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📈 New "Dashboard" tab - Design Considerations #961

Closed JGreenlee closed 1 year ago

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

A couple months ago, we discussed in https://github.com/e-mission/e-mission-docs/issues/922 and created some wireframes Now that Abby and I are implementing this Dashboard rewrite in https://github.com/e-mission/e-mission-phone/pull/1018, I am starting a new issue to continue discussion.

These are the wireframes from #922, copied here for convenience:

Here are some initial drafts of the implementation:

![image](https://github.com/e-mission/e-mission-docs/assets/15843932/65b44386-bbd4-40c8-a1d9-8ad3d1f08c7f) ![image](https://github.com/e-mission/e-mission-docs/assets/15843932/fef861be-fba9-41f2-8bc9-04031e842a11) ![image](https://github.com/e-mission/e-mission-docs/assets/15843932/0d89e2e5-b150-4448-bf4e-30252d39795d)

Some things to note:

There are a few things we need to stop and consider.

Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly interval

The old Dashboard has options to change the basis of time on which these metrics are represented:

1) Concretely, what does this do?

2) Do we need to support it? Why not just fetch the data on a daily basis and segment it into week / months that way? Does that put extra stress on the server?

Active minutes

The wireframes showed active minutes per day as a chart. However, the CDC recommendation is on a weekly basis (150 minutes, moderate intensity) I think that weekly goals are generally more appropriate for this, so I am suggesting that we pivot to a simple comparison of "past week" vs "previous week", each of these with stacked 'walk' and 'bike' totals. Then, we can put the target line at 150 and visually see whether, between your cumulative active minutes, you reached 150.

Then, I think we should have a separate card to the right of this (swipable to by carousel) that breaks this down by (i) high-intensity, (ii) moderate-intensity, (iii) low-intensity.

Average speed

We receive average speed metrics from the server. These appear to be the average speed per mode per day.

So if on Monday, I walked to the bank at a speed of 4mph, and return at a speed of 2mph - my average for Monday is 3mph. Then on Tuesday, I walk to the store at 3mph and return at 5mph - my average for Tuesday is 4mph.

But to get my average across both days, I don't think we can just take these two figures (3mph and 4mph) and average them together to get 3.5mph. Because what if the walk to the store was 20 minutes, while to the bank it's only 10 minutes? Then mathematically, my average speed between those days was not 3.5mph, it was greater than that.

The proper way to calculate my Average walking speed for Monday and Tuesday would be to find my total walking distance on those days, divided by my total walking duration on those days. Those are two metrics that we already have - so I don't think we actually have any use for the speed metrics that we get from the server.

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

We receive average speed metrics from the server. These appear to be the average speed per mode per day.

I am actually bumping up against this same issue as I start to boil down the metrics from the server into the formats that FootprintHelper accepts (I plan to continue using FootprintHelper, at least for now, to get the carbon footprints). At a high level, data from the server is parsed into "modeMaps" which are then aggregated into "modeSummaries" -- the previous footprint card seems to only rely on distance summaries, but the mean_speed summary was still calculated using the mathematically improper way Jack describes - summing across days for each mode and dividing by the number of days.

So, not a block on my current goal (rough draft of a carbon footprint card) but another place to consider this change, and now that I'm writing it out, we might want to centralize this data mapping for use across cards.

shankari commented 1 year ago

Do we need to support it? Why not just fetch the data on a daily basis and segment it into week / months that way? Does that put extra stress on the server?

Intuitively, yes but I don't think we have ever quantified the savings. Think about it - reading a year's worth of data, segmented as days, will return 365 4 (number of metrics) results. Reading a years's worth of data, segmented as months, will return only 12 4

The general rule of thumb is that as the number of entries that you retrieve grows, collating on the server is going to be much more performant than collating on the client.

However, I take your point that it may not need to be exposed to the user. The original goal was just to provide a user-version of the server API. I am open to not exposing this, and choosing it automatically under the hood based on the range selected, for example.

