e00E / lets-encrypt-icecast

CURRENTLY NOT FUNCTIONAL: A lets-encrypt plugin for Icecast2
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Working alternative to this project till author fixes it. #6

Open amavarick opened 7 years ago

amavarick commented 7 years ago

This is a working project that will request a certificate from Let's Encrypt without requiring nginx or apache. A second script is used to renew your cert.


This script was designed for CentOS server but easily could be configured to work with other flavors. Basically it installs the certbot, uses port 443 to connect, temporarily disables 443 in firewall, then enables once done. It request the SSL cert from Let's Encrypt. Another script renews the cert. It uses the standalone certbot so it does NOT require apache or nginx. Works well on my production systems.

e00E commented 7 years ago

Thanks for making and linking, hopefully it helps people.

If I understand correctly these scripts help you run the cerbot command to help get your certificates but you still need to edit the icecast configuration to use them. Whereas this project still has you run certbot manually while automatically configuring icecast to use the certificates.

One reason I have not updated this project is that certbot does not allow me to easily test the plugin without getting a real certificate which I cannot get as I do not own a domain. There is an issue for this open in the certbot repository.

GeekBrony commented 7 years ago

One thing I might suggest is getting a temporary free domain, like a .tk. That way, you can set nameservers to point to a local host or something just for testing purposes. :)

amavarick commented 7 years ago

Good news, certbot does allow for testing. Once you get a domain, you can use the following command: certbot renew --dry-run

amavarick commented 7 years ago

Clarification: My scripts do not require any changes to the icecast config. It takes the Let's Encrypt certs, combines them to satisfy icecast requirements, renames the previous script and names the new one what the original script was.