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Neutrino talk #175

Closed jtenavidal closed 1 month ago

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

Shape well simulated but ration is off by 20 % - either because of neutron detection efficiency or actual physics

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

neutron detection efficiency is taken from simulation and it has not been measured It could be there is a problem on the simulation caluclation

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

Area normalized to data Say no renormalization

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

Not been measured before - key input 2p2h calculations

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

Semi adv. division btw neutrons and protons

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

Total momentum distributions MC wider ratio similar trends - different normalization. Shape approximately right and normalization wrong

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago


jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

You knock out a pair (Pmiss is the momentum of the initial nucleon) very mixed with FSI and other hadron production

Read paper:

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

Large peak in overlap in DIS


Neutron multiplicity Show only one? It is MC Low detection efficiency for neutrons - not there yet

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

Measuring multiplicity with low efficiency is hard

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

Because we are dominated by DIS, what we measure is how good GENIE does in hadronizing DIS How well does it distribute neutrons and protons - looks quite good

Combination of Hadronization and FSI that GENIE is doing ok

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

DIfferent drop also shows in ratio as a rise

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

very new major theme

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago

Comments from Steve:

Explain HEPMC3

Decide Journal - technical paper.

Reorganize introduction - first section neutrino needs / what we know to electron scattering / how to apply to neutrino

jtenavidal commented 4 months ago


jtenavidal commented 4 months ago