e107inc / e107

e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. Issue Discussion Room: https://gitter.im/e107inc/e107
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latest GIT .. lots of bugs #591

Closed willem010 closed 10 years ago

willem010 commented 10 years ago

using the git version of this morning i updated 2 sites..

one site was running the old v1 e107 .. that got stuck in upgrade process one site was already updated to v2, just copied the new git files. \ this comment is edited on each find

upgrade v1 site (site 1)

(site 2) same git version on already updated v2 site: (which was running ok on yesterdays code ... )

The version from yesterday was a lot more stable and didnt have all these errors.. please revert.

tgtje commented 10 years ago

Because not all gets updated ( upgrade hangs) use : /e107_admin/e107_update.php?[debug=basic+]

look at the outcome for more info (it should display where something goes off)

for some part : it is mainly the avatar move piece (update routines) what seems to kick.. (line 1335-1352) ( temp deletion of piece, helped me.. however putting it back triggers the UPDATE again) update v1 to v2.....

(no 'extra' problem updating present v2 with latest of today)

willem010 commented 10 years ago

running debug shows Update required in update_routines.php on line 1509 (Import 159 Download File(s) and 0 Public File(s) into Media Manager)

when i click update.. it shows the same line twice

tgtje commented 10 years ago

Oi, can not test it.. did files (prob images) actual get imported into e media folder? no? Try again with chmodding media (temp 777)

tgtje commented 10 years ago

running twice : debug on debug you can supress that by logging out and clearing cache/cookies (debug is kept in cookie)

willem010 commented 10 years ago

it did create the media folders, avatars are in there . no media images tho

willem010 commented 10 years ago

chmodding the 777 out of it :P didnt help. still stuck on the same line

i tried to update all plugins manually, (deleting tables, recreating them on install plugin) still the same.

CaMer0n commented 10 years ago
cant open several admin functions, 
(f.i. system log, plugin manager and more redirects to index page directly)

This sounds like missing files. This is an English installation, correct?

willem010 commented 10 years ago

yep.it's an english instal. file inspector doesnt help here. (a lot of edited files. guess it lites up all git files)

willem010 commented 10 years ago

i have changed from session to cookies logins for site 2 now the admin options are available again .. .

which shows an completely different issue : system logs show several lines like this :  Anonymous   PREFS_01    Preferences changed     Settings successfully saved.

an anonymous user saving prefs ? shows on various ips .. scary ?

Moc commented 10 years ago

Is your hosting provider located in Germany? If yes, then that may be were the IP's are coming from. It's likely to be the IP of the webserver.

Just did a test upgrade both on Windows localhost and Linux "live" environment, and both worked without issues. No performance issues or disabled functionality as you described.

willem010 commented 10 years ago

semi-dedicated server at zyma, uk.

the part i dont get, the previous git version i used on site2 was running pretty stable so i figured it was ok to update the main site.. now both have issues :P

but like i commented in the top comment, some issues got resolved . not all tho, still stuck in the main upgrade, thats not showing some stuff

willem010 commented 10 years ago

another fix for site1 .. the old //themes/templates folder was still there removing it fixed it.

Moc commented 10 years ago

Fixed what exactly? Having that folder there shouldn't be a problem as it's still used on v2 websites using v1 themes.

willem010 commented 10 years ago

it fixed (or fooled?) the problem i was having on site1, not showing the contact form, and user pages / settings

this site is still stuck in upgrade ..so i guess thats why it was using the old templates?

Moc commented 10 years ago

Please define 'stuck in upgrade'? For as long as the update hasn't finished, your website is not usable and you may trigger all sorts of errors. First make sure the upgrade finishes properly.

willem010 commented 10 years ago

i guess that's the main problem om site1.. true. stuck upgrade

tgtje commented 10 years ago

Upgrade does not finish : adding : 1 have but 1 unfinished upgrade (mine is related to avatar in update routine) As long as i do KEEP the part for avatars IN update routine (check/convert/replace etc..). i will never get a finish, deleting this piece 'disables the conversion routine and i am done. Upgrade finishes (as 'displayed').

