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Improve pp.diagnostic(net) and validation #786

Open bergkvist opened 4 years ago

bergkvist commented 4 years ago


Explore the debugging process of someone with a diverging network - trying to figure out how to make it converge and what they have done wrong.


When I first started using pandapower around a year ago, I found it to be very hard to debug why a powerflow didn't converge. Especially after building a large grid. This is something I've gotten a lot better at now, so I want to share some of the tricks I've come across.


I find that pp.diagnostic often won't be able to figure out why a powerflow diverges.

From experience, there are several things that can cause a powerflow to diverge that the diagnostic tool is not checking for. Some of these things are:

net.line.c_nf_per_km being too high

This is by far one of the things that seem to affect convergence the most. Trying to multiply this by 0.01/setting a threshold value could be a useful test.

net.trafo.vkr_percent > net.trafo.vk_percent

the real part of a complex number should never be larger than its absolute value. To fix this problem, I suggest validation logic in pp.create_transformer_from_parameters(...).

# Assert that vk_percent is greater than vkr_percent for all trafos
assert (net.trafo.vk_percent >= net.trafo.vkr_percent).all()

# Get the trafos with invalid values
bad_trafo = net.trafo.query('vk_percent < vkr_percent')

Since it is possible to change the value later, it should probably also be checked in the diagnostic tool.

The same is true for net.trafo3w, except here we have to check for 3 potential problems:

Too large values for net.line.r_ohm_per_km or net.line.x_ohm_per_km

A single inf-value will make everything diverge. This could be handled similarly to c_nf_per_km (where an inf-value also will cause divergence)

An approach to locating problem elements that pp.diagnostic is not able to pinpoint.

When you build a network with 100,000 loads, and the powerflow doesn't converge, it can be hard to figure out why.

A single bad element can cause the entire powerflow to diverge. Some kind of binary-search (testing for convergence) with pp.select_subnet(net, buses=...) could be an interesting approach to locating bad elements.

My personal approach

Define net.bus.island, as illustrated in the image below (partitions in the network could also be very relevant):


Within an island, I ensure that every bus has the same reference voltage (vn_kv). Below you can see how I find the islands and iterate through different subnets to narrow down my search:

import pandapower as pp

# ...

# Define an island for every bus
net.bus['island'] = (

# Loop through the trafo subnets to see which ones converge/diverge.
# The ideal situation (that narrows down your search) is if some of them 
# converge while others diverge.
for trafo_id in net.trafo.index:
    subnet = select_subnet_below_trafo(net, trafo_id)
        print(f'Converged at trafo_id={trafo_id}')
        print(f'Powerflow diverged at trafo_id={trafo_id}')

# Might want to do the same for net.trafo3w!

With the following helper functions:

import pandapower as pp
import pandas as pd

def without_trafos(net):
    n = net.deepcopy()
    n.trafo.in_service = False
    n.trafo3w.in_service = False
    return n

def topological_groups(net):
    return pd.Series([
        for group in pp.topology.connected_components(
            pp.topology.create_nxgraph(net, respect_switches=False)

def select_subnet_below_trafo(net, trafo_id):
    trafo = net.trafo.loc[trafo_id]
    lv_island = set(buses_within_island(net, bus_island(net, trafo.lv_bus)))
    buses = set([trafo.hv_bus]) | lv_island
    new_net = pp.select_subnet(net, buses=buses)
    pp.create_ext_grid(new_net, bus=trafo.hv_bus)
    return new_net

def buses_within_island(net, island_id):
    return net.bus.loc[net.bus.island == island_id]

def bus_island(net, bus_id):
    return net.bus.loc[bus_id].island

To further narrow down the search within one of these subnets that I already know has diverged, I use shortest_path-subsubnets (I guess we need 2-subs here).

lthurner commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience, much appreciated!

Could these two issues

net.line.c_nf_per_km being too high Too large values for net.line.r_ohm_per_km or net.line.x_ohm_per_km

Be tackled by just scaling down line length and looking at convergence?

This issue:

net.trafo.vkr_percent > net.trafo.vk_percent

should not affect convergence, since the real part is capped to the maximum internally. Its still a wrong modeling as you say, so it makes to flag it in the diagnostic.

