e-tinkers / esp32-adc-calibrate

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Use a more precise signal reference #4

Closed maxmeli123 closed 1 year ago

maxmeli123 commented 1 year ago

Because not to use LEDC or I2S PDM to generate a precise signal reference instead of low (8 bit) resolution internal DAC ?

Frequency | Bit depth | Available steps Max 1220Hz 16 65536 Max 2441Hz 15 32768 Max 4882Hz 14 16384 Max 9765Hz 13 8192 Max 19531Hz 12 4096

You can eg generate a frequency max 1220Hz and have a resolution of 16 bits changing the duty cycle from 0 to 65535.

LEDC is linear and use ESP 16 bit internal timers, it is precise and you can setup it as you like by setting resolution, frequency and finally the desired duty cycle.

I used LEDC in 1bit mode to generate frequencies up 40Mhz to use as master clock signal replacing quartz, to sample audio over I2S so it can generate a precise signal reference on almost any pin, check documentation to know pins that support it.

To improve your project I suggest you these things:

Another way slould be to use I2S and setup it in the I2S config as PDM out. This even is used for audio, so it is good and can be used as linear precise voltage reference, more more better than internal 8 bit DAC, it is like default Raspberry 3.5 mini audio jack, not so good like an external audio DAC but can play 16 bit audio.

The best maybe is setup LEDC to 12 bit, use something like 10 or more Khz so you will have high frequency and exactly 4096 steps, the same than ADC. (highter frequency = less noise, you can increase up 19Khz, exact 4096 steps avoid you to divide steps, in your loop just increase by 1 unit every iteraction).

I'm not sure if this help you, I hope yes. Many thanks for your work. Max.

maxmeli123 commented 1 year ago

Check here at the voice 'Minimize noise', as you can see are exact my advices, use a 100nF to GND and sample more samples, then average the result, possibly add a small delay between any sample acquire will increase accuracy: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/peripherals/adc_calibration.html#minimize-noise

Sorry if I used another message, and sorry if a link is just a text, but my actually pc browser do not allow it, only my phone can do it.

techstudio-design commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the comment. The idea of using LEDC to generate as a liner voltage reference is certainly an interesting one and I know nothing about it until you mentioned it, I will certainly give it a try when I have time.

To be honest, I haven't touch the ESP32 ADC since 3-year ago when I was doing these testings. Nowadays, I either uses an external 16-bit ADC chip with I2C interface with a separate power rail for serious work (for clients who need precision ADC), or for hobby and quick-and-dirty project, using a much simple 5 sampling points at different voltages, and create an array like adcValues[5]{{1163, 1569, 1657, 1734, 2021} for each voltage measurement. It is much simpler than going through the elaborated way that I was doing several years ago.

maxmeli123 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for reply and sorry for delay on my reply,

I managed it a bit to work with a LEDC as precise reference managing 4096 values. Here a first attemp to do it, note that I used some digital LOW PASS FILTERS to search to remove noise but may these are not necessary. If you see the code I replaced the internal DAC (8 bit 256 values with LEDC) and setup it to the same resolution to get 4096 values.

To use this I've put an RC to output pin, like a resistor in serie and a small capacitor in parallel to GND.

Anyway it is an high frequency PWM an need to be filtered.

Because I do not know exact values I've put a trimmer and an adjustable capacitor. I've tried to get a more clean signal as possible but just using a serial monitor to get results is not the right way to do this, need an oscilloscope (and I don't have it).

Note that before this and after I tried your code, I've wrote an ESP32 library based on it, I called it ESP32LinearADC, it works like your code and it is very simple to use, something like that;

#include <ESP32LinearADC>


Serial.print ("Initializing ADC ...  ");
if (! ADC.begin()) {   // Begin ADC
      Serial.println ("Error while initialize ADC");
      while (1) delay (1);

// Uncomment this line once to calibrate ADC and show ADC LUT on serial monitor, then 
// copy it once to User_Setup.h library header. After this any time you read ADC will return
// linear values.

uint16_t value = ADC.read(35);  // This return our linear raw value (0 to 4095, note that is has a small gap under 50 and highter than 4030 that cannot be fixed)  no need to do anything else, just read values.

float voltage = ADC.read(35,  3.3);  /// Pin, vRef  This return the voltage

This worked well, and use your code to calculate calibration LUT. But now I want to improve it by using LEDC with true 4096 values. If you want to do a try here some code you can adapt. I do not removed comments, so maybe can be useful for you.... my apologies if I cannot put the code in a code tag, but I'm here with an old PC and my browser refuse to do it.

