dzharii / swd-recorder

Selenium WebDriver Page Recorder (Page Objects)
MIT License
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Need information on Keywords to use in Webdriver Playground #53

Open rajeshinfotech opened 6 years ago

rajeshinfotech commented 6 years ago

Hi dzharii,

First I like to thank you for this wonderful initiative for reading the Page Objects for web applications which is a great help to Test Automation folks like me.

I have tried to Capture the elements and added it to the repository. When on trying the keywords or Actions like Click(), Clear(), SendKeys(""), it works fine and have no issues with it.

But there is a purpose on checking the attribute value of an element in selenium, which I want to try from the SWD page Recorder.

If So, can you please share the list of keywords or actions included to perform in SWD page recorder for Webdriver playground.


dzharii commented 6 years ago

Hi @rajeshinfotech could you please provide a code snippet from your current programming language/framework, that would illustrate checking the attribute value?

Dustin1988 commented 6 years ago

Hello dzharii,

i can only commit to rajeshinfotechs statement: The project is really great!!! I tried it a little and am excited!

I found the WebDriver playground very good, but unfortunately I also hang on to a problem.

I would like to take a screenshot, after a short "waiting time". Cause the website shows a hourglass before showing the real information. Actually i only get a screenshot of the hourglass :(

So I need the PlayGround to "wait" a while before taking the screenshot.

I tried three opinions:

driver.manage () .timeouts (). implicitlyWait (10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); -> does not work because of "ERROR: Object does not support this property or method"


sleep (2000000) -> does not work because of "ERROR: Object expected"


driver.wait (driver.elementIsVisible(DruckansichtButton)) -> does not work because of "ERROR: Object does not support this property or method"

Please note: When the hourglass disappears and the real information are shown, then there will be also a Button "ButtonXY". caus of that i tried with driver.elementIsVisible (DruckansichtButton)

Any Idea? :)



HERE the Code:

driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); PasswortEingabe.Clear() PasswortEingabe.SendKeys("secret---NotaRealPasswort") AnmeldeButton.Click() SystemMenueAufklappen.Click() SystemEreignisse.Click()

//driver.manage () .timeouts (). implicitlyWait (10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //sleep (2000000) //driver.wait (driver.elementIsVisible(DruckansichtButton))

driver.GetScreenshot().SaveAsFile("Screenshots\mywebpagetest.png", ScreenshotImageFormat.Png); // See \Screenshots