Do you have a concrete proposal?

shankari commented 1 year ago

I think that weekly goals are generally more appropriate for this, so I am suggesting that we pivot to a simple comparison of "past week" vs "previous week", each of these with stacked 'walk' and 'bike' totals. Then, we can put the target line at 150 and visually see whether, between your cumulative active minutes, you reached 150.

Then, I think we should have a separate card to the right of this (swipable to by carousel) that breaks this down by (i) high-intensity, (ii) moderate-intensity, (iii) low-intensity.

Sounds good to me.

We receive average speed metrics from the server. These appear to be the average speed per mode per day.

I think the only reason we even include the average speed in the metrics is because the METs (and thus our new mild/moderate/high exercise counts) depend on the average speed for the active transportation mode - walking at 5mph is very different from an exertion perspective, than walking at 2 mph.

And once we got the metrics, we just treated them like all the other metrics. I am not sure that the mean speed is useful outside the context of METs (I never use it), so we could just omit it from the visualizations.

shankari commented 1 year ago

All in all, this looks great; look forward to seeing it on staging soon!

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

I've been working through pulling the data into a new card for carbon footprint, and so far I have the 2030 and 2050 goals alongside the user's low and high estimates for current and past weeks (see screenshot, user metrics would show as a range if there were unlabeled trips). Our existing implementation also includes a "vs all taxi" and "average for group" metric.

I think we should be really intentional here to show users "how well" they're doing in terms of having a low carbon footprint and/or lowering their footprint. To that end I like the plan with the "% change" being a central display and with the 2030 and 2050 lines as goals on the graph. This would leave user current week, user previous week, average for group, and all taxi as candidates for the main bars on the graph.

I can see the value in "vs all taxi" (to show savings) and "average for group" (for competitive users) but I think it opens a conversation about error bars and how to calculate and show those. For most of the metrics as they are calculated now, we maintain a "low" and "high" estimate and that's what is used to show users the range. How would that translate to error bars? My instinct would be to show the bar's value as the middle of the range, then the error bars as the low-high estimates, but I'm not sure that's statistically sound.

The aggregate metrics might throw the scale of the carbon card (nrel-commute, for example, the range right now is 0-484) and if scaling is wonky then it's hard to make sense of a graph at all). I might propose a toggle to see the group metrics on the carbon card, but I'm unsure how much interest there would be in that. Does anyone have a suggestion on how we should show group metrics in terms of carbon?

shankari commented 1 year ago

For most of the metrics as they are calculated now, we maintain a "low" and "high" estimate and that's what is used to show users the range. How would that translate to error bars? My instinct would be to show the bar's value as the middle of the range, then the error bars as the low-high estimates, but I'm not sure that's statistically sound.

The "error bars" project will generate an estimated value along with the range. At least for CO2, that range will be 1 SD. For some of the other metrics, such as distance and duration, it will likely be 1 variance. That is in fact statistically sound 😄 (@humbleOldSage, @rahulkulhalli, @allenmichael099)

Also, given that we are redesigning this anyway and are funded by the Department of Energy, we might want to show energy and emissions separately. Right now, given the state of the US grid, energy and emissions are proportional. However, there are significant grid decarbonization efforts ongoing (many of which NREL is very involved in), so once we implement #954 they may start to diverge in a year or so.

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

Until we have the estimated values available to use, maybe for now we can use stacked bar charts to show uncertainty.

The range between the "low" and "high" estimates can be shown in a lighter color, or potentially with slashed lines, to represent indeterminacy.

This page illustrates the kind of visualization I mean: https://setproduct.com/charts/templates

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

I am not sure what to do about getting these "low-", "moderate-", and "high-intensity" active minute counts.

To do this correctly, we would need trip-level information, not just day-level or week-level information. If I went for a 10-minute sprint this morning and take a 30-minute stroll this evening, we should expect that to count as "10 minutes high intensity" and "30 minutes low intensity"

However, the only information we have access to is the total walk distance/duration/speed for the entire day. So the best we can do is say which days were high/moderate/low intensity. A day like today, where I take a sprint and a stroll, might end up averaging out as "moderate intensity" for the entire day, and I think this would be misleading.

