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e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. Issue Discussion Room: https://gitter.im/e107inc/e107
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Blank page after fresh install - applies to all pages #525

Closed brhahlen closed 10 years ago

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

The news-page is broken when trying to view it. It only shows a blank page. This is on a site that has some content on it, nothing shocking, but pulling new code from git almost daily.

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

Should probably mention: It is using the bootstrap v3 theme for the site.

CaMer0n commented 10 years ago

Thanks, a blank page usually indicates an error that is being hidden. Can you please enable debug mode using the firefox addon, and also check for error_log in your home directory. Thanks

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

It's on the same site as the installer issue (#526), I'll reinstall and get back to you.

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

Chose bootstrap3 as the theme when installing, now the whole site shows up blank. http://v2.benweb.eu shows it. I am not getting anything in the error_log for the site, and debug is not telling me much either. Relevant files should have proper permissions (it's a fresh git clone and install)

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

Just reinstalled and checked, but it also shows a blank-screen when choosing the normal bootstrap theme. The debug-option doesn't show me anything, and neither does the error-log. However, when doing an "Inspect Element", the page is shown as being "empty". This is what I get:


So basically: it's just empty...

Moc commented 10 years ago

Instead of the "inspect element" try viewing the actual source code (usually ctrl+ U keyboard shortcut) . Does it show the HTML structure then?

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

Hi Moc, I think I did that, which is what I posted before. I think... :-)

I'm on my tablet now, so can't check it at the moment, my first opportunity is tomorrow afternoon, however, I've left the site open, so you guys can see for yourself as well, and to get a second opinion, just to be sure it's not me. Address is http://v2.benweb.eu

I'm planning to start using v2 as much as possible to be able to give you guys feedback.

Moc commented 10 years ago

So I checked the source code directly from the link you provided us, and it's a complete blank page. The HTML structure is not included. This makes sense. It would have been odd if the HTML structure was actually there.

This blank page means that there's a fatal error that's being surpressed. There are several ways to show it, not all may work. The first one would be to enable the debug mode by editing the URL to include ?[debug=basic+]. This only works when you're logged in as an admin. Seeing the sitewide issue, I doubt you can login anywhere, so this is probably not going to work.

If all else fails, I would recommend going through the class2.php file and step by step add in an echo to see when the error pops in (ie. when the echo does not appear anymore).

I'm going to do a fresh install first, to see if I can reproduce the issue here. If not, I guess you can try another fresh install or otherwise the debug methods as suggested above.

Moc commented 10 years ago

It looks like a clean install on my windows localhost works just fine. Can you try a clean install again please?

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

Did a reinstall, I'm on a Linux host:

git clone https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git ./
touch e107_config.php
chmod 777 e107_config.php e107_system e107_media e107_plugins e107_themes

Ran the installer (empty database), works fine

chmod 644 e107_config.php
cp e107.htaccess .htaccess

Blanks out again. Going to add in some echo's in the class2.php now

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

Just to make sure I'm doing it right: How do I properly echo something in PHP? Don't have too much (read: none) with that...

Moc commented 10 years ago

I don't recommend chmodding to 777 (I recommend using mod_ruid on servers, which takes care of a lot of files and folder rights while keeping things secure).

Anyhow. I just tested a clean install on my linux environment and it's working just fine. I'm not sure what the error is for you.. To echo simply put something like this in the class2.php file:

echo "Echoing on line: ".__LINE__."<br />";

Start your way near the top and work your way down the file. At some point the echos wont work anymore, then you know that whatever is causing the error is located before that last echo (which is not showing due to the fatal error).

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

I just tried that, and put the code in line 2 of class2.php -> nothing Then put it in index.php, again, nothing...

Moc commented 10 years ago

Try a little further down in class2.php, say on line 76

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

That returns something!

Also, this one just popped up in my error_log:

[Sat Mar 08 16:01:50.289995 2014] [:error] [pid 21632] [client] PHP Strict Standards:  Declaration of e_admin_tree_model::url() should be compatible with e_model::url($options = Array, $extended = false) in /home/web/www/BenWeb_V2/e107_handlers/model_class.php on line 3663
Moc commented 10 years ago

Great! :) I don't think the error you posted is a fatal error, so that wouldn't cause the blank page. Something to fix nonetheless.

Try and go through the class2.php file echoing your way down. At some point the echo should stop working. You can then narrow the error down by moving up slightly and seeing where the echo does and does not work.

Hope this helps (I know it's tedious but sometimes it's the only viable solution left).

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

Got it: The code that it stops at is:

                        message_handler('CRITICAL_ERROR', 3, __LINE__, __FILE__);

Line 443 in my class2.php, but that is including all the echo's, hold on...

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

Should be line 425 where it is bugging out.

Moc commented 10 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, there appears to be a problem with setting up the core preferences during the installation on your environment. This then leads to e107 trying to spit out an error, which does not really work.

Going into the more technical details here which I'm not familiar with so... @CaMer0n @aSeptik Any help please?

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

Yes, I was just looking through my database, and it seems that I have nothing in there... Meaning: my user is created, but things like e107_core and e107_generic are empty.

Moc commented 10 years ago

I have seen that before!! Brain is cracking here, trying to remember what it was. Hang on.

Moc commented 10 years ago

Got it! https://github.com/e107inc/e107/pull/516 Now this should have been fixed already if you are using the latest files. The fix by @aSeptik was merged in already. Not sure why this is still giving you problems.

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

Yep, that seems to be the issue... No clue how I would fix this though, but I am open to help in any way that I can :-)

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

Right, just checked: Fresh clone, did the install: 28 tables are created Did a "back" on step 8, again, the DB stuff is being done, now I have 30 tables. e107_featurebox and e107_featurebox_category are the additional tables that are being created.

CaMer0n commented 10 years ago

@Moc , can this be closed?

brhahlen commented 10 years ago

@CaMer0n Just did a quick reinstall with the latest Git version. This issue seems to be resolved.

rrolla commented 8 years ago

I got blank page on windows xampp because in php.ini not loaded extension=php_mysql.dll