e107inc / visualcaptcha

VisualCaptcha drop-in Captcha replacement for e107 v2.1.3 or higher.
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[Error] VisualCaptcha isn't shown on login-pulldown #1

Closed chimcen closed 7 years ago

chimcen commented 7 years ago


i'm using currently the latest github version of e107v2 and tried out your plugin. But it wont be shown on my login-pulldown - biut ist active bacause when i try to login i got the message my code isn't correct... First i thought its might be a theme related problem and i've tried bootstrap3 theme also - but the same result. visualcaptchaproblem

When deactivate (not uninstall) the visualcpatcha plugin i got the old securitycaptcha back... visualcaptchaproblem1

Btw. tried this on my local testing site (using xampp) - but this shouldn't be a difference...

lonalore commented 7 years ago

Try to clear cache, and rescan your plugin directories.

lonalore commented 7 years ago

If it does not help: 1, Update your e107 to the latest Github files 2, Make sure your plugin folder is 'visualcaptcha', and not 'visualcaptcha-master' 3, Make sure 'visualCaptcha Frontend' library is available (check the green tick on 'e107_admin/prefs.php#nav-core-prefs-javascript' page)

chimcen commented 7 years ago

Same problem as before... :( Tried login.php - also the same...

Jimmi08 commented 7 years ago

Just installed on localhost php 5.5 xampp. No problems. Try to check your console.

lonalore commented 7 years ago

Enable debug mode, and check your browser's console, as @Jimmi08 suggested. You should be able to see error message in Ajax response.

lonalore commented 7 years ago

Btw. Did you check your plugin folder? If you downloaded visualcaptcha from Github, you have to rename the folder from 'visualcaptcha-master' to 'visualcaptcha'.

chimcen commented 7 years ago

Didn't find the settings for activate the debugger... But yes, there is an error in my browsers conole (chrome) - see the logfile:


yes - i know the things with the foldername from git versions...

lonalore commented 7 years ago

Ahhh, you must enable 'php_openssl' extension on your server.

Jimmi08 commented 7 years ago

@chimcen For future using (second one is Firefox extension.): image


You can use define('e_DEBUG',true); in e107_config.php file too.

lonalore commented 7 years ago

@chimcen here is a description for enabling openssl extension on xampp: http://stackoverflow.com/a/11040496/2416835

lonalore commented 7 years ago

Ohh @CaMer0n has been faced with this issue: https://github.com/emotionLoop/visualCaptcha-PHP/issues/23 :D

chimcen commented 7 years ago

yes, openssl was the problem - thank you lonalore... now it works. thank you - btw. thank you (and cameron) for this awesome plugin! :)

@Jimmi08 - thank you - i got it allready using the e107v2 wiki... ( http://e107.org/developer-manual/getting-started/debugging )