To get the desired result of "10 minutes high intensity and 30 minutes low intensity", we would need server-side changes.

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

The range between the "low" and "high" estimates can be shown in a lighter color, or potentially with slashed lines, to represent indeterminacy.

I like this idea, here's a first draft of including the carbon metrics as a chart:

I want to adjust the colors to the darker/lighter like you suggested, and I'm also hoping to move the change to the header of the card, as it is in the wireframe, as well as move the goals to lines on the graph, instead of their own bars.

If the 2030/2050 goals are horizontal lines, should they stay on the chart if they are a certain degree out-of-range of the user's data?

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

Looks like it is coming along great!

Is there a reason you opted to show this chart vertically? Our wireframes from before had these in a horizontal layout. I believe we made that choice in consideration of the "meter" metaphor that we were trying to convey.

But if you think the vertical layout is better, I'm happy to have additional discussion and weigh the pros and cons.

If the 2030/2050 goals are horizontal lines, should they stay on the chart if they are a certain degree out-of-range of the user's data?

I think so. The target lines are the most important point of reference - they give meaning to all the other measurements. Even in a situation where a user's emissions are well below the goals (meaning the user is doing really well at reducing emissions), and their emission bars only show up as 5 pixels tall, I still think that is exactly what we should show.

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

Is there a reason you opted to show this chart vertically? Our wireframes from before had these in a horizontal layout. I believe we made that choice in consideration of the "meter" metaphor that we were trying to convey.

I think I was just most familiar with vertical charts, so I started there. I just flipped it and looking at the goal lines that way I think we should find a way to color the lines to covey that "less is more" here, my first instinct when I saw the 2030 goal off to the right was that it would be "better" if my bars were closer, which is not the case.

Even in a situation where a user's emissions are well below the goals (meaning the user is doing really well at reducing emissions), and their emission bars only show up as 5 pixels tall, I still think that is exactly what we should show.

I hadn't thought about it that way, but that totally makes sense. I'm curious to see how the interactivity to see the values of the bars works on a real phone, I think having that pop up saves us from the "where'd it go" concern that I initially had.

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

I think we should find a way to color the lines to covey that "less is more" here, my first instinct when I saw the 2030 goal off to the right was that it would be "better" if my bars were closer, which is not the case.

Brainstorming ideas for that:

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

I think coloring the bars or a meter across the bottom (2nd or 3rd bullet) could be good.

With the uncertainty, I think if the uncertainty pushes us past a goal it's fair to change the bar color, and this could serve as further motivation to label? I also like the idea of icons if we need them, we could even add those to the lines themselves, potentially marking them better as thresholds? Not sure how crammed that would make those line annotation labels though.

~I have tried turning the bars horizontal (by changing the isHorizontal param to true), but I can't get bars to show up at all that way. The line annotations and scales seem fine and I haven't seen any errors. I haven't figured out why yet, but I'll keep looking into it.~ update: this was because I forgot to flip x and y in the graph records when I flipped the boolean

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

I am not sure what to do about getting these "low-", "moderate-", and "high-intensity" active minute counts.

To do this correctly, we would need trip-level information, not just day-level or week-level information. If I went for a 10-minute sprint this morning and take a 30-minute stroll this evening, we should expect that to count as "10 minutes high intensity" and "30 minutes low intensity"

However, the only information we have access to is the total walk distance/duration/speed for the entire day. So the best we can do is say which days were high/moderate/low intensity. A day like today, where I take a sprint and a stroll, might end up averaging out as "moderate intensity" for the entire day, and I think this would be misleading.

To get the desired result of "10 minutes high intensity and 30 minutes low intensity", we would need server-side changes.

Seeking advice on how to proceed with this. I think it would require server changes, so is it even worth implementing right now? Maybe we should revisit it later? Is there a suitable substitute we can implement in the meantime?

shankari commented 1 year ago

Seeking advice on how to proceed with this. I think it would require server changes, so is it even worth implementing right now? Maybe we should revisit it later? Is there a suitable substitute we can implement in the meantime?

