Closed shankari closed 8 years ago
06-08 12:56:53.554 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission I/System.out﹕ logger == null, lazily creating new logger
06-08 12:56:53.564 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission D/DataCollectionPlugin﹕ google play services available, initializing state machine
06-08 12:56:53.567 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission I/System.out﹕ mAccount = Account {name=dummy_account,}
06-08 12:56:53.569 29800-29848/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission I/System.out﹕ All preferences are {setup_complete=82, bgsync_launch_next_online=false, TripDiaryCurrState=local.state.tracking_stopped}
06-08 12:56:53.577 29800-29848/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission D/TripDiaryStateMachineReceiver﹕ Setup not complete, sending initialize
06-08 12:56:53.643 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission I/System.out﹕ During plugin initialize, created usercacheedu.berkeley.eecs.emission.cordova.usercache.BuiltinUserCache@49fca7a
06-08 12:56:54.443 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission I/TripDiaryStateMachineReceiver﹕ noarg constructor called
06-08 12:56:54.458 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission I/TripDiaryStateMachineReceiver﹕ TripDiaryStateMachineReciever onReceive(, Intent { act=local.transition.initialize flg=0x10 cmp=edu.berkeley.eecs.emission/.cordova.tracker.location.TripDiaryStateMachineReceiver }) called
06-08 12:56:54.602 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission D/TripDiaryStateMachineService﹕ service started with flags = 0 startId = 1 action = local.transition.initialize
06-08 12:56:54.655 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission D/TripDiaryStateMachineService﹕ after reading from the prefs, the current state is local.state.tracking_stopped
06-08 12:56:54.668 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission D/BuiltinUserCache﹕ Added value for key statemachine/transition at time 1.465415814657E9
06-08 12:56:54.818 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission D/TripDiaryStateMachineService﹕ TripDiaryStateMachineReceiver handleTrackingStopped(local.transition.initialize) called
06-08 12:56:54.825 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission D/TripDiaryStateMachineService﹕ newState after handling action is local.state.ongoing_trip
06-08 12:56:54.836 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission D/TripDiaryStateMachineService﹕ newState saved in prefManager is local.state.ongoing_trip
06-08 12:56:54.848 29800-29800/edu.berkeley.eecs.emission D/NotificationHelper﹕ Generating notify with id 78283 and message Success moving to local.state.ongoing_trip
ok so the problem is overloading initialize to mean both initialize and start tracking. Should really fix that.
So although I thought that this was because we were reusing initialize, that is not the problem.
The problem is that we handle initOnUpgrade by calling initialize, and on initialize, we ALWAYS restart tracking. Clearly we should check the current state, either in initOnUpgrade or in the FSM. Probably the FSM. From stopped_tracking, the only state that should leave should be start_tracking.
And for reconfigure, we actually stop and start tracking. We should have a different transition for that. That will also ensure that we can remove this super hacky code, and potentially, with correct versioning, can reconfigure even if the data is pushed from the server.
public static void restartCollection(Context ctxt) {
Super hacky solution, but works for now. Steps are:
* Stop tracking
* Poll for state change
* Start tracking
* Ugh! My eyeballs hurt to even read that?!
ctxt.sendBroadcast(new Intent(ctxt.getString(R.string.transition_stop_tracking)));
final Context fCtxt = ctxt;
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
boolean stateChanged = false;
while(!stateChanged) {
try {
Thread.sleep(1000); // Wait for one second in the loop
stateChanged = (TripDiaryStateMachineService.getState(fCtxt).equals(
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Sleep has been interrupted, might as well exit the while loop
stateChanged = true;
fCtxt.sendBroadcast(new Intent(fCtxt.getString(R.string.transition_start_tracking)));
The challenge is to then deal with yet another transition in an already complicated state diagram. And if the user is reconfiguring, they can always stop tracking anyway. Will fix the first part for now. Will fix the second part later.
We should have a different transition for that.
We cannot easily do that. I spent a bunch of time doing it, and then it turned out that it wouldn't work because we use different services for duty cycled and ongoing, and the service is chosen by the receiver. So for this to work, we need a call to the receiver between stop and start at least when we toggle duty cycling, which means that we might as well do it for everything.
This is not a huge issue on iOS anyway, since stopping does not happen in the background.
So we are going to handle reconfigure by stop + start in the foreseeable future.
So we are going to handle reconfigure by stop + start in the foreseeable future.
I will add a quick check for the current state to ensure that we don't inadvertently start tracking on reconfigure.
I recently upgraded from v0.0.8 to v0.0.9 on a phone that had tracking stopped, and it started tracking again. I think that the duty cycling was turned off (it went directly to ongoing_trip), so the problem may be with the init transition not being handled properly in
.Note that one even more egregious case of this was fixed in 993a630695945fac5501ceb062f030e58785cd0d but as we move to more automatic updates, we want to ensure that we don't secretly start tracking again.