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e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. Issue Discussion Room: https://gitter.im/e107inc/e107
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[Bug]: French language #5267

Open ericc-dream opened 3 weeks ago

ericc-dream commented 3 weeks ago

What e107 version are you using?


Bug description

This is for @tgtje , maintainer of the French language, for version 2.4.4 to not overload the other topic with unrelated comment ... I found another and potentially several page ~/e107_admin/search.php I have a plugin "poll" installed ...

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "LAN_PLUGIN_POLL_NAME" in /home/ericc/www/ericc/e107_plugins/poll/search/search_comments.php:13\nStack trace:\n#0 /home/ericc/www/ericc/e107_admin/search.php(511): require_once()\n#1 {main}\n thrown in /home/ericc/www/ericc/e107_plugins/poll/search/search_comments.php on line 13

in the language of the plug-in, this constant "LAN_PLUGIN_POLL_NAME" exists in both English and French However ~/e107_admin/search.php seems to "include" all page "search_comments.php" from all plugin (when found) and for plugin "poll", "search_comments.php" contain this constant which isn't defined in ~/e107_languages/French/admin/lan_search.php , nor in English ...

I'm not sure on how to manage that ! The obvious way will be to add define("LAN_PLUGIN_POLL_NAME", "Sondage"); in ~/e107_languages/French/admin/lan_search.php , but this is a little bit ugly, I fear this plugin is an official one as far as I can judge, but its languages files seems to not be as some more recent

And in the same page, after adding the ugly (for science) , I see at least 1 plugin which isn't installed : "Google" And 2 rows without a name, and after looking to the html code with the dev tool of Firefox, seems to belong to 2 plugins that I removed recently, from the "uninstall" interface in the admin area, and then deleting the files. I mean , I removed them the way I'm supposed to doing it


How to reproduce

be sure that plugin "poll" is installed go to page ~/e107_admin/search.php

Expected behavior

to display the page. I tried with an installation of version 2.3.3, just adding the poll plugin and going to the "search" page, and the page is displayed but the "poll" isn't there

What browser(s) are you seeing the problem on?


PHP Version


tgtje commented 2 weeks ago

@ericc-dream just info : i updated French ( as best as possible) but am not the maintainer. I started updating French around 2 months ago, while helping out other party who needed newer files. Ok, for me running test for language ( LAN_PLUGIN_POLL_NAME) i get NO errors. Checks say all is fine. Since this define is also of global nature (anywhich page front/admin) the define is called. (my php version 8.2.13 MySQL 8.2.0)

However !! it is indeed not displayed on the search page. I installed > no issue > no display.. Maybe i need to add a poll before it works ?? (not used polls in the years). Then it happens > when i hit create the poll php error > Call to a member function getController() on null in C:\wamp64\www\e107n\e107_handlers\form_handler.php on line 4541 refering to this line 4541 $tabs = e107::getAdminUI()->getController()->getTabs();. and 4737 $text .= ($key === 'options' && !vartrue($val['noselector'])) ? $this->columnSelector($fieldarray, $columnPref) : ''; So a non functional state because of ????? Although lan's and defines do not report any problem you might have stumbled on a php bug in poll plugin.. Thats a developer issue i assume. because of php your error report could be different from mine. (general settings) edit: Google (guess) comes from social plugin ,gsitemap etc..


edit2 : maybe the plugin need an e_search php to populate? i do not know ( because of if($obj = e107::getAddon($id,'e_search')) in search php)

ericc-dream commented 2 weeks ago

Hmmm... just realized that this plugin isn't installed on my site ! However in the DB, I have a table "e107_polls" with some polls inside ... very, very old one But, why is it present in the search page when not installed ! This confirm what I said, I see in this page some plugin that I never installed or removed, some even the files

So I installed it, and I had an error because it can't create the table in the DB !! Then I tried to configure it , and I had an error:

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getController() on null in /home/ericc/www/ericc/e107_handlers/form_handler.php:4538\nStack trace:\n#0 /home/ericc/www/ericc/e107_handlers/form_handler.php(4734): e_form->columnSelector()\n#1 /home/ericc/www/ericc/e107_plugins/poll/admin_config.php(192): e_form->thead()\n#2 /home/ericc/www/ericc/e107_plugins/poll/admin_config.php(101): poll_list()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in /home/ericc/www/ericc/e107_handlers/form_handler.php on line 4538, referer:

probably the same as you ... and a white page :-(

So I would say : There are, at least, 1 bug in the plugin "Poll", which need to be completely reviewed IMHO.

And potentially another one in the admin search page, which do work in a "non expected way"

And now, how it's work ? What is the process ? Someone assign this to a developer ? Should I close this one, and open 2 new, on for each ?

tgtje commented 2 weeks ago

@ericc-dream Some more investigation, likely this is what you saw :


this happened (tricked) putting an e_search page (bit messed, but for functioning purpose in plug). Got same error from above, but now in search php it was displayed. be it that search was blank page at first and deleting the e_search php from plug; refreshed search php eh voila Poll mentioned in list. Knowing this i could asume that it is a remnant of your old installment (in db)..

New issue? don't know. Maybe (you as author) can change the title including Poll plugin. It has BUG lable, so if a dev should notice it.. I think the errors are related to the plugin.

Moc commented 1 week ago

Testing in progress.

Created new issue for PHP fatal error when creating new poll using PHP version 8.2 and up: https://github.com/e107inc/e107/issues/5271

Testing with French language in progress.