Although i think it's not an important thing but... i can see how it could make better understanding of my skill-set and interests. And badges always looks good. 😄
[ ] AxureRP
[ ] Commitlint
[ ] Copybara
[x] Confluence #172B4D
[ ] Conventional-Commits
[x] Cloudflare (have icon)
[ ] CoreOS
[x] ESLint
[x] Figma
[ ] GNU Bash #4EAA25
[ ] HAProxy
[ ] Hygen
[ ] Husky
[x] Jira #0052CC
[x] Kubernetes #326CE5
[x] Lit
[ ] Lerna
[ ] Lintstaged
[ ] Miro
[x] NameCheap#DE3723
[ ] OpenVPN #EA7E20
[ ] OpenStreetMap #7EBC6F
[ ] Open Container Initiative
[ ] OpenSSL
[ ] Obsidian
[x] Podman #892CA0
[ ] pfSense
[ ] Reselect
[x] Redux-Saga #85D26A
[x] Red Hat Open Shift #EE0000
[ ] Stylelint (have icon)
[ ] SSH
[ ] Traefik
[x] Yarn
[x] WebComponents #29ABE2
Things i would like to deep-dive
[ ] Angular
[ ] Flutter
[ ] FuchsiaOS
[ ] Rust
[ ] RxJS
[ ] Spire/Spiffe
All badges could be grouped in groups like "Using", "Familiar", "Other using", "Interested". Other using could be something like pfSense, NextCloud, etc, which is not strictly related to the software development, but i still are using those at some degree.
Also as separate hidden section could be shown things like MS Access VBA.
Although i think it's not an important thing but... i can see how it could make better understanding of my skill-set and interests. And badges always looks good. 😄
Things i would like to deep-dive
All badges could be grouped in groups like "Using", "Familiar", "Other using", "Interested". Other using could be something like pfSense, NextCloud, etc, which is not strictly related to the software development, but i still are using those at some degree. Also as separate hidden section could be shown things like MS Access VBA.