The nan issue:

A single inf-value will make everything diverge. This could be handled similarly to c_nf_per_km (where an inf-value also will cause divergence)

could maybe be tackled easily by checking for nan in the admittance matrix? This would be an easy approach to flag that there is an nan somewhere - of course it would still be nice to pinpoint the exact elements with nans. This would also be really helpful for short-circuit calculations, where additional parameters are needed (e.g. xdss_pu for net.gen) that are often not available in systems that are made for power flow and lead to nans in the admittance matrix.

A single bad element can cause the entire powerflow to diverge. Some kind of binary-search (testing for convergence) with pp.select_subnet(net, buses=...) could be an interesting approach to locating bad elements.

This is great initiative, it would be very helpful to have something like that. We had a very similar idea some time ago, but as far as I know never implemented it. I think our idea was more to set all buses out of service except the ext_grid, and then setting buses in service starting at the ext_grid: first all buses that are directly connected to the ext_grid, then buses that are one branch away, two branches away etc. And then checking at which point the power flow fails, to find the culprit. Your approach looks very similar to that, although you are looking at the different voltage levels. But what about if there is only one voltage level? Or if you have narrowed it down to one voltage level, but that still consists of >100 buses? Of course with the approach described above, an open question would be how to tackle grid with multiple ext_grids... Do you have an idea how these approaches could be combined?

bergkvist commented 4 years ago

Could these two issues

net.line.c_nf_per_km being too high Too large values for net.line.r_ohm_per_km or net.line.x_ohm_per_km

Be tackled by just scaling down line length and looking at convergence?

This is a good question, but at least for r_ohm and x_ohm - falling below a certain threshold can cause divergence. See the plot below as an example of how scaling length_km both up and down can cause problems:


The white regions on the sides are nan-values due to divergence

It seems like it is generally safe to set c_nf_per_km to a value close to (or equal to) 0. I have yet to see this cause divergence. In fact, just setting c_nf_per_km=0 might be a very reliable check.

In the plot below you can see what happens to loading_percent just before it diverges as c_nf_per_km is scaled up. It changes very little/slowly for a while before just suddenly "blowing up": image

Regions of convergence: scaling r and x

Let's explore what happens if we scale r_ohm_per_km and x_ohm_per_km by different numbers. How does this affect convergence?

cig = nw.cigre_networks.create_cigre_network_hv()
def convergence_test(r_ohm_factor, x_ohm_factor):
    net = cig.deepcopy()
    net.line.r_ohm_per_km *= r_ohm_factor
    net.line.x_ohm_per_km *= x_ohm_factor
        return 1
    except Exception as e:
        return np.nan

x = np.linspace(-12, 5, 10)
y = np.linspace(-3, 2, 10)
z = np.array([[ convergence_test(xi, yi) for xi in x ] for yi in y ])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
cp = ax.contourf(x, y, z)
ax.set_xlabel('line.r_ohm_per_km *= factor')
ax.set_ylabel('line.x_ohm_per_km *= factor')
ax.set_title('Cigre HV: Region of convergence')
plt.plot([0, 0], [y[0], y[-1]], '-k')
plt.plot([x[0], x[-1]], [0, 0], '-k')

Cigre HV

Runtime: 16min 6s Notice the split in the middle! If x_ohm_per_km is below a threshold for this network, it doesn't matter what value we set for r_ohm_per_km, as it will always diverge. image

Cigre MV

Runtime: 8min 10s Notice that the region of convergence is a lot larger. In this first image we can't even see the "hole" around the origin. image

And it turns out we need to zoom in quite a bit to even see it! image

Cigre LV

Runtime: 9min 25s image

And to find the region of divergence around the origin, we now need to zoom around 25x further in compared to Cigre MV! image


vk_percent vs vkr_percent

Turns out vkr_percent doesn't actually need to be larger than vk_percent to cause divergence! image Seems a bit more well behaved than the impedance-ROCs. If this is actually a perfect triangle, then maybe we could predict based on vkr_percent and vk_percent values whether the powerflow will diverge.

