dziemborowicz / hourglass

The simple countdown timer for Windows.
MIT License
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Add an infinite count-up timer option #124

Open Riajyuu opened 8 years ago

Riajyuu commented 8 years ago

I don't know if it is proper to bring this here: Can you introduce a new project for a timer similar to Hourglass? Simply tell how much time it has gone, not the count downing. Similar UI, features and natural language.

dziemborowicz commented 8 years ago

Duplicate of Add option to show time elapsed rather than time remaining #75

This feature already exists. Right-click on the timer window and select "Advanced options" > "Show time elapsed instead of time left".

Riajyuu commented 8 years ago

You misunderstand me here. Down counting can expire anyway but I need a timer that will not stop unless I press a stop button.

dziemborowicz commented 8 years ago

Ah. I see. That should be do-able, though, for now, if you enter "1000 years" and select the option I mentioned, you have basically the same effect.

lech commented 7 years ago

In addition to the count up would it be possible to add a feature to count elapsed time from a given time/date stamp?

dziemborowicz commented 7 years ago

That's an interesting suggestion that I've never heard before... I guess you can sort of do something like this by entering the date and time that you want to count up from, and then the timer will (after that date and time has passed) display something like "Expired X minutes Y seconds ago".

But a more elegant option would be nicer. I've opened a new issue for that, since it's a slightly different request: Add count up from specified date and time option #131.

lech commented 7 years ago

It would probably be more akin to an uptime status, I'll give a more detailed idea in #131

dziemborowicz commented 5 years ago

Someone suggested typing "0" to start one of these timers at any time, which seems like a pretty good idea.