e-p-armstrong / augmentoolkit

Convert Compute And Books Into Instruct-Tuning Datasets (or classifiers)!
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List index out of range error #46

Open kartik122 opened 3 weeks ago

kartik122 commented 3 weeks ago

Trying to run the augment toolkit on MacOs M3, with ollama (ollama run llama3) on the following config.yaml PATH: INPUT: "./raw_text_input" OUTPUT: "./output" DEFAULT_PROMPTS: "./prompts" # the baseline prompt folder that Augmentoolkit falls back to if it can't find a step in the PROMPTS path PROMPTS: "./prompts" # Where Augmentoolkit first looks for prompts API: API_KEY: "53212512" BASE_URL: LARGE_LOGICAL_MODEL: llama3 LOGICAL_MODEL: llama3 # model used for question generation and conversation generation at the very end. A pretty tough task, if ASSISTANT_MODE isn't on. QUANTIZATION_SMALL: "gptq" # Only use if Aphrodite mode is on. QUANTIZATION_LARGE: "gptq" # Only use if Aphrodite mode is on. SKIP: QUESTION_CHECK: False ANSWER_RELEVANCY_CHECK: False # turn on if using the negative question prompt override FILTER_CHUNKS: False SYSTEM: CHUNK_SIZE: 1900 USE_FILENAMES: False # give the AI context from the filenames provided to it. Useful if the filenames are meaningful, otherwise turn them off. DOUBLE_CHECK_COUNTER: 1 # How many times to check a question and answer pair during each validation step. Majority vote decides if it passes that step. There are three steps. So most questions are by default checked around 9 times (fewer if the first two checks for a step pass, obviously). SUBSET_SIZE: 10 USE_SUBSET: False # Whether to take only the first 13 chunks from a text during the run. Useful for experimenting and iterating and seeing all the steps without costing too much money or time. CONCURRENCY_LIMIT: 50 # Hard limit of how many calls can be run at the same time, useful for API mode (aphrodite automatically manages this and queues things, as far as I know) COMPLETION_MODE: False # Change to false if you want to use chat (instruct) mode; this requires .json files in your chosen prompts directory, in the OpenAI API format. Not all APIs support completion mode. MODE: "api" # can be one of "api"|"aphrodite" STOP: True # True = Use stop tokens, False = do not use stop tokens. OpenAI's API restricts you to four stop tokens and all steps have way more than four stop tokens, so you'll need to turn this to False if you're using OAI's API. Also NOTE that if you turn this OFF while using COMPLETION MODE, EVERYTHING WILL BREAK and it will cost you money in the process. Don't do that. CONVERSATION_INSTRUCTIONS: For this conversation, you are generating a chat between a generalist, generic AI assistant, and a human. FINAL_ASSISTANT_PROMPT_NO_RAG: | You are a helpful AI assistant. FINAL_ASSISTANT_PROMPT_RAG: | You are a helpful AI assistant.

Context information is below:

{data} PHASE: WORK_IN_PHASES: False PHASE_INDEX: 3 # index of the phase we are currently on (index 0 = filtering out chunks with no relevant context; index 1 = question generation; index 2 = question validation; index 3 = context revision and conversation generation, the final phase) HUGGINGFACE: HUB_PATH: "Heralax/test-atk-dataset-do-not-use-3" PRIVATE: false PUSH_TO_HUB: false

im getting the error as follows : LOADING: failed|./raw_text_input/medicine_wikipedia 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| 85/85 [00:00<00:00, 5419.66it/s] Converting generations to training data entering saving mode ...Converted successfully (we think) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/kargupta8/Desktop/augmentoolkit/processing.py", line 505, in asyncio.run(main()) File "/Users/kargupta8/miniconda3/envs/augment-toolkit/lib/python3.11/asyncio/runners.py", line 190, in run return runner.run(main) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/kargupta8/miniconda3/envs/augment-toolkit/lib/python3.11/asyncio/runners.py", line 118, in run return self._loop.run_until_complete(task) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/kargupta8/miniconda3/envs/augment-toolkit/lib/python3.11/asyncio/base_events.py", line 654, in run_until_complete return future.result() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/kargupta8/Desktop/augmentoolkit/processing.py", line 226, in main print(filtered_worthy_for_questions[0])

IndexError: list index out of range
e-p-armstrong commented 2 weeks ago

One thing this could be is that if everything fails validation (possibly due to the model breaking with the output format every time, if the model is not very strong, or sometimes due to API errors and other issues) then the chunks list will be empty and nothing will generate past that.

Strangely it looks like you're using the default inputs, so we can probably rule that out. And llama 3 is also definitely capable of running Augmentoolkit, so that rules that out as well unless you're running a very low quant or something's up with your server.

Could you share some of the intermediate outputs? You should be able to find them in outputs/judge_paragraph_generations. In that folder there will be a bunch of yaml files containing the full prompts + the AI output at the very end. It might contain a clue about what's going on.

kartik122 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @e-p-armstrong this is one of the output files from the judge_paragraph_generations folder

mjh624 commented 1 day ago

I have also observed an "index out of bounds" error:

Output written to ../outFiles/judge_paragraph_generations/99e9cbce-823a-401e-b09b-ef922e806e98.yaml DEBUG model decided that index 485 was not suitable Converting generations to training data entering saving mode ...Converted successfully (we think) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/augmentoolkit/processing.py", line 504, in asyncio.run(main()) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/asyncio/runners.py", line 44, in run return loop.run_until_complete(main) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/asyncio/base_events.py", line 647, in run_until_complete return future.result() File "/tmp/augmentoolkit/processing.py", line 225, in main print(filtered_worthy_for_questions[0]) IndexError: list index out of range

with ollama