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Issues with Roku staying connected to Rasp Pi #5

Open camwise opened 6 years ago

camwise commented 6 years ago

Thanks for all your work on this application i was excited to try it. I purchased the pro version of the app, and am using Ubiquiti's Unifi Camera's which all support RTSP. I followed the instructions and setup this project on a spare Raspberry Pi 1b I had lying around to test. Once the software was installed I was able to manually setup my RTSP cameras using the web gui. When I opened the Roku app and updated the settings to point to my Rpi IP address it pulled the correct camera's and everything worked. However once i close the Roku app and watch something else everytime i come back to the camera viewer app all my camera's are gone and it's asking me to add a camera. Doesn't matter how long I leave it there on that page my camera's from the pi never come over. If i restart the Raspberry Pi then my camera's are back but only for that one session. Any idea what could be going wrong?