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Unit 3 Section 1-4 Grades #15

Open e-shen2022 opened 1 year ago

e-shen2022 commented 1 year ago

Variables, Types, Binary Numbers 3.1-3.2 --> Grade: 1/1


Reflection: Here learned about variables, how to name them, types of variables, lists, and binary numbers. String –> a word or group of characters not be changed numerically, just a phrase (ex. “hello”, “858-705-5930”) Boolean –> True of False Integer –> whole number Float –> number with decimal point Name a variable thoughtfully, not just randomly. (ex. If you were naming a boolean variable to determine if an object is the color pink, name the variable isPink.) Lists - you can combine lists together, and have multiple types of variables in a list Converting binary to decimal numbers is just a matter of knowing what each decimal point represents.

Sequence, Selection, Iteration 3.3-3.4 --> Grade: 0.95/1