Now RE adding that same piece back to update routine triggers the 'not finished' and the message to update is back...

Since i do not know more of the internal switching/demands, i do not know if ownership of directories media and system ( i as user loose them to server) are of influence.....

Moc commented 10 years ago

@willem010 Can you tell me what type of files there are in e107_files/downloads? (.zip, .pdf, etc.)

Moc commented 10 years ago

@tgtje Can you try chmodding the e107_media folder to allow writing new directories and files?

CaMer0n commented 10 years ago

@willem010 try adding this at line 1528 of update_routines.php (after $fmask is declared):

echo 'fmask='.$fmask;

willem010 commented 10 years ago

tons of stuff, but mainly mp3's including folders ..

willem010 commented 10 years ago

it says .. fmask=[a-zA-z0-9_-]+.(zip|gz||||)$

willem010 commented 10 years ago

@Moc .. that didnt help either..

i'm guessing it's the folders ?

Moc commented 10 years ago

The mp3's are not imported due to security filters. We're working on it right now @willem010, hang tight :)

The commit I just pushed will fix the download tables error message you encountered.

willem010 commented 10 years ago


no rush .. i have set the sef urls in the database manually, now all seems ok (at least for the visitors downloads are working again now )

Moc commented 10 years ago

@willem010 Do you have Skype? If yes, please send me an email with your skype account. Will be much quicker to have this issue sorted out :)

CaMer0n commented 10 years ago

Just committed some debug info, please update media_class.php

willem010 commented 10 years ago

@Moc no skype but i will email you my facebook account, messenger works faster ..

@CaMer0n debug

tgtje commented 10 years ago

Found a possible solution/needs to be checked (idea came up during update latest files (13.00 CEST today may 25) I made absolutely sure that all related folders (call them the old ones) were chmodded at 777 Routine picked up : all done !!! revert chmod setting if someone else tries too !!! I am done with upgrading for now, all seems ok... (some small related issues remain, but for now :+1:

I will take it on me to delete the whole from server (my host will be frustrated ) and reupload ALL (1,5 GB data) and start again (using old backups of file and dbase servers to double check.) Will be back for results in a couple of hours.....

tgtje commented 10 years ago

Update old v1 to v2 using only new files failed. Sorry Will report back after changes reverted. and try again (not today)

willem010 commented 10 years ago

what's this?

admnlog again an unrecognised ip, anonymous, triggering an admin event ?

Moc commented 10 years ago

@willem010 Are any users signing up on your website?

willem010 commented 10 years ago

to bad it doesnt show a time in the admin log, there is a recent signup yep. why not show his username here? looks less scary

Moc commented 10 years ago

I hear you. For now, let's just confirm that this indeed a user signup rather than something else. Can you verify the IP of the new user? Does it match with the IP listed in the logs?

willem010 commented 10 years ago

i skipped the ipv4 to 6 class :P 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:5e41:728f is that the same as ? haha

Moc commented 10 years ago

Yep that's the same IP. Please create separate issues for: 1) IP display (IPv4 vs IPv6), screenshots plus URL's help to narrow things down. 2) System logs improvements: datestamp (time), Signup message rather than generic admin UI DB table insert.

willem010 commented 10 years ago

i will, i will drop a whole list tomorrow. found some other stuff too. in separate issues.

Moc commented 10 years ago

Thank you for your help. In case you're somewhat familiar with coding and you find quick-fixes, feel free to post pull requests. Github offers numerous guides to help you get started: https://guides.github.com/

Also, screenshots, and detailed information will speed up the process to get things understood and fixed when applicable :)

willem010 commented 10 years ago

for now i'm looking at the current issues and fixes to see what's going on. i will help out in the near future.. it's just a lot of code to get into.. and i dont have that much time.to spare. and yeah, i'm still not that familiar with github.and still need to set it up properly.

anyway.. in the meantime im looking forward to the solution of the downloads holding up the upgrade..

