dzsessona / QuickOpener-NetBeans

Sometimes while programming in NetBeans you want to explore a particular file that you are editing on the file system browser, or maybe launch a command in a terminal to do something with it.
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More patterns #67

Closed markiewb closed 8 years ago

markiewb commented 8 years ago
File related
${file}file with path
${fileNameExt}filename with extension
${fileName}filename without extension
${fileExt}file extension
${relativeFile}file with relative path to main project
Folder related
${folder}full path
${relativeFolder}full path relative to main project
${projectFolder}full path of the current project
${mainProjectFolder}full path of the main project
Editor related
${line}1-based line
${line0}0-based line
${column}1-based column
${column0}0-based column
${caret}1-based caret
${caret0}0-based caret
${selectedText}selected text in editor

markiewb commented 8 years ago

fixed in 1.1.0 + helpset
