dzsessona / QuickOpener-NetBeans

Sometimes while programming in NetBeans you want to explore a particular file that you are editing on the file system browser, or maybe launch a command in a terminal to do something with it.
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Terminal won't open properly if project is on different drive than Netbeans #25

Closed QuietNoise closed 11 years ago

QuietNoise commented 11 years ago

Hi, There is a problem with action associated to Open in the default OS terminal (Alt+1) button.

Background Operating system: Windows 7 64bit I have Netbeans (v. 7.2) installed on C: drive. All my Netbeans projects are on D: drive.

Action 1 Pressing Open in the default OS terminal (Alt+1) button with file/folder selected in Projects panel; or Pressing Open in the default OS terminal (Alt+1) button while editing file in the editor;

Result for Action 1 The current path shown in Terminal is Netbeans’ installation folder. I need issue drive change command

C:\Program Files (x86)\NetBeans 7.2>d:

in order to get to the folder where selected/edited file resides.

Expected result for Action 1 Shell Terminal should open with selected/edited file’s current drive and folder.

Workaround Create custom action with command:

cmd /c start cd /D "${currentFolder}"

and launch it using Launch custom command option.

Please fix the bug which is causing the wrong behaviour described in Result for Action 1.

EDIT: I did test with the version you created for issue #3. The shell command issued by the plugin doesn't have the /D switch (as per workaround). Also I think that was the cause of issue #3 and other similar issues related with this project.

Cheers, QN

dzsessona commented 11 years ago

Anybody wants to test it?