e107inc / e107

e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. Issue Discussion Room: https://gitter.im/e107inc/e107
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Exhaustive Feature List #2829

Closed CaMer0n closed 5 years ago

CaMer0n commented 6 years ago

So, this is quite an undertaking.

The idea is to list every feature of e107 or at least close to it.

Starting with the common features and then eventually going deep into the less used/known options. This list will eventually appear as a page on e107.org

It could almost mean an entry on this wiki page for every core and plugin preference and more!

I have made a start, but I think if each of us could add at least 10 items or more to the wiki entry, it will grow very quickly. Here it is:


Please feel free to modify and add to the wiki entry.

Thank you.


Jimmi08 commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I don't know what put where, so just ideas:

Review system (stars) Dashboard (customizable) Search system (it's unique in comparing with other CMS) Notification system RSS Chat Pretty urls Maintenance

I don't know if this is feature:

CaMer0n commented 6 years ago

Thanks @Jimmi08 !! I added most of them. 👍

No need to worry too much about sorting and categories at this stage.. we'll tidy up as we go along and probably again at the end.

lonalore commented 6 years ago


For Developers

oxigeno2 commented 6 years ago

1 to 3 - For me the path of hearts, advantage comprehensiveness of services. Sometimes at the expense of rapid development. 4 - Excellent access for users! 5 - Ease of use!

I'm sorry, I had to find out in my memory why I went back to e107

Crytiqal commented 6 years ago

The customizability of every plugin or menus by using a custom folder in the theme folder. This is an amazing feature that I think no other cms offers so easily.

EDIT: Seriously, this should be one of the spearpoints of e107 CMS advertisement.. :)

tgtje commented 6 years ago

Ah a thinking one, needs time... Just adding ( NOT as a feature 'yet') I do miss a (imo) very 'strong' item which seems to 'become' forgotten (or not being looked at often) the IMPORT function (X to e107). Hardly any posts or user feedback on that one..... ( being mean ;-) that could be a 'killer' option for a lot of (may one say also financial offensive) others.. (fill in to your liking).
(hope i do not make enemies now...)

rica-carv commented 6 years ago

Isn't IMPORT already on the core? Or i miss something here?

CaMer0n commented 6 years ago

@tgtje @rica-carv Indeed, I'll add it to the list.

tgtje commented 6 years ago

Yes it is @rica-carv , but for me it is unsure if it actually has good results made ( hardly no messages to find of those who did or succeeded). So yes it is there, and should (if working good) have a prominent position. EXport however i do not find that important.( That is something third parties should worry about).

LaocheXe commented 6 years ago

Export Database, Database Backups via Cron, Sync to Github (Developer Mode), Plugin Update Check, Download Themes/Plugins from e107.org to website (idk what to call it). Developer Documents.

tgtje commented 6 years ago

A (not always known) feature is the ability to change positions of menus by use of table copies WHEN using multiple languages. (eg position when certain locale wants to emphasize (re-arrange) a 'common' ' menu part')

CaMer0n commented 6 years ago

@tgtje Yes, one could change the menu layout according to the language.

arunshekher commented 6 years ago

SEO Features

Responsive Features

Architected for Speed and Performance


MikeyGMT commented 6 years ago

Sounds like the old wiki - we had lots of this in there, is it totally dead? (I only ask as I spent weeks if not more on that). :)

Moc commented 6 years ago

The content of the v1 wiki has been imported to the Github wiki here: https://github.com/e107inc/e107v1/wiki

It's not perfect, but it's a start. The backup with all the data is kept safe so nothing's lost. The way to display it is tricky because of the vulnerabilities in the wiki software.