} | delta"
/bin/zsh: can't open input file: git diff {} | delta
dzfrias commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the drawn-out response. Can you try substituting {} with a file path that's been modified that git is tracking, and then seeing what the output is? I mostly just want to see if it works or not.

Maybe try putting this in your config, as well:

git_pager = "delta --color-only"

Also, can I see your delta config?

nikbrunner commented 1 year ago

Hi there. No worries, I was also on vacation, so I apologize for the late response. :)

I identified the issue. It was my fault; I was unaware that I had to press t to enable the Diff View. When I press t, the Diff Preview with Delta works. Is there a configuration option to automatically toggle the Diff Preview with Delta?