It is very dear to my heart but I think we should hold off on it for now.

Couple of options:

The classic travel behavior drivers are cost and time, and we have time (although maybe not super visible), but no cost.

Both of them could start with a basic value/PkmT and just multiply and combine to give the value. The energy values (which we infer emissions from) are at https://github.com/e-mission/em-public-dashboard/tree/main/viz_scripts/auxiliary_files and there's a pending PR related to cost which I'm waiting for somebody to cleanup but which does have some reasonable estimates for the cost intensity (https://github.com/e-mission/em-public-dashboard/pull/36)

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

The aggregate metrics might throw the scale of the carbon card (nrel-commute, for example, the range right now is 0-484) and if scaling is wonky then it's hard to make sense of a graph at all). I might propose a toggle to see the group metrics on the carbon card, but I'm unsure how much interest there would be in that. Does anyone have a suggestion on how we should show group metrics in terms of carbon?

I went ahead and tried the toggle solution to this issue, and I think it works nicely, but I'm open to other suggestions and feedback!


JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

It's a bit unclear to me what the 'group' option represents here. Is that the cumulative emissions for the entire group? Or is it representing the 'average user' in the group?

If it's cumulative, it doesn't make sense to show the goals there because those are on a per-capita basis.

If it's 'average user', I would rather see them stacked up against my own emissions. With me on one tab and 'average user' on another tab, it's hard for me to compare and see if I'm doing better than average.

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

Is that the cumulative emissions for the entire group? Or is it representing the 'average user' in the group?

It's supposed to be average, but some of the numbers (that I've seen in staging/production) don't make sense to me. "Average for Group" is the label now, and across my phones the values are: nrel-commute -> 15-638, stage-study -> 9-84, stage-program -> 9-84. Given how big NREL-commute is, was why I felt the need to isolate the group away from the user, since we're looking at more than 10x the 2030 goal there. Maybe nrel-commute stats are some sort of crazy outlier, maybe lots of people are flying?

If it's 'average user', I would rather see them stacked up against my own emissions. With me on one tab and 'average user' on another tab, it's hard for me to compare and see if I'm doing better than average.

I agree that this is the probably the most reasonable way to present "aggregate carbon". I'll test a few of my opcodes in the morning and check on the data at different points in the process to make sure that the intended result (average user) is what's actually happening, or fix it if I find the average is getting lost somewhere.

Assuming we confirm the metrics are being averaged, and nrel-commute remains an outlier, would a condition to omit that bar if it's too high make sense? I'd think a cap of 3x the 2030 goal or the user's average (whichever is bigger) might make sense here, to keep the focus on the user's choices over the collective.

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

and check on the data at different points in the process to make sure that the intended result (average user) is what's actually happening

I traced through the aggregate metric calculations, and at a high level the "averaging" takes place when the total for a mode for a day is divided by nUsers in the process of formatting the data from the metrics, then these are summarized for each mode by summing across the days. I sketched this out below. I'm confused what "group" is in this context, since nUsers fluctuates day-to-day. What is nUsers (gotten from the server as a part of each metric)? Is it the number of people that label in a given day, the total number of opcodes that exist? I looked on the server code, but couldn't find the definition of getDistinctUserCount.

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

I think we should find a way to color the lines to covey that "less is more" here, my first instinct when I saw the 2030 goal off to the right was that it would be "better" if my bars were closer, which is not the case.

This is probably the most simplistic way to show that more emissions are bad, does it get the point across?

I'm not really sure how I would go about coloring the bars themselves, since the colors are tied to the labels. Right now I have "certain" and "uncertain" but I think it might make sense to change them to "labeled" and "unlabeled" to show that labeling will collapse the range. Or maybe "labeled trips" and "unlabeled trips" if that fits?

