e107inc / e107

e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. Issue Discussion Room: https://gitter.im/e107inc/e107
GNU General Public License v3.0
321 stars 213 forks source link

Survey: What are the top 5 features of e107 for you, and why? #2826

Closed CaMer0n closed 6 years ago

CaMer0n commented 6 years ago

Examples: Inline-editing because..., simple admin area because..., batch changes because..., easy to use so.. etc etc. Please provide details if you can.


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martyshep commented 6 years ago
  1. Built in forum
  2. Can restrict content to registered members while still having a public/guest facing pages and images with userclasses
  3. Single database for user access to site and email out
  4. Inline editing of news items
  5. Built in Download plugin
Jimmi08 commented 6 years ago
  1. template and shortcode system
  2. Admin UI (functionality)
  3. Plugin Builder
  4. Custom Fields
  5. freedom in coding
ulision commented 6 years ago

1 for me that simplicity for of things.

2 a team of pro which helps the smallest or the invalid(useless) as me and which follows cms and which develops him(it) by listening to such or such idea of everything people which uses of cms. Because the help(assistant) which one can receive also make a big strength of cms, that very very important. One cms without a team which develops or which helps. It is one cms who will die .pour my part it was it who had allowed me to choose it cms, there is a very long time. Because at the beginning it was one of the cms most succeeds and large number of forum

3 thing for me that makes this cms and strong. it is that the administrator can take this personal touch on the cms on the site. drunk version 2 and much less simple of that there with dimensions (size). (Example me wide to the beginner, I could edit such again (now) such a plugin, subject, still (now) php code so that my site is I want with the version two much more difficult drunk of the xml in addition and with the thing we changed house full)

4 that reliability, can of bug or not visible that pip.

5 it is more a request of the user novice basic as me. User basic as I asks in e107v2 it is a long life, of numerous plugins, a safety, a versatility because everybody do not write a blog or everybody does not present that images without contents. Contents of a site can be diverse or simple is very complex and e107 shall have to be able to present every type of contents as the admin wishes it and in the form which wishes, what is lacking in e107 it is the possibility of presenting graph or camembert cheese 3d

Norwayman commented 6 years ago
  1. Easy to use and intuitive for beginners.
  2. No need for programing skills, but it helps.
  3. Language pack in over 20 languages
  4. Very customizable
  5. Userclasses for restricting content to certain groups of users
NZCyrus commented 6 years ago
  1. Posting future news items on selected dates and time.
  2. Easy to Sync with GitHub as my preference, to stay on the latest development version.
  3. Ability to change site theme easily, if required.
  4. An active development team that gives me the confidence to stay on the latest development version in a live environment.
  5. Easy SEO - SEF URL's, meta tags.
veskoto commented 6 years ago

Proper survey should be: What we need to improve and what new features to add?

Jimmi08 commented 6 years ago

@veskoto I suppose that this survey is about something else. Answer for your question could be this: https://github.com/e107inc/e107/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aenhancement+sort%3Areactions-%2B1-desc (sorted by thumbs up)

veskoto commented 6 years ago

I can not understand what the point is to ask about the top 5 features!

arunshekher commented 6 years ago
  1. Forum - its free, reliable, time-tested, unique, community and doesn't require additional setup or customization
  2. News - simplicity, manageability
  3. Chatbox - simplicity, the community aspect
  4. Internationalization - allows easy internationalization, built in tools for it
  5. Plugin and Theme API - easy to understand, opens multitude of possibilities
  6. Download - comes free, reliable, have a community aspect to it
rica-carv commented 6 years ago

1 - Forum (althought lacks a lot of bells & whistles like some other dedicated scripts have...) 2 - Liberty to code anything, or almost anything.... (other CMS are very rigid in coding...) 3 - User management 4 - Template & shortcode system, easy to customize (while others CMS are a real headache...) 5 - Support

CaMer0n commented 6 years ago

Thank you everyone, this is all very helpful! @veskoto The point to all this is that I am working on new content for e107.org. ;-)

tgtje commented 6 years ago
  1. Proven stability ( 15 years and still going, in use rock solid)
  2. For novice and experienced (everyone can use it at entry level, and alter when needed)
  3. Suited for most wishes (bundled; build in packages)
  4. Suited for worldwide use (languages +28 and growing)
  5. Open Source (some might say : free)
lonalore commented 6 years ago

From a developer's point of view, or at least from a developer-first perspective: 1, Admin UI - easy to build admin pages and easy to build admin forms using a single Array 2, "e_" addon files for altering/expanding core functions 3, Templating and shortcode system, the ability to override other templates and shortcodes 4, APIs make life easier for delevolpers, so I love the Form API, Ajax API, JS Framework, JS/CSS Manager, Libraries API, the various parser functions and utilities, etc... 5, Easy to sync with GitHub, keep the system up-to-date

hanklu commented 6 years ago

I like e107 as follows

  1. Built powerful and official forum ,other CMS without this support or forum feature is simple ,not easy for management. 2.Download systems, It' easy for contents. 3.Good News system, easy to blog or build company's web
  2. Boostrap support, we could get more theme for response web.
  3. Email systems is good and simple

Follows is my features request Content, relationship , management is my key features request 1.image and video could save in difference hosting include system images,we could choose difference hosting by image folders for admin.(mirror and non mirror mode) 2.User relationship management, we could download or upload or import or export member list include email and social...etc information like excel or SQL. We could easy use same user list in difference Web. Maybe we could put it in difference database hosting. Bank or point or floewer systems to increase member post activity and relationship. 3.Lang files code change for PDF plugin in , we use UTF 8 in Web and download by big 5 (some Chinese web had this issues). 4.Powerful News system could choose new and blog in difference page in same admin area. In some company web, they will show product news, developer blog, Fanacil new... Etc in difference Page. 5.Forum system in difference page(in groups and admin page) for private group or admin discussion.

gonzalo-coda-edit commented 6 years ago
  1. Admin Area - It is truly very easy to use and understand, I think it's very well organized
  2. Template & Shortcode system - very customizable and as lonalore said, the ability to override other templates and shortcodes
  3. User management - ability of restricting content for certain users classes (like menus, news, etc)
  4. Good organization of files and directories. - It's really an open source CMS, possibility to freely modify what you want (It's usually easy to find a file where you want to modify something)
  5. Active support
LaocheXe commented 6 years ago
  1. Easy to customize themes and plugins
  2. Admin GUI, easy to understand (80+ year old compared it to Windows XP)
  3. Stats (In Admin Area, how many users/forum post/news items, etc...)
  4. Plugin Updates (Sync Plugin from e107)
Jimmi08 commented 6 years ago

Just reminder: alt_auth (if it would be part of core) would be nice feature. No idea if it works now.