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e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. Issue Discussion Room: https://gitter.im/e107inc/e107
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Not importing different settings after upgrade #284

Closed MarcoV1980 closed 10 years ago

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

It seems that the frontpage settings and the welcome pages, also the news items and news sources (RSS) arent upgraded from the old install.

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

It seems that also my complete userlist hasnt been migrated either.

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

Little addition,

after a bit of fiddling i got the forum to work, but seems when the userbase wasnt converted it does show any permissions.

Im using the same name on the old and new e107 but i have no rights on the forum

CaMer0n commented 11 years ago

Please check with phpmyadmin if your e107_user table contains all the users you expect.

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

The user table is empty.

For the forum posts and all, they are present it seems, but it didnt link the permissions because of the user table not being upgrade ?!

CaMer0n commented 11 years ago

how did you upgrade exactly? Did you just overwrite your files and then log into the admin area?

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

Well, basically.

I just unzipped all the alpha1 files into a dir, and pointed it too my database. I made a export from my current 103 and imported it into a new dbase, then ran the install.

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

Tried to import the old user table and classes again in the new database. After which i got a database upgrade available, i followed the steps again, and it seems the user table is still present

Seems to have worked, but the forum is hopelessly bugged, i can finally see the parents and forums.

pete-leese commented 11 years ago

The forum does need some thorough testing, although once the upgrade had completed worked ok for me, but not got too heavily involved with testing forum plugin just yet.

Moc commented 11 years ago
..imported it into a new dbase, then ran the install.

You ran the install.php process? If so. That's only for clean installs and not upgrades. In fact, the upgrade package does not contain the install.php file so it's likely you didn't run it. Just thinking of options why your user table was empty on the first attempt.

If you can give me an admin login to your website (you can send em an email or PM on e107.org), I can try to figure out why the forum is so bugged for you.

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

Hi, no i just did a full move from my old host to the new one.

I just changed the config file after to point it to my new database. Your account Moc should still be on there.

CaMer0n commented 11 years ago

Any more details about this @Moc ? Can this be reproduced at all? thx

e107steved commented 11 years ago

The frontpage settings in 2.0 are very different to those in 1.x (which could appear to be applied in a rather random fashion if there were lots of settings). So its quite possible that they would appear to get lost - there's very little correlation between 1.x and 2.x there, although 2.x does try and do something sensible with the old settings.

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

Apart from a slightly looking welcome page, the frontpage settings work pretty decent now.

Updated from github 15 minutes ago

Moc commented 11 years ago

Great! Can you elaborate on the difference in welcome page (welcome message?) layout?

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

The main thing still is, that i used html code in my v1 welcome page, for offsite img links.

I'm using the part to put the images below eachother. For some reason the import sees that it needs to add extra space between the images. On v1 they were all nicely below eachother, no whitespace and on v2 after import they show about 1cm of spacing in between eachother.

Moc commented 11 years ago

@MarcoV1980 Sorry missed your reply. Can you show this on a live website or on a screenshot please?

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

Wished i could show it.

I redid the database updates with the latest github, and when i went through the upgrading progress, it keeps redirecting me to the admin page. When i try to push it to the index.php to show my frontpage, it still moves to e107_admin/admin.php

Any ideas on how to force it to the index?

Moc commented 11 years ago

Try clearing your browser cache as well as the e107_system/*RANDOM HASH/cache folders

It will not show you the frontpage/index because the update has not completed yet. The website won't work if the update process hasn't run.

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

I've run the update process, but still reverts me there.

When i logout it shows me the main page. Seems the
arent being upgraded properly.

Normally one
on the end of a <a link it should put it on another line, but the standard editor in v2 does that on its own without the need for the


As you can see, there are extra whitelines between the images, on the v1 they are just below eachother.

Moc commented 11 years ago

@MarcoV1980 Can you post the contents of the welcome message in a https://gist.github.com/ and paste the link here?

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago


Thats the original welcome message. Only thing i can think of is the

Moc commented 11 years ago

Looks like your message got cut-off

Only thing i can think of is the

Try adding [html] [/html] tags at the start and at the beginning. Just before and after the center tags.

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

lol, the < br > part

i put an enter after the < a url, which put the BR on the new line. I think it saw that enter, but also used the < BR > as a new line, hence i got 2

Moc commented 11 years ago

The code looks like fine to me except the missing [html] tags. Does that change anything?

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

In v1 you could use the normal (wysiwyg) and html in combination with eachother.

When i put the html in, it just reformats the whole message into one long line. I actually have to cut the message into parts, one for the wysiwyg the other for the html part, but then the [center] aint working.

It you're upgrading from v1 to v2 it maybe should just ignore the
lines and just use the wysiwyg part

Moc commented 11 years ago

It's best to choose for either wysiwyg or bbcode for now. The switch between them is still a little buggy.

Try using the bbcode mode and the html tags. You should be able to use < a> and < img> still. Does it still display on one line?

As for "{plugin=newforumposts_main}" Simply create a new menu area in your theme for this.

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

Yeah, when i just remove the < BR > and just enter the line, i dont have to use the [html] tag at al, and it does put the images on a seperate line, together aint working :(

Moc commented 11 years ago

It's best to use the [html] tags. Not too sure what's going on.

@CaMer0n Possibly you can shed some light on this?

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago


If i use it like this, its almost identical from the v1

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

When i use the [html] tag its just a big line, since i actually have to use the < BR > there, but whenever i use [center] it just prints that on the screen. When i use the html < center > the whole page after [html] just goes blanc

Moc commented 11 years ago

Are you up to date wih the latest github files? If you have a Skype account, please add me on e107moc.

For reference, on v1 you'll also need to use html tags. And on v1, I'd also advise to create a new menu area to put the newforumposts menu in instead of hardcoding it into the welcome message.

MarcoV1980 commented 11 years ago

Im using yesterdays github pull, so i guess im up to date.

Ill see if i can find my user/ pass for my skype account :)

About creating a new menu area isnt something im familair with to code in this theme, but seeing it doesn't work in v2 ill guess i have to learn.

Moc commented 10 years ago

I'm closing this one as I'm not sure which specific issue still remains at this point. Please open a new issue if you're stilling having problems.