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

Here's something I found:


It looks like we can set backgroundColor to a callback function inside which we have access to the raw values

      <Bar ref={barChartRef}
        data={{datasets: chartData.map((e, i) => ({
          // cycle through the default palette, repeat if necessary
          backgroundColor: (ctx: any) => {
            console.debug("ctx", ctx);
            if (ctx.raw.x > 100) return 'red';
            return defaultPalette[i % defaultPalette.length];

We can get x and y values through ctx.raw.x and ctx.raw.y (among many other things inside ctx).

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

This is probably the most simplistic way to show that more emissions are bad, does it get the point across?

Coloring the dotted lines is great! It's small but I really think that does helps a lot. I'm not sure if the emojis are as effective though. I'm interested to see what colored lines + colored bars would look like together

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

It would be really cool if we could get the bars to "bleed" into red as they approach the 2030 goal, like this (but horizontal): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60679709/chart-js-add-gradient-to-bar-chart

Or, this example where the gradient covers the full spectrum of green-red:

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

It would be really cool if we could get the bars to "bleed" into red as they approach the 2030 goal, like this (but horizontal):

That looks cool! I'll mess mess around with it when I get the chance, maybe there's some way to show the gradient + stacked to maintain the uncertainty? I think we need to keep the distinction between certain & uncertain (or labeled and unlabeled). I thought about doing the background as a green -> red gradient, but thought that might be visually overwhelming and hard to maintain the goal lines as color transitions rather than allowing the gradient to take up the entire graph.

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

Couple of options:

  • energy (see my note above about being funded by DOE)
  • cost (per suggestion from @idillon-sfl?)

The classic travel behavior drivers are cost and time, and we have time (although maybe not super visible), but no cost.

Both of them could start with a basic value/PkmT and just multiply and combine to give the value. The energy values (which we infer emissions from) are at https://github.com/e-mission/em-public-dashboard/tree/main/viz_scripts/auxiliary_files and there's a pending PR related to cost which I'm waiting for somebody to cleanup but which does have some reasonable estimates for the cost intensity (e-mission/em-public-dashboard#36)

Would it be ok to hold off on these for this release cycle so we don't get bogged down on the rest of the rewrite?

One easy thing we can do right now, with the metrics we already have, is to show daily active minutes for the past 1-2 weeks (likely as line chart(s)). Although not as rich as a breakdown by intensity, it does at least show the data in more granular chunks and give the user more things they can explore about their data.

This way, we would have weekly active minutes on the front page, and swipable to right would be daily active minutes.

shankari commented 1 year ago

Would it be ok to hold off on these for this release cycle so we don't get bogged down on the rest of the rewrite?

Sure. I am always in favor of incremental progress. I want to do a bunch of unification of the dashboard inputs and outputs anyway, across public dashboard and individual dashboard, and we can do a better design then...

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

Is there anything else we want to add for active minutes? Maybe more descriptives (as text)?

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

I think that looks really good! The intentional gaps in days where you don't have a mode (like bike) are a nice detail and the "overall for range" makes it clear where those totals are coming from.

I am noticing that in "Active Minutes" the times are bolded while the labels are bolded in "My distance" and I think it might make mores sense to me for them to match, but I'm open to keeping them different if it's because we're emphasizing different things in different places.

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

I'm interested to see what colored lines + colored bars would look like together

Here's what it looks like with solid colored bars -- as you can tell the label keys are now messy. I wonder if we could make those patterns on this chart - like if "certain" was solid and "uncertain" had stripes. The distinction is still reflected in the chart based off of when I click one or the other off.

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

I drew up some more ideas. I think the one on the right would probably work the best. It would take some work to get this working in ChartJS, but it would be really cool. Thoughts?

![image](https://github.com/e-mission/e-mission-docs/assets/15843932/b3c5880b-57b8-4f8c-b2e8-458e1f46cde2) ![image](https://github.com/e-mission/e-mission-docs/assets/15843932/068ee1ea-26be-4854-8ec5-ba3b867e6599)
JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

I think the gradients are effective in communicating that higher=bad because you can actually see the bars turning red / orange as they go further right.

