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Add standard citation for questionaires #3324

Open AndyDaniel1 opened 3 months ago

AndyDaniel1 commented 3 months ago

3323 has to be implemented first

Decide whether questionnaire and variable questionnaire should be citable or only the questionnaire.

Add here for all questionnaires: grafik

And here for each questionnaire:


AndyDaniel1 commented 3 months ago

For the first implementation use the already implemented citation rule for DMR

SaCodematix commented 2 months ago


Add the note that further sources in data and method reports or scale manuals may need to be checked.

AndyDaniel1 commented 2 months ago

@danbfdz and I have discussed this and decided to only include the original questionnaire. In case a questionnaire is not available but a variable questionnaire is there, the var. quest. should be used.

AndyDaniel1 commented 2 months ago


AndyDaniel1 commented 2 months ago
* Could you please elaborate on what is meant by

Add the note that further sources in data and method reports or scale manuals may need to be checked.

The following note should be added below the citation button and the citation list

de "Wir bitten Sie, den Daten- und Methodenbericht zu prüfen, ob Angaben zu weiteren Quellen der spezifisch zu zitierenden Frage existieren. Bei Vorliegen entsprechender Angaben schlagen wir vor, im Sinn guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis die im Daten- und Methodenbericht genannte(n) Originalquelle(n) ebenfalls zu zitieren. Bei einer Wiedergabe des vollständigen Texts einer Frage, etwa innerhalb eines Artikels oder bei einer Nachnutzung der Frage für eigene Forschungsvorhaben bzw. Fragebögen, ist zu beachten, dass mglw. weitere Nutzungsbedingungen bestehen. Bitte prüfen Sie die Quellen dahingehend. "

en "We ask you to check the Data and Methods Report to see whether there is information on other sources for the specific question to be cited. If such information is available, we suggest that you also cite the original source(s) mentioned in the data and methods report in accordance with good scientific practice. When quoting the complete text of a question, for example within an article or when reusing the question for your own research projects or questionnaires, please note that there may be further license agreements. Please check the sources in this regard."

grafik grafik

The info text should have a format like other info texts in the MDM:


SaCodematix commented 2 months ago

Regarding the implementation of citations of all questionnaires:

On the "Order data" page all questionnaires, where citation details and authors are given, are now listed in the "Cite" dialog. See sample below for gra1993 (where questionnaire with description eingesetztes Erhebungsinstrument (2.Welle) has no citation details and autors).



If no questionnaires with citation details and authors exist, variable questionnaires are used. See sample below for gra2005 where non of the instruments of type questionnaire has citation details or authors, but some of the variable questionnaires have citation details and authors.



@AndyDaniel1 Is the implementation as you imagined it?

SaCodematix commented 2 months ago

Regarding the implementation of citations of each questionnaire on an instrument page:

Clicking on the "Cite" buttons opens a dialog like on the "Order data" page.



@AndyDaniel1 Is this mockup as you imagined it?