e36freak / meat

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"error: 'qt error: no results found for 'qt" when running meat -u #13

Open rbellamy opened 11 years ago

rbellamy commented 11 years ago

This is only happening on one machine that is an older install than my others.

[rbellamy@ur Downloads]$ { BASH_XTRACEFD=99 PS4='+[$LINENO]: ' bash -x "$(type -P meat)" -u 99>&1 >&3- | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us; } 3>&1 Cower is downloading packages... error: 'qt error: no results found for 'qt http://sprunge.us/WaLi

rbellamy commented 11 years ago

Okay... so after looking at the sprunge, I removed the toggle-desktop package, and meat is now behaving itself.

rbellamy commented 11 years ago

Maybe spoke too soon:

[rbellamy@ur default]$ { BASH_XTRACEFD=99 PS4='+[$LINENO]: ' bash -x "$(type -P meat)" -d sflphone 99>&1 >&3- | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us; } 3>&1 Cower is downloading packages... error: cower: error: fopen: No such file or directory http://sprunge.us/ARDK

rbellamy commented 11 years ago

And when running cower by itself with --ddbf, I get the below. The directories for check and log4c do exist and have PKGBUILD+ files.

[rbellamy@ur Downloads]$ cower -ddbf sflphone S sflphone :: sflphone downloaded to /home/rbellamy/Downloads W libzrtpcpp warning: libzrtpcpp is available in extra S log4c :: log4c downloaded to /home/rbellamy/Downloads error: fopen: No such file or directory S check :: check downloaded to /home/rbellamy/Downloads error: fopen: No such file or directory W libyaml warning: libyaml is available in community W celt-0.7 warning: celt-0.7 is available in community W dbus-c++ warning: dbus-c++ is available in extra W gnome-doc-utils warning: gnome-doc-utils is available in extra

rbellamy commented 11 years ago

Alrighty then, spoke with falconindy on #archlinux... gotta use cower-git, which includes support for broken tarballs [1].

[1] https://github.com/falconindy/cower/issues/38