EDIT: Zooming out paints a slightly different picture. This was just the tip of an iceberg (or three): image

nan/inf values

Yeah, I think it would be helpful if the exact elements with nan-values could be pinpointed. This shouldn't be too hard to implement either.

bergkvist commented 4 years ago

As for c_nf_per_km, and the effect of scaling the voltage

def convergence_test(vn_kv_factor, c_nf_factor):
    net = cig.deepcopy()
    net.bus.vn_kv *= vn_kv_factor
    net.trafo.vn_hv_kv *= vn_kv_factor
    net.trafo.vn_lv_kv *= vn_kv_factor
    net.shunt.vn_kv *= vn_kv_factor
    net.line.c_nf_per_km *= c_nf_factor
        return 1
    except Exception as e:
        return np.nan



These regions of convergence look surprisingly weird/interesting.

bergkvist commented 4 years ago

Exploring vk_percent and vkr_percent convergence a bit more:

To find the border of the "triangle"-tip of the iceberg with more precision, we can use a binary search:



```py import pandapower as pp import pandapower.networks as nw import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cig = nw.cigre_networks.create_cigre_network_mv() def convergence_test(vk_percent, vkr_percent): net = cig.deepcopy() # Deepcopy is much faster than loading the network again net.trafo.vk_percent = vk_percent net.trafo.vkr_percent = vkr_percent try: pp.runpp(net) return 1 except Exception as e: return np.nan # Binary search to find the limit between convergence and divergence for vkr_percent def find_vkr_percent_limit(vk_percent, vkr_conv, vkr_div, tolerance=1e-3): if abs(vkr_div - vkr_conv) < tolerance: return vkr_conv vkr_test = 0.5 * (vkr_div + vkr_conv) if np.isnan(convergence_test(vk_percent, vkr_test)): return find_vkr_percent_limit(vk_percent, vkr_conv, vkr_test, tolerance) else: return find_vkr_percent_limit(vk_percent, vkr_test, vkr_div, tolerance) # Assuming vkr_percent=0 converges, vk_percent=40 diverges, the limits will be found: vk_percent = np.linspace(0, 50, 151) vkr_percent = np.vectorize(find_vkr_percent_limit)(vk_percent, vkr_conv=0.0, vkr_div=40.0) plt.plot(vk_percent, vkr_percent) ```

Notice that up to some value for vk_percent, 0 <= vkr_percent <= vk_percent will cause converge. But we do actually get divergence here when vkr_percent > vk_percent.

The trailing 0s in the end of the plot means that no solution between 0 and 40 was found.

jurasofish commented 4 years ago

Very nice analysis! Adding some of this to the diagnostic function would be really cool. I'm curious if anyone has anything insightful to say about negative real line impedance? Pretty sure it's not physically possible. Negative reactance would, I suppose, be possible if the buses are close enough to have capacitance between them.

bergkvist commented 4 years ago

@jurasofish Thanks! The 2D-ROC-analysis is quite time consuming - so it might not be feasible to use on large grids. And you'd also need to know "where to look" (which I did using trial and error before finding good bounding-boxes for the ROCs).

For large grids, doing this on islands (or some other type of subgrid) could be an interesting approach.

What would happen in the real world?

Assuming you built a network whose model diverges. After all, it seems like "reality always converges" in some kind of way.


Your lightbulb might be rated for 40W - but that doesn't mean it always consumes 40W in practice. If the grid is not able to deliver enough power to satisfy your neighborhood - the bulb might glow less brightly, consuming less than 40W. "Reality adjusts your p_mw-value down to make itself converge"

I suppose this specific example is already somehow dealt with in pandapower through voltage-dependent loads. I guess once the voltage drops towards 0 in some region, and is not even able to keep the lines/cabled electrified - then this will cause divergence in pandapower. Sort of like trying to model fluid flow in an empty pipe.

An intuition-based overview

Essentially, as every individual parameter is scaled up or down - what is the intuition behind why the equations no longer converge, and how would "reality deal with it?"

parameter if too high, will cause divergence because
net.load.p_mw Network not able to deliver enough power from slack bus to loads
net.line.c_nf_per_km Network not able to charge up all the lines? My understanding of c_nf is that it corresponds to how much electric charge you have in a line.
net.r_ohm_per_km Restricts electron flow such that the network might not able to deliver enough power to the loads
parameter if too low, will cause divergence because
net.line.r_ohm_per_km Numerical instability due to how equations are solved. Would actually be fine in the real world. Can be fixed by using switch instead

I think creating some kind of overview like this as part of the documentation could be really useful.

jurasofish commented 4 years ago

I think rather than the slack bus or network not being able to supply enough power it might be more productive for you to conceptualise things in terms of voltage collapse. This will also help you understand why voltage dependant/constant impedance loads converge better. The slack bus (and the whole network) can always supply enough power - that's it's purpose.

You'd probably find a plots of average/min voltage in the network (pu) and slack bus power generation both versus line x/line r/constant impedance percentage/load size/etc. very informative.

jurasofish commented 4 years ago

Also do you mind me asking what your use case is for pandapower? Sounds like you're doing some interesting stuff.

bergkvist commented 4 years ago

@jurasofish I'm working for/writing my master thesis for Kongsberg Digital on this project: https://www.kongsberg.com/digital/solutions/kognitwingrid

Some of the networks I've been working on has more than 100,000 households/industries connected. (in the future, probably even bigger networks)

Data quality from the grid companies is not perfect - and so being able locate/fix problems in the model is important. The more automated the better.

One of the scenarios we are looking at is how the increased use of electrical cars in the following years will affect the power grid.

jurasofish commented 4 years ago

very nice, my experience is that LV network data is generally very low quality, as they were mostly installed before digital record keeping.

If you're looking at EVs you might want to also look at how their inverters can use reactive power to assist local voltage issues

bergkvist commented 4 years ago

Yeah, the LV data quality is indeed quite a bit worse than HV. Sometimes power transformers will be flipped the wrong way, lines/transformers are missing values. Voltage levels can sometimes also be wrong - and the grid might be partitioned/disconnected.

The data is generally exported in an XML-format (Common Information Model), where you have to follow a ton of references to get what you want. I've gotten pretty good at using pandas merge/concat as a result.

I don't know a lot about inverters (other than that they convert DC to AC, and are used in electrical cars/with solar panels). Do you know of any good articles/learning resources for what you are talking about?

What are you doing yourself related to pandapower?

bergkvist commented 4 years ago

Some more analysis on r_ohm and x_ohm-scaling

It might be interesting to look at the absolute value of the impedance (radius), as well as its angle (theta) - instead of r_ohm and x_ohm directly.

r_ohm_factor = radius * np.cos(theta)
x_ohm_factor = radius * np.sin(theta)

As we noticed earlier, the factor will sometimes need to be very large, or extremely small to make a converging network diverge. Because of this, visualizing this on linear scales is inconvenient. A logarithmic scale might work better.

We can use a logarithmic binary search to find the upper and lower bounds for radius given a value of theta. In the plots below, only positive values for r_ohm and x_ohm are considered (0 <= theta <= pi/2)




Click here to see the code