I hope it is useful for you, at least it will show you how use LEDC to get it working. If you try it and have success, please reply here your successes.

Many thanks

//#include <Arduino.h>
//#include <driver/dac.h>  // REPLACED WITH LEDC WHERE WE SET 12 BIT RESOLUTION

// Based on original work from Helmut Weber (https://github.com/MacLeod-D/ESP32-ADC)
// that he described at https://esp32.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2881&start=30#p47663
// Modified with bug-fixed by Henry Cheung
// Build a ESP32 ADC Lookup table to correct ESP32 ADC linearity issue
// Run this sketch to build your own LUT for each of your ESP32, copy and paste the
// generated LUT to your sketch for using it, see example sketch on how to use it
// Version 2.0 - switch to use analogRead() instead of esp-idf function adcStart()
// Version 1.0 - original adoptation and bug fix based on Helmut Weber code

//#define GRAPH      // uncomment this for print on Serial Plotter
//#define FLOAT_LUT     // uncomment this if you need float LUT
#define ADC_PIN 33      // uses any valid Ax pin as you wish

#define LEDC_CHANNEL        0   // Use first channel of 16 channels (started from zero)
#define LEDC_RES           12   // Use 12 bit precision for LEDC timer
#define LEDC_FREQ        5000   // Use 5000 Hz as a LEDC base frequency
#define LED_PIN          25   // Fade LED PIN (replace with LED_BUILTIN constant for built-in LED to test)

#define SAMPLES ((int)(pow(2, LEDC_RES)))
#define AVERAGE_SAMPLES    40

uint16_t TIME_BEFORE_SAMPLE;  // In ms (time required to stabilize before samples are taken)
#define SAMPLING_TIME       100  // In us  100

#define MAX_DUTY_CYCLE ((int)(SAMPLES-1))

int Results[SAMPLES + 1];
//float Res2[ (MAX_DUTY_CYCLE + 1) * 5];
uint32_t Current[SAMPLES];
uint32_t Filtered[SAMPLES];
uint32_t Filtered2[SAMPLES];
uint32_t Filtered3[SAMPLES];
int32_t Diff[SAMPLES];

// LowPass Filter for ADC
float FilterCoef1 = .2;   // decrease to apply more filter, increase (max = FilterMaxCoef) to apply less filter
float FilterCoef2 = .2;
float FilterCoef3 = .2;
float FilterMaxCoef = 1.0;
float F[10], oldF[10];  // Put here max number fo filters

// Arduino like analogWrite value has to be between 0 and valueMax, here we use 4095
void ledcAnalogWrite (uint8_t channel, uint32_t value, uint32_t valueMax = 255) {
   // Calculate duty, 4095 from 2 ^ 12 - 1
   uint32_t duty = (4095 / valueMax) * min (value, valueMax);

   // Write duty to LEDC
   //   Serial.printf ("Duty: %lu\n", (long unsigned int)duty);
   ledcWrite (channel, duty);

// Low Pass Filter (LPF)
float Filter (byte index, float nVal, float Coef, float MaxCoef) {
   F[index] = (nVal * Coef) + (oldF[index] * (MaxCoef - Coef));
   oldF[index] = F[index];
   return F[index];

void dumpResults (float* arr) {
   Serial.println ("\nDUMP RESULTS:\n");
   for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++) {
      if (i % 16 == 0) {
         Serial.print (i); Serial.print (" - ");
      Serial.print (arr[i], 2); Serial.print (", ");

void setup() {
   Serial.begin (115200);
   delay (4000);

   //   dac_output_enable (DAC_CHANNEL_1);   // pin 25
   //   dac_output_voltage (DAC_CHANNEL_1, 0);

   Serial.printf ("\n\nInitializing LEDC on pin GPIO%d\n", LED_PIN);
   // Setup timer and attach timer to a pin
   uint32_t freq = ledcSetup ((uint8_t)LEDC_CHANNEL, (uint32_t)LEDC_FREQ, (uint8_t)LEDC_RES);  // Setup LEDC to 12 bit resolution to be the same as ADC. We can use higter resolution but have not much sense   
   ledcAttachPin (LED_PIN, LEDC_CHANNEL);

   ledcAnalogWrite (LEDC_CHANNEL, MAX_DUTY_CYCLE, MAX_DUTY_CYCLE);  // Reset the duty on LEDC channel 0

