e-m-b-a / emba

EMBA - The firmware security analyzer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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System emulator updates #1180

Closed m-1-k-3 closed 3 weeks ago

m-1-k-3 commented 1 month ago


Sticking on the outdated kernel v4.1.17 which was used by FirmAE with some patches provided from FirmAE and firmadyne.

We include new kernels (~v4.14.336~ v4.1.52) and new compiled binaries for L10 As we have seen issues with out x86 kernel we switch automatically to kernel v4.1.17 ~As we are currently experiencing issues with the new kernel we will include the old 4.1.17 as well as ~4.14.336~ 4.1.52 in the latest base image. The 4.1.17 will stay as the default kernel till we solved the issues~ New netcat listener can be enabled in system emulation via kernel parameter (this can be used in cases were the local shell does not work) Version fixes for binary detection - see also https://github.com/e-m-b-a/emba/pull/1138 ~Switch binwalk installation to new fork here https://github.com/OSPG/binwalk~ Introduce priority in identified or guessed L10 network config Add multiple new backup network configurations with debug mode - results in longer l10 runs if debug mode is on Rewrite variables from FIRMAE to EMBA Add gdb and gdbserver to the firmware binaries environment Update busybox to v1.36.1 in firmware binaries environment Included multiple patches from here to our nvram emulation environment - see here Update docker base image to kali 2024-2 - closes #1187 Installer is now able to handle available exernal directory

Absolute! After years of sticking on the outdated kernel v4.1.17 we started migrating to a much newer kernel ~v4.14.336~ v4.1.52 from ~01/2024~ 2018 - see also here.

~Note: the default kernel is for now the 4.1.17, not the new 4.14.336. To use the new 4.14.336 you need to adjust the setting in the default settings helper file. We have seen massive performance issues with the new kernel!~

Update: As we were faced with massive issues with newer kernel we decided to move forward with teh v4.1.52 (from 2018) which is a little update of two years compared to the the original v4.1.17 (from 2016). With this update landed we can spend more time in further testing and evaluation.

m-1-k-3 commented 1 month ago

Outdated - Update will be available soon! we are now in a state to do some basic public tests. There is a new docker base image available and it should be possible to start the installation (from this branch) with the following commands:

└─$ git pull https://github.com/m-1-k-3/emba.git --branch system_emulation_updates
└─$ sudo ./installer.sh -d -c embeddedanalyzer/emba:1.4.1a

Afterwards, the installation should download the EMBA image version 1.4.1a (which is currently under test but not verified)


If this works as expected you should be able to perform EMBA firmware scans with the new docker image. Please check scans with the following scan profiles:


The emulation profile should now use the new binaries and the new kernel:


Be warned: The emulation results are not that good as we have seen them with the old kernel. We are currently looking into the details.

Feedback is highly appreciate

m-1-k-3 commented 3 weeks ago

New kernel and binaries are available here: https://github.com/EMBA-support-repos/EMBA_emulation_kernel-v4.1.52/releases/tag/4.1.52-init

m-1-k-3 commented 3 weeks ago

We are now in a state to do some basic public tests. There is a new docker base image available and it should be possible to start the installation (from this branch) with the following commands:

└─$ git pull https://github.com/m-1-k-3/emba.git --branch system_emulation_updates
└─$ sudo ./installer.sh -d

Afterwards, the installation should download the EMBA image version 1.4.1b (which is currently under test but not verified)

└─$ sudo docker tag embeddedanalyzer/emba:1.4.1b embeddedanalyzer/emba:latest                                                          
└─$ sudo docker images                             
REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
embeddedanalyzer/emba    1.4.1b    a677cf89098e   15 minutes ago   13.5GB
embeddedanalyzer/emba    latest    a677cf89098e   15 minutes ago   13.5GB

If this works as expected you should be able to perform EMBA firmware scans with the new docker image. Please check scans with the following scan profiles:


The emulation profile should now use the new binaries and the new kernel:


Feedback is highly appreciate

m-1-k-3 commented 3 weeks ago

New base image available (1.4.1c) and enforced from the dependency checker! PR ready for review

@BenediktMKuehne @HoxhaEndri @torabi12 please give it a try

After landing this we will make it stable and hunt for bugs in the next week and then move on to version 1.4.1 :)