e-gineering / gitflow-helper-maven-plugin

An extension and plugin that teaches Maven to work well with gitflow projects and CI servers.
Apache License 2.0
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Version Assertion assumes branch names define origination, rather than a 'tag type' of non-release branch. #24

Closed bvarner closed 8 years ago

bvarner commented 8 years ago

In situations where branch names are determined by a 'type' for a branch (label, type, discriminator) rather than used to signify 'origination', a feature/ branch may be branched from a release, or a bugfix/ branch may be branched from development, causing issues with the enforce-versions goal.

The important part being that the version assertion happens on the releasable (development, release, master) branches, rather than on non-release branches, and that version assertion on the releasable branches should be sufficient to cover the desired enforcement during CI builds.

Attempting to force an origination concept is actually counter to the core of gitflow, and should be removed, in favor of a less strict version assertion.

bvarner commented 8 years ago

Somehow, I missed that version assertion was still occurring (requiring -SNAPSHOT) on builds which resolved to GitBranchType.OTHER (so, CI builds for bugfix or feature branches), which is in direct opposition to the stance above: That version assertion should happen on releasable branches, but not any other kind.

bvarner commented 8 years ago

Resolved (completely, now) in 1.2.5