   Serial.printf ("Done\n\nSetup Frequency: %lu Hz\nReal Frequency: %lu Hz\nMax DutyCycle: %d\n",
                  (long unsigned int)freq, (long unsigned int)ledcReadFreq (LEDC_CHANNEL), MAX_DUTY_CYCLE);


   delay (4000);

void loop() {

   Serial.println (F ("\n\nTest Linearity:\n"));

   Current[0] = 0;

   for (int i = 1; i < SAMPLES; i++) {
      ledcAnalogWrite (LEDC_CHANNEL, i, MAX_DUTY_CYCLE);  // Set the duty on LEDC channel 0
      delay (TIME_BEFORE_SAMPLE); // Wait a bit of milliseconds to stabilize

      for (int n = 0; n < AVERAGE_SAMPLES; n++) {
         delayMicroseconds (SAMPLING_TIME);
         uint32_t analogInput = analogRead (ADC_PIN);
         (analogInput > 0) ? Current[i] += analogInput : Current[i] = 0;
         //   Serial.printf ("Sample %d = %d\n", n, analogInput);

      uint32_t tmp = Current[i];
      if (Current[i] > 0) 
         Current[i] /= AVERAGE_SAMPLES;
          // Apply digital Low Pass Filter to remove noise (uncomment for filtered samples)
          Filtered[i] = Filter (0, Current[i], FilterCoef1, FilterMaxCoef);
          Filtered2[i] = Filter (1, Filtered[i], FilterCoef2, FilterMaxCoef);
          Filtered3[i] = Filter (2, Filtered2[i], FilterCoef3, FilterMaxCoef);

          Diff[i] = i - Filtered3[i];
          Results[i] = (i + Diff[i]);

          Serial.printf ("%d AVG:%lu F1:%lu F2:%lu F3:%lu Diff:%d Results:%d\n",
                     (long unsigned int)Current[i],
                     (long unsigned int)Filtered[i],
                     (long unsigned int)Filtered2[i],
                     (long unsigned int)Filtered3[i],
       delay (5000);

       Serial.println (F ("\nALL IS DONE"));
       for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i += 8) {
         Serial.printf ("idx:%d F3:%lu Diff:%d Results:%d\n",
                     (long unsigned int)Filtered3[i],
        delay (10);

     delay (10000);

    #ifdef FLOAT_LUT
       Serial.println ("const float ADC_LUT[4096] = { 0,");
       for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DUTY_CYCLE; i++) {  ///  ERA DA 0 A 4095
          Serial.print (Results[i], 4); Serial.print (",");
          if ((i % 15) == 0) Serial.println();
       Serial.println (Results[MAX_DUTY_CYCLE]);
       Serial.println ("};");
       Serial.println ("const int ADC_LUT[4096] = { 0,");
       for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_DUTY_CYCLE; i++) { ///  ERA DA 0 A 4095
          Serial.print ((int)Results[i]); Serial.print (",");
          if ((i % 15) == 0) Serial.println();
       Serial.println ((int)Results[MAX_DUTY_CYCLE]);
       Serial.println ("};");

    while (1);

e-tinkers commented 1 year ago

Hi, appreciated your effort. Can you clean up your code by removing those unused code, with correct indentation? Code block has nothing to do with how old/new is your PC, github uses markdown language, to put a block of code in a code block, you add three backticks ``` at the beginning and ending of the code.

Since this is not an issue related to my original git repository but a suggestion or an alternative way of achieving the same result. I'm closing this issue for now.

maxmeli123 commented 1 year ago

Ok, many thanks tor the tip. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Sorry for my incompetence here, and I've a github repository too ๐Ÿ˜€ and for my not too good english.

I've fixed the code as your advices. ๐Ÿ‘ Hope it's ok now, please if you have some time do a try.

Thanks Max

maxmeli123 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the comment. The idea of using LEDC to generate as a liner voltage reference is certainly an interesting one and I know nothing about it until you mentioned it, I will certainly give it a try when I have time.

Hi, there are some develops ? Did you tried my code ?

Thanks Max