```py import numpy as np import pandapower as pp import pandapower.networks as nw import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def from_polar(r, th): return r * np.cos(th), r * np.sin(th) @np.vectorize def limit_polar_log_search(test_fn, theta, log_radius_conv, log_radius_div, tolerance=1e-3, max_iterations=50): # Check that radius_conv does not cause divergence if np.isnan(test_fn(*from_polar(np.exp(log_radius_conv), theta))): return np.nan # Check that radius_div does not cause convergence if test_fn(*from_polar(np.exp(log_radius_div), theta)) == 1: return np.nan while (np.abs(log_radius_div - log_radius_conv) > tolerance and max_iterations > 0): max_iterations -= 1 log_radius_test = (log_radius_div + log_radius_conv) / 2 if np.isnan(test_fn(*from_polar(np.exp(log_radius_test), theta))): log_radius_div = log_radius_test else: log_radius_conv = log_radius_test return np.exp(log_radius_conv) cig = nw.cigre_networks.create_cigre_network_hv() def convergence_test(r_ohm_factor, x_ohm_factor): net = cig.deepcopy() # Deepcopy is much faster than loading the network again net.line.r_ohm_per_km *= r_ohm_factor net.line.x_ohm_per_km *= x_ohm_factor try: pp.runpp(net) return 1 except Exception as e: return np.nan theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, 300) radius_upper = limit_polar_log_search(convergence_test, theta, log_radius_conv=0, log_radius_div=50) radius_lower = limit_polar_log_search(convergence_test, theta, log_radius_conv=0, log_radius_div=-50) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(theta, radius_lower) ax.plot(theta, radius_upper) ax.set_xlabel('impedance scaling factor: theta') ax.set_ylabel('impedance scaling factor: radius') ax.set_title('Cigre HV: Upper and lower bounds for convergence') ax.set_yscale('log') ```


bergkvist commented 4 years ago
ext_grid(1pu) <--> bus(10kV) <--> line <--> bus(10kV) <--> load(1MW)

