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e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. Issue Discussion Room: https://gitter.im/e107inc/e107
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Feature Request: Forums+ #1016

Open LaocheXe opened 9 years ago

LaocheXe commented 9 years ago

Might be something to do down the line when most of the other stuff is done (bugs, etc) but bring more function to the forums plugin.

Other CMS out there are just plain old forums, phpbb, smf, etc....

Adding features that they have in the e107 Forums plugin might attract even more people to e107.

"Password Protected Forums" - So Forums Sections that require a password to enter it's section, or even in the forum topics etc. This can provide a secure forum post and/or forum section. (I know that User Classes defeats the purpose of this function). Require a unique password to be entered in order for any user to access a single forum.

"URL Redirect Forums" - Make a forum link directly to a specified URL instead of the forum itself.

"Bookmark Topics" - Users have the ability to bookmark topics that interest them for quick access at a later time.

(Might already have) "Subscribe to Forums & Topics" - Users have the ability to subscribe to individual topics or entire forums so that they can be notified of any new topics or posts made.

Different types/levels of Moderators + a custom admin area for Moderators but not the admin area of the site.

"Soft Delete" - Posts and topics can be removed from public view without being permanently deleted, and/or have it moved to another section in the forums "Trash Hub" etc - (this can be done already by moving the thread into that "Trash Hub" section)

"Global Topics/Announcements" - Topics which are present as announcements in all forums on the board. So say if the Tech section has a global topic/anncounment - it will display in every section on top. (There already is an announcment forum topic - don't know if it is gobal or not)

Easy Quotes: (From vBullten) - Allow the user to high light text in post text area to quote - As seen here on this forums: http://forums.cdprojektred.com/threads/38475-Patch-1-03-for-PC-now-available!

Not forums but userclasses Maybe add level's to users in userclasses - say I have User D as the leader of the userclass Team Experts, but user D is not an admin but can place other users in that userclass and even make others userclass leaders of that userclass.

I am sure some of features listed above are already in the Forums or can be added by modding the forum plugin etc, but just a tought/idea.

martyshep commented 8 years ago

+1 for this, well +200 if I include the users of my forum. I would love to see some new functionality like this. I moved our site from e107 v1.7 to V2.0 and it would be great to have things like: Opt in to be able to follow ALL posts. Also to have the icon for new post on an existing thread change to the new post icon. I only see the New Post icon come up when the new thread itself it created, if I then read the post, when someone else replies to that thread, I don't see the * come up against the thread name showing me there are new posts on that thread.