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

Also, it might help to simply reconsider our word choice. "Goal" has a positive connotation and I don't think that's helping us convey the right information.

I don't think we can go as far as to say "Quota", "Cap", or "Limit" - but what about something more neutral like "Guideline"?

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

I'm interested to see what colored lines + colored bars would look like together

Here's what it looks like with solid colored bars -- as you can tell the label keys are now messy. I wonder if we could make those patterns on this chart - like if "certain" was solid and "uncertain" had stripes. The distinction is still reflected in the chart based off of when I click one or the other off.

Stripes are a good idea and would be far easier to achieve than my design. Based on how this looks, if we can get the uncertainty / label keys sorted out and change the verbage, I think this would be fine for the initial release of the new dashboard. The gradients could be a potential future project.

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

I think the gradients are effective in communicating that higher=bad because you can actually see the bars turning red / orange as they go further right.

I agree, but I worry about it getting visually overwhelming if we don't get it right. I like the righthand mockup though, I think it's effective but not too much color changing. Is that idea to have it go yellow->orange if over 2050 and orange-> red if over 2030 (and by pattern-matching green->yellow if under 2050)? I definitely like the graying for uncertainty, don't know how to implement that to match up the stacked bars but there has to be a way. My biggest concern as far as implementation goes is edge cases like we've been talking about with the aggregate metrics, would the "color stop" for red be a moving target? Or could we go past red into black?

The gradients could be a potential future project.

This sounds like a good plan, hopefully we get the "outlier" issue addressed and then the implementation will be at least slightly more straightforward

Less related, but how is this from a colorblindness standpoint? The guidelines are still there, should we keep the emojis (or find clearer ones)?

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago
longer labels shorter labels

Here's what diagonal lines look like, I think I can reduce the "fuzz" on the lines if I make them narrower, and I added the border only for bars in the "meter" chart. How do we feel about this, as a solution for now?

And which labels do we prefer? I think the shorter ones might be better, since they do get closer together as the max y increases. Is it ok to take off the "US" part? I remember it confusing the Laos team, and we talked about them possible making them configurable at some point.

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

Is that idea to have it go yellow->orange if over 2050 and orange-> red if over 2030 (and by pattern-matching green->yellow if under 2050)?

Yeah, that is basically what I had in mind. We would construct a linear gradient mapped to emission amounts, such that it lines up with the goals. Something like:

5 = green 20 = yellow 35 = orange 50 = red

For a particular bar with value x, we'd show a slice of the gradient from [x-15, x].

So: 20 kg CO2 -> 5 to 20 -> green to yellow 50 kg CO2 -> 35 to 50 -> orange to red 42 kg CO2: -> 27 to 42 -> yellowish-orange to orangeish-red

would the "color stop" for red be a moving target? Or could we go past red into black?

So no, it wouldn't be a moving target and would be fixed to the raw emission amount. We could go past red into dark red or eventually black, but at some point I think we could put the final stop and say anything past that point will be the same color.

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

Here's what diagonal lines look like, I think I can reduce the "fuzz" on the lines if I make them narrower, and I added the border only for bars in the "meter" chart. How do we feel about this, as a solution for now?

This looks really good!

Is it ok to take off the "US" part?

I think we should add a footnote explaining it anyway, so I would say it's ok to remove "US" from the graph itself.

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

Can you make the target lines darker so they don't blend in with the bars?

Tip: I don't think you need to make new colors in appTheme for this. You can import color from "color"; and then do something like color('#f00').darken(.5).rgb().toString() (where '#f00' is any hex or rgb() string)

documentation for color: https://github.com/Qix-/color (It's used internally by RN Paper so we might as well use it too)

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

I think we should add a footnote explaining it anyway, so I would say it's ok to remove "US" from the graph itself.

"Dashed lines represent US decarbonization goals scaled to individual weekly transportation-related emissions by the respective years." How's this text? I'm working off of an issue linked in the old dashboard code.

It looks kind of long in the card, so maybe "Dashed lines represent US decarbonization goals" -- leaves off detail but is less text...

