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Explore OCI specification #1618

Open dzikoysk opened 1 year ago

dzikoysk commented 1 year ago

Request details

To support OCI repositories for e.g. Docker, we need to figure out how to do that. Specification:

dzikoysk commented 1 year ago

If someone has some experience with it, it'd be nice to prepare list of routes with short description per each endpoint, so we could create a minimal working implementation on top of that.

TOTHT0MI commented 2 weeks ago

For future investigation I've collected resources, that can be useful. It seems pretty straight forward to implement, however the flow of uploading is quite different from Maven.

Official spec OCI Distribution spec: OCI Image spec:

Third party A summary of the specification:

dzikoysk commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks, Docker support is something I'd really like to see in 4.x (at some point) :) I'll probably try to bootstrap some sort of proof of concept, or browse GitHub to check existing projects, to get a brief overview on how the minimal working impl would look like :pray:

zrdzn commented 2 days ago

I did some research and created descriptions for the endpoints, which should help visualize how we should approach the implementation of this specification, at least to some extent.


Blob Upload Strategies

We have the option to support two blob upload strategies. We can either support one or both at the same time, but this will certainly affect the implementation time.


The simplest option is to support a single request via POST, which uploads the blob to the registry. This is done by making a POST /v2/<name>/blobs/uploads/?digest=<digest> request, where we include the byte stream in the body and receive a location for the newly created blob in response.




This approach is slightly more complex. First, we make a POST /v2/<name>/blobs/uploads/ request, which returns a path or session ID that we use in the next PUT /v2/<name>/blobs/uploads/<location>?digest=<digest> request. The second request (PUT) is very similar to the request in the 1-STEP strategy.




I think we should implement both approaches due to the different needs they address. The specification mentions that some implementations do not support the 1-STEP option, so we could treat it as an optional feature. If we were to support only one option, it would likely be better to use the 2-STEP approach – it has greater long-term benefits.

Endpoints (Incompleted)

GET /v2/

Checks if registry implements specification.


GET/HEAD /v2/<name>/blobs/<digest>

Finds a blob by providing a digest.


DELETE /v2/<name>/blobs/<digest>

Deletes a blob by providing its digest.


POST /v2/<name>/blobs/uploads/?mount=<digest>&from=<other_name>

Mounting a blob from another repository in the same registry. It will mount blob with provided digest to <name> repository, from repository <other_name>.



GET/HEAD /v2/<name>/manifests/<reference>

Finds a manifest by its digest or a tag.


POST /v2/<name>/blobs/uploads/ 2-STEP METHOD (1/2)

It is used in 2-step method which basically initiates an upload session and generates an upload URL or session ID, which is used for the subsequent upload or chunks.



PUT /v2/<name>/blobs/uploads/<location>?digest=<digest> 2-STEP METHOD (2/2)

Uploads the blob (file or data) to the registry using the upload URL obtained in the 1st part of 2-step method.




POST /v2/<name>/blobs/uploads/?digest=<digest> 1-STEP METHOD

Simply push blobs by a single request.




PATCH /v2/<name>/blobs/uploads/<location>

Allows to upload blob by chunks instead of the single big one. They must however, be uploaded in correct order - it means that the <min> in chunk must be the last chunk's <max> + 1. Location must be generated from 1st part of 2-step method above.



PUT /v2/<name>/manifests/<reference>

Uploads a manifest with a specified digest/tag.




DELETE /v2/<name>/manifests/<reference>


GET /v2/<name>/tags/list

Returns a list of existing tags for a given namespace. Response can contain empty list of tags. Tags MUST be in case-insensitive alphanumeric order.



GET /v2/<name>/tags/list?n=<amount>&last=<tagname>

Returns a subset of tags with amount equal or less to provided in <amount>. When given <amount> is 0, response MUST contain empty list of tags. Additionally there is <tagname> parameter which defines from which non-exclusive tag should the tags be returned for <amount> tags above - provided tag in <tagname> will not be included in the response. When the <tagname> is provided, then the <amount> is optional.



GET /v2/<name>/referrers/<digest>?artifactType=<artifactType>

Fetches a list of referrers by a manifest's digest. Descriptors MUST include artifactType field where the value matches to the manifest's artifact type - if there is none, just set artifactType to the mediaType value. Annotations MUST be taken from manifest. If there are no referrers, manifests list MUST be empty. Optionally client may want to filter referrers by artifactType, if the filter is present - the header OCI-Filters-Applied: artifactType is required.



GET /v2/<name>/blobs/uploads/<location>

Used when there was an upload of chunks, but they were out of correct order. It is required to get status of an active upload to resume it.

