e107inc / e107

e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. Issue Discussion Room: https://gitter.im/e107inc/e107
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[enhancement] Page Navigation Buttons for Book #3371

Open lordmythus opened 5 years ago

lordmythus commented 5 years ago

Greetings, I hope that it is ok to post suggestions for possible enhancements here. If not, please feel free to remove with my apologies.

One of the things I am liking with the new e107 v2 is books. (I had used e107 back in the day long before the v2 release and always liked it for being a semi-complete system but it was not quite what I needed/wanted at the time and I lacked the skills to make it bend to my will). Anyway, sorry for the short aside...

I like the idea of categorizing things by books. I have always preferred it to the whole wiki thing. In fact Drupal's use of books was perhaps the one thing that made me try to like that complex .... CMS. I am primarily using my site for my self created RPG, and having the info in books is just so perfect in that sense for me. So don't be surprised if I suggest a few enhancements regarding them.

The one thing I find missing from e107's books that Drupal has by default is the previous/next page buttons at the bottom of the page. I'd love to see that here. I understand that could be created by the end user (ie me)as they see fit, however since you are going with the whole books idea, I think they should be an included feature. Nothing brings home better the idea of flipping through a book then by being able to click previous or next and well... turn the page.

CaMer0n commented 5 years ago

Thanks @lordmythus . It's a good suggestion. I wasn't aware that Drupal used 'books' . And here I was thinking I was being original. haha. Now, who did it first? :thinking: :smile: