Web Programming
K - Site-map ✅
J - Architecture
J - Flowchart
J - Session handling
K - Security ✅
K,J - A description of the database ✅
K,J - Database diagramming models (we just need to add them) ✅
J - Advanced SQL query examples
K - Code snippets demonstrating how your DWP/CMS integrates with the database ✅
J - Your design choices/reflections/considerations
Here's a list of the topics we need to cover:
General: K - Introduction ✅ K - Conclusion
Web Programming K - Site-map ✅ J - Architecture J - Flowchart J - Session handling K - Security ✅
Databases K,J - A description of the database ✅ K,J - Database diagramming models (we just need to add them) ✅ J - Advanced SQL query examples K - Code snippets demonstrating how your DWP/CMS integrates with the database ✅ J - Your design choices/reflections/considerations