e107inc / bootstrap4

Bootstrap4 Theme folder working repo
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Navigation #8

Open Jimmi08 opened 5 years ago

Jimmi08 commented 5 years ago

What is done:




What needs to be done :

sidebar navigation - in sidebar menu or for sidebar layout?
No idea. Anyway I am not able to find any example for 2 level vertical solution.

CaMer0n commented 5 years ago

The Footer should default to those assigned to 'footer' in the admin area. ie. not 'main' with a footer template.

Jimmi08 commented 5 years ago

Good idea

tgtje commented 5 years ago

@Jimmi08 question on gitter : vertical navbar without js.. Helas it looks like bs4 always depends on popper.js (positioning).. here's w3s go to the middle of page (NOTE ! the piece to delete in info bars https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap4/bootstrap_navbar.asp (this does remain <nav class="navbar">)

Jimmi08 commented 5 years ago

@tgtje sorry, it was probably confusing question. I meant 3 level navigation only with bootstrap. Bootstrap javascript is correct, but other solutions use custom javascript, not only bootstrap. I am looking for 3 level solution, 2 levels are standards.

tgtje commented 5 years ago

@Jimmi08 this would than be the case ⚙️ https://bootstrapthemes.co/demo/resource/bootstrap-4-multi-dropdown-navbar/ (yes it uses js but ...)

Jimmi08 commented 5 years ago

PERFECT! I will try it. Else sidebar :) Oh, I shouldn't see their theme collection.
By the way, I had one, it worked on desktop but it has weird behaviour on mobiles.

tgtje commented 5 years ago

Still will add : from dev of Bootstrap...still is the case...... a quote...

Nested dropdowns aren't supported and haven't been since v3.

On comment in BS4 Github (so the thinkering has to be done for bs.. js and alike)

Jimmi08 commented 5 years ago

I know, but it's needed. In last years it looks that only one-page sites with big image/slider header are supported because they are looking good. But try to find default template for community site with tons of content, menus, link... nothing.