e-merlin / eMERLIN_CASA_pipeline

This is CASA eMERLIN pipeline to calibrate data from the e-MERLIN array. Please fork the repository before making any changes and read the Coding Practices page in the wiki. Please add issues with the pipeline in the issues tab.
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Parallelisation issue #83

Closed jradcliffe5 closed 6 years ago

jradcliffe5 commented 6 years ago

2017-11-13 02:48:30 | INFO | Deleted: emerge_2015.ms 2017-11-13 02:48:30 | INFO | Deleted: emerge_2015.ms.flagversions 2017-11-13 02:48:30 | INFO | Moved: emerge_2015_hanning.ms emerge_2015.ms 2017-11-13 02:48:30 | INFO | End hanning 2017-11-13 02:48:30 | INFO | Checking AOflagger version 2017-11-13 02:48:32 | INFO | AOflagger version is 2.9.0 2017-11-13 02:48:32 | INFO | Start ms2mms 2017-11-13 02:48:33 INFO partition::utils::verify Verifying arguments....Enum checking failed for separationaxis 2017-11-13 02:48:33 WARN partition::utils::verify Argument separationaxis failed to verify. 2017-11-13 02:48:33 SEVERE partition::::@norma4.intra.astro.rug.nl:MPIClient An error occurred running task partition. 2017-11-13 02:48:33 SEVERE ms::close Exception Reported: Table /scratch/users/radcliff/eMERLIN_pipeline/emerge_2015.mms does not exist Traceback (most recent call last): File "/scratch/users/radcliff/eMERLIN_pipeline/casa-release-5.1.1-5.el7/lib/python2.7/init_welcome.py", line 24, in execfile(__candidates[0]) File "CASA_eMERLIN_pipeline/eMERLIN_CASA_pipeline.py", line 407, in run_pipeline(inputs=inputs) File "CASA_eMERLIN_pipeline/eMERLIN_CASA_pipeline.py", line 138, in run_pipeline
em.ms2mms(vis=msfile,mode='parallel') File "CASA_eMERLIN_pipeline/functions/eMERLIN_CASA_functions.py", line 506, in ms2mms ms.writehistory(message='eMER_CASA_Pipeline: Converted MS to MMS for parallelisation',msname=vis[:-3]+'.mms') File "/scratch/users/radcliff/eMERLIN_pipeline/casa-release-5.1.1-5.el7/lib/python2.7/casac/ms.py", line 1127, in writehistory return _ms.ms_writehistory(self, *args, **kwargs) RuntimeError: Table /scratch/users/radcliff/eMERLIN_pipeline/emerge_2015.mms does not exist

Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.

casa detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [[18487,1],0] Exit code: 1

The inputs used that are on are run_importfits, summary_weblog, hanning and ms2mms.

I have aoflagger 2.9.0.

Small bug in the ms2mms function where separation axis should be set to 'auto' rather than ''

I can change this directly in the master branch if that's ok with you @jmoldon ?

jmoldon commented 6 years ago

Sorry I updated that the other day to remove baseline, but I forgot to set auto, I assumed it was the default.

Yes, feel free to change it. If you push to master, remember to change the pipeline version in line 13 of eMERLIN_CASA_pipeline.py. Just increase the last number.

jradcliffe5 commented 6 years ago

Ok great. this has been done. I will close the issue.