Moc commented 10 years ago

Thanks, if you have any questions, you know where to find me :)

in the meantime im looking forward to the solution of the downloads holding up the upgrade..

It's being worked on. The issue has been identified so it should not take too long before a fix is coded. It's mostly a time issue as this is all voluntary work of people working past midnight, sometimes till the early morning, to get issues fixed :)

tgtje commented 10 years ago

Well not is all bad news ;) (UPDATE V1 > V2) I used a 'live' server (the one that does all tests pass untill now) i borrowed a 'site'(files& dbase) and put it on testground. 195Mb overwriting with files from last sunday 25-5 Site was 2lang based (dutch + english) including downloads (no forum helas). Pdf, html, exe!! mpg doc and zips. I only had to chmod the cron file to 755...(3/4 on the way) (of course there was missing icons i used on sitelinks, and those do still have issues) but all in all It worked out of the box. (a screen movie is created while doing; just looking for a movie editor to 'blindspot some sensitive info)

On the second server (the 'will not go) identical, but i got it neverthess also at an end stage BUT as posted earlier it all came down to chmodding certain folders first (helas not idiotproof yet, but close) I think good news is also welcome.... :)

Moc commented 10 years ago

@tgtje What do you mean by this?

I only had to chmod the cron file to 755...(3/4 on the way)

Which exact file or folder are you talking about, e107_media?

of course there was missing icons i used on sitelinks, and those do still have issues

Please post them up in a separate new issue

willem010 commented 10 years ago

latest GIT (just updateed) hangs the server.

as soon as i clicked the update .. site no longer reachable, cpu maxed out, looked like it was hanging. no files are being moved.

about 20 mins later .. still no files moved, server still using lots of cpu.. but reachable again.. no upgrade message in admin ..

(files not moved)

willem010 commented 10 years ago

25 mins after click to update ..

server is back to normal operation. update message gone (yesss.. !!) all files left at old location.but available in download section.

works for me..

Moc commented 10 years ago

Hmm, that sounds like some sort of loop happening. @CaMer0n Any thoughts on this?

tgtje commented 10 years ago

@Moc : icons (previous in use before update) i will have to exclude if it is related to Multi language use, depending on settings in language tables before making issue. Sitelinks images (by using tree menu seems to have problems). As for cron chmodding> it will be related to the same issues regarding installer (server impact on creation ability (rights). This only does happen on the problematic server.

Cron chmodding will not be really an issue i guess, since the installer ( in certain cases) also asks for chmodding or adding/change name of htaccess and config on a manual base.

Edit : for testing purposes i NEVER use an already 'worked on' base. Every time i use the same installation (untouched) and overwrite with a new set of files ( + dbase). Just to make it clear i try to avoid any previously ' OWN fixed' things . startpoint is always fresh. Testing as a user! who wants to update.! (either on root and/or subdomain)

willem010 commented 10 years ago

.. yep.. i do notice a problem with the avatars, they're not showing. (it does show the img name on hover, but shows blank avatar.) both on user pages, as in the comments / forum.

looks like it can't find the avatars.

Moc commented 10 years ago

@willem010 Separate issue please! :)

willem010 commented 10 years ago

for what i got from tgtje's message .. i was just confiming there still are issues on the media files. (i didnt think this was another issue ;) )

do you want me to create another issue for this ? (i believe this was a 'solved' issue ? )

Moc commented 10 years ago

Hmm sorry about that, I misread. It's still the same issue indeed -> some files are not moved/copied to the e107_media folder (avatars, downloads thus far). Let's keep that the only topic in this issue. For any other problems please submit a new separate issue.

Basically this is all related to CHMODding as well... depending on server setups, some installations move everything over perfectly fine but since e107 will need to create some new folders, some server setups will refuse due to permission issues, therefore stalling the v1 to v2 upgrade ...