e-merlin / eMERLIN_CASA_pipeline

This is CASA eMERLIN pipeline to calibrate data from the e-MERLIN array. Please fork the repository before making any changes and read the Coding Practices page in the wiki. Please add issues with the pipeline in the issues tab.
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Flux scale seems wrong by factor 10 in test obs #79

Closed varenius closed 6 years ago

varenius commented 6 years ago

I processed a test observation TSARP220_20171013 C-band through the pipeline 0.6.3 (df2396d) with the following input switches: Pre-processing (0=don't run, 1=run): run_importfits = 1 summary_weblog = 1 hanning = 0 ms2mms = 0 flag_0_aoflagger= 0 flag_1_apriori = 1 flag_2a_manual = 1 average_1 = 1 plot_data = 1 Calibration (0=don't run, 1=run; 2=run and applycal if calibration is produced): flag_2b_manual = 2 init_models = 2 bandpass_0 = 2 flag_3_tfcropBP = 0 delay = 2 gain_0_p_ap = 2 fluxscale = 2 bandpass_1_sp = 2 gain_1_amp_sp = 2 applycal_all = 2 flag_4_rflag = 0 plot_corrected = 2 weblog = 2

The fluxscale.txt-file in the calib directory ends with this summary: Fitted spectrum for 1516+1932 with fitorder=1: Flux density = 0.065178 +/- 0.000149966 Fitted spectrum for 1407+284 with fitorder=1: Flux density = 0.307479 +/- 0.000785612 Fitted spectrum for 0319+415 with fitorder=1: Flux density = 4.16598 +/- 0.0100069 Fitted spectrum for 1532+2344 with fitorder=1: Flux density = 0.0203492 +/- 5.96974e-05

On top of my head, what I would have expected is something like 0.6, 3, 0.2 for 1516+1932, 1407+284, 1532+2344. 4Jy for 3C84 seems a bit weak to I think. If all values were ten times higher, I would have accepted them without an extra check.

Did I make some inconsistent choice of input switches above?

jmoldon commented 6 years ago

Yes, those fluxes are not correct. I suspect what is the problem, but can you attach or send the eMCP.log and the casa_eMCP.log files? I think not all those steps were actually executed.

Also, just for efficiency, you don't need to set the values of all the calibration steps to 2 if you are running everything. If you use 2, every step that produces caltables will have to run applycal in CASA just to overwrite once and again the corrected_data column. If you set all those to 1 everything will run the same and the applycal_all will only run at the end to apply all the calibrations. (The value 2 is useful when you want to run one particular step and check what is the effect the calibration up to that step).

varenius commented 6 years ago

Here are the log files. casa_eMCP.log eMCP.log

jmoldon commented 6 years ago

The error was that init_models = 2 does not run the step (it requires a 1). I have updated the inputs file to make it more clear, and now any positive value is accepted. Fixed in eaac7db7f54fb0b17ee9e1b43f6f08edd9012a42