e-mission / op-admin-dashboard

An admin/deployer dashboard for the NREL OpenPATH platform
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Convert all files to unix format to make code reviews easier in the f… #26

Closed shankari closed 1 year ago

shankari commented 1 year ago


Before this

$ find . -name \*.py | xargs file
./globals.py:                      ASCII text
./utils/decode_jwt.py:             Python script text executable, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
./utils/constants.py:              ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
./utils/generate_qr_codes.py:      Python script text executable, ASCII text
./utils/permissions.py:            Python script text executable, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
./utils/cognito_utils.py:          Python script text executable, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
./utils/db_utils.py:               Python script text executable, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
./utils/generate_random_tokens.py: Python script text executable, ASCII text
./globalsUpdater.py:               Python script text executable, ASCII text
./app.py:                          Python script text executable, ASCII text
./config-fake.py:                  ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
./pages/home.py:                   Python script text executable, ASCII text
./pages/tokens.py:                 Python script text executable, ASCII text
./pages/map.py:                    Python script text executable, ASCII text
./pages/settings.py:               Python script text executable, ASCII text
./pages/push_notification.py:      Python script text executable, ASCII text
./pages/data.py:                   Python script text executable, ASCII text
./app_sidebar_collapsible.py:      Python script text executable, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators

Auto-fix using

$ find . -name \*.py | xargs file | grep "with CRLF" | cut -d ":" -f 1 | xargs dos2unix
dos2unix: converting file ./utils/decode_jwt.py to Unix format...
dos2unix: converting file ./utils/constants.py to Unix format...
dos2unix: converting file ./utils/permissions.py to Unix format...
dos2unix: converting file ./utils/cognito_utils.py to Unix format...
dos2unix: converting file ./utils/db_utils.py to Unix format...
dos2unix: converting file ./config-fake.py to Unix format...
dos2unix: converting file ./app_sidebar_collapsible.py to Unix format...

After the change

$ find . -name \*.py | xargs file
./globals.py:                      ASCII text
./utils/decode_jwt.py:             Python script text executable, ASCII text
./utils/constants.py:              ASCII text
./utils/generate_qr_codes.py:      Python script text executable, ASCII text
./utils/permissions.py:            Python script text executable, ASCII text
./utils/cognito_utils.py:          Python script text executable, ASCII text
./utils/db_utils.py:               Python script text executable, ASCII text
./utils/generate_random_tokens.py: Python script text executable, ASCII text
./globalsUpdater.py:               Python script text executable, ASCII text
./app.py:                          Python script text executable, ASCII text
./config-fake.py:                  Python script text executable, ASCII text
./pages/home.py:                   Python script text executable, ASCII text
./pages/tokens.py:                 Python script text executable, ASCII text
./pages/map.py:                    Python script text executable, ASCII text
./pages/settings.py:               Python script text executable, ASCII text
./pages/push_notification.py:      Python script text executable, ASCII text
./pages/data.py:                   Python script text executable, ASCII text
./app_sidebar_collapsible.py:      Python script text executable, ASCII text
shankari commented 1 year ago

@swastis10 would you like to review this change?