dzsessona / QuickOpener-NetBeans

Sometimes while programming in NetBeans you want to explore a particular file that you are editing on the file system browser, or maybe launch a command in a terminal to do something with it.
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Add customization to the shell used by default #16

Closed Monomachus closed 11 years ago

Monomachus commented 11 years ago

I can have a MinGW shell from msysGit on my Windows machine that I'd like to use on a daily basis, it would be nice if you could configure your command line tool by default.

dzsessona commented 11 years ago

i think it would be farly simple to add this customization. Most likely as a preference in the general options of the plugin. Will do it shortly, btw you are the author of the symfony plugin? I am not very familiar with it but have to do a project for a friend of mine in php. I have used only zend before, from your point of view do you think it is worthing learninng symfony framework? Sure you have more experience in php than me... Thanks, d.

Monomachus commented 11 years ago

Yes that is me. I am more of a swiss knife specialist, used a little a lot of technologies, but mostly a .NET programmer. Made a big project recently for a client wanting only PHP, and I chose Symfony2 because of its similarities to Rails and Doctrine similarities to Hibernate, and also Twig is better that default PHP engine. In general I am satisfied with what I get in Symfony2, but it depends, if the project is small than may be I would try FuelPHP.

dzsessona commented 11 years ago

done, view committ 7134d92f0013b56faad50177f4b4ac980c462f89, it will be available in netbeans on the version 12.9 (in a couple of days i will upload it in the portal.) Btw thank you for your insight on the php frameworks. I went for simfony at the end.