e107-eFiction / FanficTalk-Archive

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Reviews / Rating system #8

Open Jimmi08 opened 1 month ago

Jimmi08 commented 1 month ago

Available shortcodes

{numreviews} {score} {rating} {submitreviews}

Available settings: $reviewsallowed $anonreviews

Available rating systems:

Setting table fields: rating reviewsallowed anonreviews rateonly

Story fields: rid - Accessibility/rating rr rating reviews

Jimmi08 commented 1 month ago

Changes in 3.5.8:


if a new rating system is used (ID 3), then COUNT is used, not AVG.

Jimmi08 commented 1 month ago

It is confusing - rating (access) and rating as reviews... variable $ratings is used for both...

Jimmi08 commented 1 month ago

Solution from efiction 5:

field ranking = user rating, but name was ambigious with the age rating