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Run simulation for Bodek Christy #167

Closed jtenavidal closed 2 months ago

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

30M, 20 deg and 150 degrees

2 GeV, get xsec, show to them with angle cut 20 degrees ~5 deg width and 130 degrees

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

Dear Adi I am enclosing my talk for First week of April neutrino short baseline workshop at Santa Fe. This should be clearer then my very rough work in progress Draft paper. If we have GENIE predictions in time, II can include them in the talk. If not, there is DPF meeting in May in which Ziggy will give a talk. One clarification: The universal fit include all 16,000 cross section measurements for electron scattering and photoabsorption, and extracts RL And RT by fitting functional forms to the various components of the cross sections (since we have large range of angles)

The individual. RL and RT require that we have cross section measurements at exactly the same Q2 and nu, at different angles. ( we find close points and bin center to the same Q2 and nu).

However, there are regions of data for which there may be cross sections measurements at a small angle for some Q2 and nu, and other data at large angles, but at a different Q2 and nu which is outside our bins. These are not included In the individual RL RT measurements, but are included in the fit since they contribute to fitting the overall parameters in the functional forms.

       The comparison of the fit to the individual extractions of RL and RT validates that the functional forms which we use have sufficient flexibility to    accommodate all the Data.  So where there are RL and RT individual extractions, the fit can be used.

    Since GENIE predictions for cross sections can cover all  region at two or three angles, we can extract RL and RT from them,
      I do not know if GENIE includes Coulomb corrections,  but they should since they affect the cross section predictions.

Best regards - Arie

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

We didn’t get the draft paper, can you try resending it?

If I can conclude your request:

For 12C and 40Ca you’d like to get the cross section for fixed energy E vs E’ for energies starting between 0.05 GeV and 5 GeV in steps of 0.05 GeV for 10 to 20 degrees and between 145 to 180 degrees

Please let us know if you’ll need anything else, Thank you, adi

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago
jtenavidal commented 4 months ago


python eAScatteringGridSubmitter.py --git-branch master --jobs-topdir /pnfs/genie/scratch/users/jtenavid/GENIE_e4nu_Generations/2024Generation/RosenbluthAnalysis/Carbon/1GeV/ --config-dir /pnfs/genie/persistent/users/jtenavid/e4nu_files/e4nu-config-files/e4nu-GENIE-config --starting-point 4 --total-xsec /pnfs/genie/persistent/users/jtenavid/e4nu_files/GENIE_Files/2024Splines/G18_10a_Dipole_master_eNuclei.xml --tune G18_10a_00_000 --store-comitinfo --ebeam-energy 1 --e-ntotevents 100000000 --e-tgt-list 1000060120 --no-ghep-output --gst-output --submit-jobs --git-location https://github.com/GENIE-MC/Generator.git --git-branch R-3_04_00

Stored /pnfs/genie/persistent/users/jtenavid/RosenbluthAnalysis/G18_10a_master_1000060120_1GeV.gst.root


python eAScatteringGridSubmitter.py --git-branch master --jobs-topdir /pnfs/genie/scratch/users/jtenavid/GENIE_e4nu_Generations/2024Generation/RosenbluthAnalysis/Carbon/SUSA/1GeV/ --config-dir /pnfs/genie/persistent/users/jtenavid/e4nu_files/e4nu-config-files/e4nu-GENIE-config --starting-point 4 --total-xsec /pnfs/genie/persistent/users/jtenavid/e4nu_files/GENIE_Files/2024Splines/GEM21_11a_Dipole_master_eNuclei.xml --tune GEM21_11a_00_000 --store-comitinfo --ebeam-energy 1 --e-ntotevents 100000000 --e-tgt-list 1000060120 --no-ghep-output --gst-output --submit-jobs --git-location https://github.com/GENIE-MC/Generator.git 

RUNNING: 77863707.0@jobsub02.fnal.gov


  python eAScatteringGridSubmitter.py --git-branch master --jobs-topdir /pnfs/genie/scratch/users/jtenavid/GENIE_e4nu_Generations/2024Generation/RosenbluthAnalysis/Carbon/4GeV/ --config-dir /pnfs/genie/persistent/users/jtenavid/e4nu_files/e4nu-config-files/e4nu-GENIE-config --starting-point 4 --total-xsec /pnfs/genie/persistent/users/jtenavid/e4nu_files/GENIE_Files/2024Splines/G18_10a_Dipole_master_eNuclei.xml --tune G18_10a_00_000 --store-comitinfo --ebeam-energy 4 --e-ntotevents 100000000 --e-tgt-list 1000060120 --no-ghep-output --gst-output --submit-jobs --git-location https://github.com/GENIE-MC/Generator.git --git-branch R-3_04_00

RUNNING: 67987408.0@jobsub01.fnal.gov


python eAScatteringGridSubmitter.py --git-branch master --jobs-topdir /pnfs/genie/scratch/users/jtenavid/GENIE_e4nu_Generations/2024Generation/RosenbluthAnalysis/Carbon/SUSA/2GeV/ --config-dir /pnfs/genie/persistent/users/jtenavid/e4nu_files/e4nu-config-files/e4nu-GENIE-config --starting-point 4 --total-xsec /pnfs/genie/persistent/users/jtenavid/e4nu_files/GENIE_Files/2024Splines/GEM21_11a_Dipole_master_eNuclei.xml --tune GEM21_11a_00_000 --store-comitinfo --ebeam-energy 2 --e-ntotevents 100000000 --e-tgt-list 1000060120 --no-ghep-output --gst-output --submit-jobs --git-location https://github.com/GENIE-MC/Generator.git 


jtenavidal commented 4 months ago


jtenavidal commented 3 months ago
jtenavidal commented 3 months ago

We have a spectrometer with very narrow acceptance. So we can measure at the exact angle. However if you need to have a range of angles take as small angular acceptance as you can a still have enough events. If you take within one degree of 10, then calculate the average angle for each value of \nu. If you need wider acceptance to get statistics it will be Ok as long as we know the average angle and average nu for each nu bin. I will send you slides of my talk last Friday at the 2nd short baseline meeting in Santa Fe. I also gave it a few days ago Monday meeting of the Dune cross section uncertainties group.

jtenavidal commented 2 months ago

Rerun with SuSA - change binning - Add proper formatting

jtenavidal commented 2 months ago

Normalize with Cross section . For now I have Nevents/TotalGenerated/Binning

Need to add *XSec/Acceptance

jtenavidal commented 2 months ago

Created a privat repository for this work