e-gov / DHX

Dokumendivahetusprotokoll DHX | Document exchange protocol using X-Road
MIT License
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Kas DHX-il on ka versiooninumber? #24

Closed PriitParmakson closed 7 years ago

PriitParmakson commented 8 years ago

Vrdl CSS 3, HTML 5 jt.

Ei ole, aga see peab tekkima.

Kirjandus: RFC 6709 Design Considerations for Protocol Extensions (2012), jaotis 4.1 Version Numbers.

PriitParmakson commented 7 years ago

Vrdl HTTP protocol versioning: "The protocol version as a whole indicates the sender's conformance with the set of requirements laid out in that version's corresponding specification of HTTP."

tormi commented 7 years ago

Versioonid (sh praegune v 1.0.4) tuleks GitHub'is viidatavaks teha reliiside abil.