@jurasofish I've been trying to understand voltage collapse a bit more. As I increase c_nf_per_km, and look at the bus-voltages in a 2-bus network, this is what I see:

6000 powerflows/1min 47s


Some more plots ### 12,000 powerflows/3min 34s **vm_pu** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/410028/83344954-e62f8e00-a30d-11ea-9744-32a75e567870.png) **va_degree** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/410028/83345835-a9689480-a317-11ea-99bf-2d4294def005.png)



bergkvist commented 4 years ago

Divergence doesn't neccesarily correspond to voltage collapse!

In the figure below, you can see that the system goes from having two possible solutions, to at some point having exactly one solution, before no solutions exist. The same simple system as in the previous post is used here.

Notice that the maximum power is achieved at vm_pu=0.5.


Divergence is caused by trying to use more power than the maximum power transfer theorem allows. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_power_transfer_theorem

The two solutions simply correspond to the two possible load impedances that yield the same power consumption.

Click here to see the bifurcation diagram code ```py import pandapower as pp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def binary_search(fn, x_ok, x_err, tolerance=1e-6, max_iterations=20): def try_fn(x): try: fn(x) return 1 except: return 0 assert try_fn(x_ok) == 1 assert try_fn(x_err) == 0 while abs(x_err - x_ok) > tolerance and max_iterations > 0: x_guess = (x_ok + x_err) / 2 if try_fn(x_guess) == 0: x_err = x_guess else: x_ok = x_guess max_iterations -= 1 return x_ok def create_network(p_mw): net = pp.create_empty_network() b0, b1 = pp.create_buses(net, nr_buses=2, vn_kv=10) pp.create_ext_grid(net, bus=b0, vm_pu=1) pp.create_line_from_parameters(net, from_bus=b0, to_bus=b1, length_km=1, r_ohm_per_km=1, x_ohm_per_km=0, c_nf_per_km=0, max_i_ka=10) pp.create_load(net, bus=b1, p_mw=p_mw) return net @np.vectorize def find_voltage(p_mw, vm_pu_init): net = create_network(p_mw) try: pp.runpp(net, init_vm_pu=[1, vm_pu_init]) return net.res_bus.iloc[1].vm_pu except: return np.nan # Find the maximum value for p_mw where the network converges p_mw_max = binary_search(lambda p_mw: pp.runpp(create_network(p_mw)), 0, 50) # Show that in there are two different solutions for every converging p_mw p_mw = np.linspace(0, p_mw_max, 50) vm_pu_high = find_voltage(p_mw, vm_pu_init=1) vm_pu_low = find_voltage(p_mw, vm_pu_init=0.1) fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle('Bifurcation diagram (r_ohm=1, x_ohm=0, c_nf=0)') plt.plot(p_mw, vm_pu_high) plt.plot(p_mw, vm_pu_low) plt.xlabel('p_mw') plt.ylabel('vm_pu') plt.legend(['default solution','alternative solution']) plt.grid(True) plt.show() ```

Setting c_nf_per_km to a high value (1e7)

Some things to notice here:


Setting x_ohm = 3 * r_ohm


Purely reactive line impedance


bergkvist commented 3 years ago

Validation that will catch the most typical problems

These are problems that will typically always cause divergence (or have no sensible physical interpretation) if not fulfilled. An exception is the max_i_ka-rule - which will not cause divergence if broken, but cause nan-values for loading_percent on lines in the result.

