e-271 / few-shot-gan

Few-shot adaptation of GANs.
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Resuming a pkl trained from a few-shot-gan model #9

Open YukiSakuma opened 3 years ago

YukiSakuma commented 3 years ago

I trained a few-shot-gan model with default parameters (trained to 30 kimg). After that I decided this needs more training so changed the resume-pkl to my latest few-shot-gan model snapshot and set the resume-kimg to 30 and total-kimg to 60 Here's the log that it says it loaded my few-shot-gan model Loading networks from "/content/drive/My Drive/FewShotGAN/Test/00003-stylegan2-Test-Test-config-ada-sv-flat-aug/network-snapshot-000030.pkl"

But the problem is the generated fake-init and subsequent generated image ticks look like it is training completely from scratch why? It wasn't like this when I set the resume-pkl to a vanilla StyleGAN2 model. alt text

How could I possibly resume training with more kimg without training it from scratch (i.e. resuming to an original StyleGAN2 model)?

eps696 commented 3 years ago

same problem here