dzikoysk / reposilite

Lightweight and easy-to-use repository management software dedicated for the Maven based artifacts in the JVM ecosystem 📦
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Limited path rewrites. #2076

Closed LexManos closed 3 months ago

LexManos commented 3 months ago

Request details

I know I'm late to the party, however looking at upgrading form 2.x to 3.x and saw that path rewriting was removed. As this makes sense from a complexity viewpoint. Is there any possibility of a limited scope of this returning. My main issue is that the maven I run is old and used by tons of people/old software and it's a real hassle/impossible to get them to update anything. However the maven is really simple, it's just one repo with a couple of proxied repos behind it. I don't have to worry about people uploading to re-written addresses because everyone who uploads is easily contactable and can update their paths. I'm concerned with the plethora of existing links out in the internet and in old versions of the software.

So what I am requesting is a single configuration value on GET/HEAD requests. As a proof of concept I tried this code, and it works exactly how I want it.

--- a/reposilite-backend/src/main/kotlin/com/reposilite/maven/infrastructure/MavenEndpoints.kt
+++ b/reposilite-backend/src/main/kotlin/com/reposilite/maven/infrastructure/MavenEndpoints.kt
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import com.reposilite.maven.api.DeleteRequest
 import com.reposilite.maven.api.DeployRequest
 import com.reposilite.maven.api.LookupRequest
 import com.reposilite.shared.extensions.resultAttachment
 import com.reposilite.web.api.ReposiliteRoute
@@ -60,8 +61,15 @@ internal class MavenEndpoints(
     private val findFile = ReposiliteRoute<Unit>("/{repository}/<gav>", HEAD, GET) {
         accessed {
-            requireGav { gav ->
-                LookupRequest(this?.identifier, requireParameter("repository"), gav)
+            requireGav { gavRaw ->
+                var repo = requireParameter("repository")
+                var gav = gavRaw
+                if (mavenFacade.getRepository(repo) == null) {
+                    gav = Location.of(repo + '/' + gav)
+                    repo = "releases"
+                }
+                LookupRequest(this?.identifier, repo, gav)
                     .let { request -> mavenFacade.findFile(request) }
                     .peek {

Note: this is just a quick POC as I have no idea how you'd want to store this config value or expose it in the settings menu. But I think it may be simple enough in this limited scope to be worth considering.

Heck, if this is possible in some other way let me know, your update guide says this can be imitated with custom repos, I'm assuming you mean by having a repo for each of the root folders and redirecting it using a loopback url to 'release' repo? Which is a real pain to setup. If there is a simpler option please let me know.

dzikoysk commented 3 months ago

Hey, did you consider using a plugin for this? There's a plugin that already does that:

You could also build something similar, probably even as a script in Groovy.

I know I'm late to the party, however looking at upgrading form 2.x to 3.x

Just when I started planning for 4.x 😅

LexManos commented 3 months ago

I'm more then happy to use a plugin for this, just trying to figure out one that works. The linked one does not for my use cause because it requires the client to support 30x redirects. Which unfortunately a lot of implementations do not. (yes I know it's a standard that has existed forever, but thus is legacy clients). Currently going down the path of trying to get javlin to be able to reprocess a quest with a modified path. Not having much luck.

Also, is there some plugin repo? I only see the ones listed on your site made by you. Or is it something to just search github for?

UpcraftLP commented 3 months ago

How about running reposilite behind a reverse proxy instead? (nginx, traefik, caddy.. to name a few)

That way you could simply apply some URL rewrite rules at the proxy level and have them be opaque to the connecting client.

LexManos commented 3 months ago

That is a possibility, everything is already passing through traefik for one of the servers I manage. But it would be nice to have a simpler/light weight solution for the other servers where a reverse proxy isn't already setup. It's a useful feature of 2.x, that was nuked. Just seems weird to setup a whole other docker/server for what in effect ends up being just editing two strings in the handler.

Plus doing it on Reposilite's end allows for one place integration with adding/removing repositories. Meaning, to add a Repo using a reverse proxy I would need to add the repo in reposilite, then edit the proxy config to add the repo name to the whitelist of non-rewrites and reboot the proxy.

dzikoysk commented 3 months ago

I think that the proper solution should be covered on a plugin api level. I also don't want to make this feature a part of Reposilite's config, because it'd kinda open this whole topic once again.

Probably the easiest way to expose this function could be achieved by moving current endpoint implementation to some sort of a factory, so you'd just simply do something like registerRoute("/*", factory.createMavenEndpoint("releases")).

I'm quite tired right now, so I'll take a look at it a little bit later - hopefully tomorrow.

LexManos commented 3 months ago

Alright, I was able to find a solution that is functional. I'm not the biggest fan of it because it has hardcoded a few magic strings {to filter out frontend files}, and i cant get config to work correct, so if you have any ideas for a better solution let me know.

dzikoysk commented 3 months ago

Touching underlying servlet api and frontend specific files might not be the best way to go, I'm not sure if it'd work properly with further request processing 🤔 Instead, I'd try to iterate over root directories in redirected repo and just register a new route for each one of them:


We could hide this behind reposilite.redirect.default-repository property, like we do for some other hidden functionalities, so we don't have to expose this in the public config. Thanks to that, such implementation could be probably just merged to the core sources.

dzikoysk commented 3 months ago

Released with 3.5.9:

I didn't have time to test it tho, so let me know in case of any issues.