from pandapower.auxiliary import pandapowerNet
import numpy as np

def assert_valid_network(net: pandapowerNet):

def assert_valid_trafo(net: pandapowerNet):
    assert (net.trafo.hv_bus).isin(net.bus.index).all()
    assert (net.trafo.lv_bus).isin(net.bus.index).all()
    assert (net.trafo.vkr_percent >= 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo.vk_percent > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo.vk_percent >= net.trafo.vkr_percent).all()
    assert (net.trafo.vn_hv_kv > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo.vn_lv_kv > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo.sn_mva > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo.pfe_kw >= 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo.i0_percent >= 0).all()

def assert_valid_trafo3w(net: pandapowerNet):
    assert (net.trafo3w.hv_bus).isin(net.bus.index).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.mv_bus).isin(net.bus.index).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.lv_bus).isin(net.bus.index).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.vn_hv_kv > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.vn_mv_kv > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.vn_lv_kv > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.sn_hv_mva > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.sn_mv_mva > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.sn_lv_mva > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.vk_hv_percent > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.vk_mv_percent > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.vk_lv_percent > 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.vkr_hv_percent >= 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.vkr_mv_percent >= 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.vkr_lv_percent >= 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.vk_hv_percent >= net.trafo3w.vkr_hv_percent).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.vk_mv_percent >= net.trafo3w.vkr_mv_percent).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.vk_lv_percent >= net.trafo3w.vkr_lv_percent).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.pfe_kw >= 0).all()
    assert (net.trafo3w.i0_percent >= 0).all()

def assert_valid_line(net: pandapowerNet):
    assert (net.line.from_bus).isin(net.bus.index).all()
    assert (net.line.to_bus).isin(net.bus.index).all()
    assert (net.line.max_i_ka > 0).all()
    assert (net.line.length_km > 0).all()
    z_per_km = np.sqrt(net.line.r_ohm_per_km**2 + net.line.x_ohm_per_km**2)
    assert (z_per_km < np.inf).all()
    assert (z_per_km > 0).all()
    assert (net.line.c_nf_per_km < np.inf).all()
    assert (net.line.c_nf_per_km >= 0).all()

def assert_valid_load(net: pandapowerNet):
    assert (net.load.bus).isin(net.bus.index).all()
    assert (net.load.const_z_percent + net.load.const_i_percent <= 100).all()

def assert_valid_switch(net: pandapowerNet):
    assert (net.switch.bus).isin(net.bus.index).all()
    assert (net.switch.element[net.switch.et == 'b']).isin(net.bus.index).all()
    assert (net.switch.element[net.switch.et == 'l']).isin(net.line.index).all()
    assert (net.switch.element[net.switch.et == 't']).isin(net.trafo.index).all()
    assert (net.switch.element[net.switch.et == 't3']).isin(net.trafo3w.index).all()

def assert_valid_ext_grid(net: pandapowerNet):
    assert len(net.ext_grid) > 0
    assert (net.ext_grid.bus).isin(net.bus.index).all()

ext_grid placement and maximum power transfer theorem

Lines/impedances constrain the maximum amount of power that can be transferred through based on reference voltage. Depending on where the ext_grid is placed, it might not be possible to deliver all the requested power. This causes the powerflow calculations to diverge.

Based on my current understanding - voltage collapse and the maximum power transfer theorem are closely related. To better understand if voltage collapse is the reason for divergence - a type of continuous power flow solution could be relevant.

Optimistic powerflow that change properties to increase chances of convergence

def optimistic_network(net: pandapowerNet):
    n = net.deepcopy()
    n.line.c_nf_per_km = 0
    n.trafo.pfe_kw = 0
    n.trafo3w.pfe_kw = 0
    n.load.p_mw = 0
    n.load.q_mvar = 0
    n.switch.closed = True
    return n

rbolgaryn commented 3 years ago

Hi @bergkvist ,

thank you for the detailed review of this issue.

When it comes to the maximum power transfer theorem, it doesn't seem very practical to implement in diagnostic. But it is interesting on its own. In diagnostic, the overload is covered by reducing the loads and checking the convergence.

The search for "islands" to identify unconverging sections of the grid can be very useful, especially in larger systems. The checks whether c_nf_per_km and vkr_percent are too high, as well as np.inf and np.nan, would be useful, too. The functions you are proposing also are looking great.

Can you please add those checks in pandapower diagnostic via a pull request? Also, please take a look at the overall structure in the implemented diagnostic module, so that the new checks fit into it.
