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e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. Issue Discussion Room: https://gitter.im/e107inc/e107
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Forum Issue Maybe? #4459

Closed LaocheXe closed 3 years ago

LaocheXe commented 3 years ago

I've notice an issue with the forum on the Clan Coyote website - Screenshot 2021-03-22 092258

I thought it might have been them theme - so I went onto the test site, change it to eWL Default 1.5 theme and it's the same. So I removed the forum template from the theme folder - same thing, just the icons went back to normal - It's not showing the top nav or the menus, is this right?

tgtje commented 3 years ago

probably yes, but one has to know the theme also. As seen here (https://web.archive.org/web/20191018023939/https://clancoyote.com/main/e107_plugins/forum/forum.php) date 10/18/2019 (although more than 1 year ago), at that time it was part of, instead full page. What did you do? update to github version or..?

Some inquiry done : is it maybe related to the changes made on february 20 ? changing header and footer? (menu AA fix..)

LaocheXe commented 3 years ago

The theme in the screen shot is the cytn (old theme that was slightly converted into e107v2.xx (added bootstrap 3 style sheet). The second theme I tried is the eWL Default 1.5 that I made last year, The site is using the latest github version.

tgtje commented 3 years ago

Running templates by theme or core : as noticed (eWl from org) has forum templates in it.. So they WILL differ from the github version (some styling and LAN).. (test using core, disable theme f/templates).

LaocheXe commented 3 years ago

I've deleted the forum templates in eWL theme, but the forum page still has no nav, and menus

Jimmi08 commented 3 years ago

@tgtje e107.nl forum has the same issue, it is related to 2.3.1 changes... layout vs header and footer.

EDIT, I take it back, the problem is in the forum itself.

Jimmi08 commented 3 years ago

@CaMer0n @Moc

in files forum.php and forum_viewforum.php (or maybe more) there is the class using with init() method using HEADERF. But because $HEADER and $FOOTER are not defined as globals, they are empty

This is fix:

    public function init($forum)

        global $FORUM_TEMPLATE, $FORUM_MAIN_FORUM, $forumList, $HEADER, $FOOTER ;
 * @param $urlparms
 * @param $doNothing
 * @return array
function init()
    // todo - remove all these globals.
    global $FORUM_VIEW_START, $urlparms, $doNothing;
    global $forum_info, $FORUM_CRUMB;
    global $forum;
    global $HEADER, $FOOTER;

This theme is here: https://github.com/LaocheXe/CYT-Theme