e14n / pump2status

Service for finding your StatusNet friends on the pump.io network *and* posting pump.io stuff
Apache License 2.0
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Pump2Status Follow/UnFollow issue #10

Open sqastar opened 10 years ago

sqastar commented 10 years ago

Account: pumpity.net/sqastar

The autoFollows that pump2status performs appear to be incomplete when setup for this account.

Accessing the Following list via the web returns a 500 Internal Server Error on first listing, then on refresh lists those 8 incomplete pump2status autoFollow users. Unable to unfollow those via the web or via Dianara client. Using the web interface displays those users in the Following listing after 500 Error.

Using the Pumpa client, those autoFollows do not appear in my Following list at all.

Using the Dianara client in DEBUG mode returns the following for each of the 8 pump2status autoFollows that I attempt to unFollow. Example Error for 1 of those users below:

PumpController::unfollowContact() "972@identi.ca" about to POST: "{ "object" : { "id" : "acct:972@identi.ca", "objectType" : "person" }, "verb" : "stop-following" }"

Request finished. HTTP code: 400

Size: 82 bytes; URL: QUrl( "https://pumpity.net/api/user/sqastar/feed" )

isFinished()? true ; Request type: 25

HTTP 400: Bad Request.

Data: ""