I could also make it a pop-up they click to open if we want less visible text and more information.

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

Would this medium-length version fit on the card?

"Dashed lines: US decarbonization goals scaled to per-capita travel-related emissions."

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

I think that looks good! Only 2 lines.

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

I looked at the new dashboard as it stands using TalkBack, and it worked well. Swiping through the elements read the cards top to bottom, including navigating the carousels. The "label / number" groupings (like bike: 45 minutes) read off in the pairs which was helpful. I definitely need to add text metrics to the carbon footprint in order for that to be more accessible. It would also help to give alt-text to the toggles, because it just read them off as four instances of "button".

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

To that end, I've started adding text to the CarbonFootprint Card. Do we think it should be in the same "view" as the graph? It needs to be associated with the graph and easy to find, but we also want to keep the dashboard as viewer-friendly as possible. A simple route would be to move the change sticker to the left and include a toggle like some of the other cards have, but that would give up a place for the leaf like in the wireframe. Do we think the leaf is an important part of indicating what the card is for?

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

I don't think the leaf is critical, but I do think it's most logical to have the change sticker to the right of "My Footprint".

"My Footprint | +4%" immediately makes sense, while I'm not sure that "+4% | My Footprint" does.

I'm a bit hesitant to have the text accessible only by toggling. In consideration of screen readers (which is a primary reason we even want the text), I think it's better to have the text directly in the DOM and not hidden behind a toggle.

But I agree we don't want the front card to be cluttered.

What do you think about putting the My Footprint card also in a carousel view, with a card to the right that has the text? It seems the carousel has been working really well for the other sections of the dashboard in allowing us to provide detailed information without cluttering the page vertically. And then the Dashboard would be more structurally unified - 3 sections, each with a row of cards to swipe through.

The drawback to this I see is that we would lose about 15-20 pixels of width on the My Footprint card. But I think we can afford that, especially if can shorten, abbreviate, or lower font size of the Y axis titles.

shankari commented 1 year ago

I am fine with dropping the leaf. Carousel sounds good in principle, would be good to see what it looks like

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

Carousel sounds good in principle, would be good to see what it looks like

Here are the two cards side-by side in the carousel! I think Jack's right that a little bit of work on the y axis titles would help with the meter staying in perspective.

JGreenlee commented 1 year ago

Here is what I would suggest then

@Abby-Wheelis If you have time, else I'll try it out later because I'll be working several hours tonight

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

If you have time, else I'll try it out later

I made your abbreviation suggestion in en.json, but have not changed the font size.

Abby-Wheelis commented 1 year ago

I'm confused what "group" is in this context, since nUsers fluctuates day-to-day. What is nUsers (gotten from the server as a part of each metric)? Is it the number of people that label in a given day, the total number of opcodes that exist? I looked on the server code, but couldn't find the definition of getDistinctUserCount.

I don't think I ever figured out where nUsers was coming from as used in calculating the group metrics. I did confirm that it goes up and down sometimes as time advances, so it's not just from new people joining the study. @shankari do you have any insight on where this "group size" is drawn from?

shankari commented 1 year ago

I believe that nUsers is the number of unique users who are in the dataset that we are sending over. https://github.com/e-mission/e-mission-server/blob/55704fc0296ba70d7af18351dd43ee1dcd88f50d/emission/analysis/result/metrics/time_grouping.py#L164

If you look at the code just below that, we support both mode_confirm or sensed_mode, which means that we shouldn't have filtered before. And we don't even send over only the filtered results, because we do send over unlabeled for mode_confirm. So it should be the number of users who had even one trip recorded.

So here's where we read the data https://github.com/e-mission/e-mission-server/blob/55704fc0296ba70d7af18351dd43ee1dcd88f50d/emission/analysis/result/metrics/time_grouping.py#L47

and then we adjust_userinputs which clearly has unlabled trips because we replace any unlabeled trips with the string "unlabeled"

and then we just find the number of users (in grouped_to_summary) without any further filtering