e-conomic / swift-course

Swift course at e-conomic - fall 2015
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Project presentations #64

Open AndersHqst opened 8 years ago

AndersHqst commented 8 years ago

On Monday December 14 from 13:00 everyone will presents their final project at e-conomic in room 7 at the ground floor (where we normally watch lectures). Students should present their projects regardless of how much or little you have in place.

You are each given 5 mins + setup + questions to present your final project. You may want to answer the following questions to the audience.

We will invite the products department to come and see your presentations, so be well prepared.

@e-conomic/swift-course please respond below.

lrusnac commented 8 years ago

whenever before 15th is ok for me

adrianbrink commented 8 years ago

14th of December works for me.

opolo commented 8 years ago

Everything after the 11th of December works wonders for me!