dzsessona / QuickOpener-NetBeans

Sometimes while programming in NetBeans you want to explore a particular file that you are editing on the file system browser, or maybe launch a command in a terminal to do something with it.
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Fix IOException thrown by sun.awt.X11.XDesktopPeer.launch #2

Closed tychobrailleur closed 12 years ago

tychobrailleur commented 12 years ago

Despite being on a Gnome3 system where Desktop.isSupported(Action.OPEN) claims to be supported, the following error is thrown: Failed to show URI:file:/home/sebastien/dev/jruby-launcher/ at sun.awt.X11.XDesktopPeer.launch( at at at com.sessonad.quickopener.commands.LinuxGnomeCommands.browseInFileSystem( at com.sessonad.quickopener.actions.FileSystem.actionPerformed( at org.openide.awt.InjectorExactlyOne.actionPerformed( at org.openide.awt.ContextAction$Performer.actionPerformed(

This pull request calls the process that is normally called when the Desktop.isSupported(Action.OPEN) call returns false as a fallback when the IOException is thrown. It also includes a bit of refactoring to address the code repetition.

dzsessona commented 12 years ago

Nice one Seb, I'll merge and port those changes into quickopener-eclipse too, which btw share the same code ( code apart from Do you know if i can I make a (open) library to be shared by the two projects in github? Or does it have to be a new project? Anyway, going to the center now... it's saturday after all ! :-)

tychobrailleur commented 12 years ago

It'll probably have to be a new project all right.