e107inc / e107

e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. Issue Discussion Room: https://gitter.im/e107inc/e107
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official documentation fix #3786

Open Jimmi08 opened 5 years ago

Jimmi08 commented 5 years ago

Under User data is: $userData = e107::user(); // Example - currently logged in user.

this doesn't work. I had to use $userData = e107::user(USERID); // Example - currently logged in user.

Jimmi08 commented 5 years ago

There is a new data field: safestr without mention in the documentation:

'news_render_type' => array('title' => LAN_LOCATION, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=>'safestr', 'tab'=>2, 'inline'=>true, 'readParms'=>array('type'=>'checkboxes'), 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class' => 'left', 'nosort' => false, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true),

Jimmi08 commented 3 years ago

There is mistake in example of theme.xml image

Moc commented 3 years ago

There is mistake in example of theme.xml image


Moc commented 3 years ago

Under User data is: $userData = e107::user(); // Example - currently logged in user.

this doesn't work. I had to use $userData = e107::user(USERID); // Example - currently logged in user.

Fixed this in the docs and in the comments.

Moc commented 3 years ago

There is a new data field: safestr without mention in the documentation:

'news_render_type' => array('title' => LAN_LOCATION, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=>'safestr', 'tab'=>2, 'inline'=>true, 'readParms'=>array('type'=>'checkboxes'), 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class' => 'left', 'nosort' => false, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true),

safestr was added in 2013 but not often used. Added to documentation now.

Jimmi08 commented 3 years ago


Jimmi08 commented 3 years ago

With the hero plugin there is a new option how to insert demo data for plugin: create xml folder and add file instal.xml (that is simply exported from Database/Tools/Export xml)

But be aware of this: https://github.com/e107inc/e107/issues/4483

And maybe before starting to use widely - why theme uses "install" folder but the plugin uses "xml" folder?

Jimmi08 commented 3 years ago

Missing from documentation:

$frm->checkboxes($name, $option_array=array(), $checked=null, $options=array())

or another way how to create multicheckboxes dropdown on frontend (without ADMIN UI) - select() + parameter 'multiple'

Jimmi08 commented 3 years ago

Missing from documentation

$frm->renderElement($key, $value, $attributes, $required_data = array(), $id = 0) This method can be used without Admin UI. And it is often used in methods() in Admin UI forms. There is renderValue() for displaying value too.

This is not used only for Admin UI, it can be very handy for the frontend if you have to do forms or listing on the fly (not hardcoded elements).

Jimmi08 commented 3 years ago

Missing from documentation:

Stuff related to breadcrumbs: {---BREADCUMB---}

Only information about rendering is here: return e107::getForm()->breadcrumb($array); See: https://github.com/e107inc/e107/issues/2488

Creating breadcrumbs: e107::breadcrumb($breadcrumb_array); see download plugin

How to get breadcrumb array: (answer in documentation can close those issues) see: https://github.com/e107inc/e107/issues/2488 https://github.com/e107inc/e107/issues/3955

Jimmi08 commented 3 years ago

snippets implementation for custom checkboxes and radios. Result: image

You use a snippet in your theme and all checkboxes/radios should be changed (I think that except contact form).

Jimmi08 commented 3 years ago

Hi, this is not some fix, it is something I am still missing and I am aware I should know this stuff, but I always forget. With rewriting old code native PHP functions are often used and to have some list of e107 replacement would be nice. I know that before saving to database e107::getParser()->toDb() should be used, but there are other places too.

If this doesn't belong to the doc, I can create a separate issue.

htmlentities($value)  -  it displays $value in editing form
addslashes(strip_tags($value)) - used after loading value from db
stripslashes($val) + htmlspecialchars($val) - used after loading value from db
stripslashes($val)  - used after loading value from db
escapestring(descript(strip_tags(($_POST["value"])))  - used for post value
escapestring(descript($_POST["value"])) - used for post value

And can I remove this with e107?:

// Cleans these two variables of possible XSS attacks.
if(isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = htmlspecialchars(descript($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), ENT_QUOTES);
if(isset($PHP_SELF)) $PHP_SELF = htmlspecialchars(descript($PHP_SELF), ENT_QUOTES);


Jimmi08 commented 3 years ago

There is a new option to send class as the parameter for {NAVIGATION} shortcode without need to creating theme template file. in template {NAVBAR_CLASS} using: {NAVIGATION: class=mx-auto}

Jimmi08 commented 2 years ago

'readonly' => 2, - used in gsitemap plugin



Jimmi08 commented 1 year ago

Missing from documentation

Jimmi08 commented 1 year ago

@Moc Ad this: https://devguide.e107.org/classes-and-methods/events#user-event-triggers

Trigger 'login' was not working for me, so I found that there is a new trigger:

e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_login', $userdata); This one worked.

And those triggers are not mentioned either: e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_ban_failed_login', array('time'=>$time, 'ip'=>$this->userIP, 'other'=>$extra_text)); 'e107::getEvent()->trigger('userNotNew', $edata_li);' e107::getEvent()->trigger('usersupprov', $userdata); e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_ip_changed', $edata);