dzhou121 / gonvim

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Build not working #109

Open adnaanm opened 6 years ago

adnaanm commented 6 years ago

When I try to build it with

go get -u -v

I get this:

go/src/ undefined (type workspaceSignal has no field or method ConnectLocpopupSignal) go/src/ undefined (type workspaceSignal has no field or method LocpopupSignal) go/src/ undefined (type workspaceSignal has no field or method LocpopupSignal) go/src/ undefined (type workspaceSignal has no field or method ConnectMarkdownSignal) go/src/ undefined (type workspaceSignal has no field or method MarkdownSignal) go/src/ undefined (type workspaceSignal has no field or method ConnectMessageSignal) go/src/ undefined (type workspaceSignal has no field or method MessageSignal) go/src/ undefined (type workspaceSignal has no field or method ConnectStatuslineSignal) go/src/ undefined (type workspaceSignal has no field or method ConnectLintSignal) go/src/ undefined (type workspaceSignal has no field or method ConnectGitSignal) go/src/ too many errors

akiyosi commented 6 years ago

Hi, You should build as follows.

akiyosi commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm sorry, I did not check it well. You can build it below.

$> go get -u -v
$> qtsetup
$> go get -d
$> cd $GOPATH/
$> qtmoc
$> qtsetup build desktop
adnaanm commented 6 years ago

Thank you!

mnowotnik commented 5 years ago

@akiyosi qtsetup shows usage indicating that there is no such command as qtsetup build desktop

Available modes:


  prep        symlink tooling into the PATH
  check       perform some basic env checks
  generate    generate code for all packages
  install     go install all packages
  test        build and test some examples
  full        run all of the above
  help        print help
  update      update 'cmd' and 'internal/cmd'
  upgrade     update everything

Can you please post a command that will build this project? I have hard time compiling it.

akiyosi commented 5 years ago

Hi. I'm sorry.😓The above command is typo. It is correct below.

qtdeploy build desktop
mnowotnik commented 5 years ago

Still doesn't compile :( I believe that the qt bindings library API has changed and this package needs to be tweaked in some places. For example in file fonts.go it calls method Width(string) on the type *QFontMetricsF, whereas this type has methods:

func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) Swap(other QFontMetricsF_ITF)
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) DestroyQFontMetricsF()
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) BoundingRect2(ch core.QChar_ITF) *core.QRectF
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) BoundingRect3(rect core.QRectF_ITF, flags int, text string, tabStops int, tabArray int) *core.QRectF
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) BoundingRect(text string) *core.QRectF
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) TightBoundingRect(text string) *core.QRectF
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) Size(flags int, text string, tabStops int, tabArray int) *core.QSizeF
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) ElidedText(text string, mode core.Qt__TextElideMode, width float64, flags int) string
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) InFont(ch core.QChar_ITF) bool
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) InFontUcs4(ch uint) bool
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) Ascent() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) AverageCharWidth() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) CapHeight() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) Descent() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) Height() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) HorizontalAdvance2(ch core.QChar_ITF) float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) HorizontalAdvance(text string, length int) float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) Leading() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) LeftBearing(ch core.QChar_ITF) float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) LineSpacing() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) LineWidth() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) MaxWidth() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) MinLeftBearing() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) MinRightBearing() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) OverlinePos() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) RightBearing(ch core.QChar_ITF) float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) StrikeOutPos() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) UnderlinePos() float64
func (ptr *QFontMetricsF) XHeight() float64
akiyosi commented 5 years ago

@Mike-Now Please try my fork if you like.

mnowotnik commented 5 years ago

Thanks, it works!